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 Dec 2013 BaileyBuckels
 Dec 2013 BaileyBuckels
do you understand
if you having fun?
it's a rising sun
it's a mam killing
what's that feelin'

crazy horses
easy voices
black moon
...too spoon

i hate myself
and i want to die
Burdensome Love.
It pulls you in
Then eats you up.

You crave it
It haunts you
But you just can't seem to stop.

These feelings come alive
Then swallow you up

Burdensome Love.
The heart soars
Then it drops.
It was the night my hair all came off.
It was the night I never wanted to let go of you.
It was the night that every breath I took took took me farther away from you in time, but closer to you in my heart.
It was the night before the morning that I had to rip myself away from you to go back to an empty city.
The clock ticked silently as I tossed and I turned, unwilling to close my eyes to your face, knowing that once I fell into the comfort of sleep I would immediately be yanked back up - to get dressed, to carry my bags, to leave your warmth, your love, your bed.
I didn't live in the future or the past, I lived in the sea of our love, because that was the present. Throwing my passions and dreams on the floor to be yours, sweeping them back up again like flour, snow dust, magical. Consummating our love over and over and blurring the lines, melting the rules, playing our own game.
Waiting helplessly for you to tell me not to go, though no one knew what to do, what to say, how to feel.
It was the night I couldn’t feel because my light was being turned off.
It was the night my body slipped away, the night we shed our tears, the night we made love with our eyes. One of the nights I fell in love with you.
A picture is NOT worth a thousand words,
Without a thousand word explanation.
Because how can you
SEE the circumstances,
HEAR the conversation,
TOUCH the emotion,
SMELL the time,
TASTE the air,
From a piece of colored paper?
Without a memory of the moment,
When the light was captured,
It's hardly worth the capturing.
It is rare to have your feelings be so greatly impacted
By a single person that you have only begun to know
But you feel like you have known forever
Like two souls have crossed paths in time
But have finally met in person

I fear it but girl I'm falling
I'm swimming in the baby blue of your eyes
Feeling the power of your heartbeat
Held so close to mind
But I still fear the fall
So much that I resist it
Because I've fallen before and the landing hurts
And still hurts me now
As I look into your soul
And know that I can't give you everything
Because it has already been given
But fear is petty in the face of love
So tell me now before you miss your chance
Will you take my hand
And forget the fall
And just dive in together?
I have met someone who is truly great. Someone that takes my mind off the person who I normally write about. And I feel a passion that I haven't felt in a long time.

Also as an update, I have a few works in a planning stage and I have a poem currently being drafted. Hang around and it'll be out soon. Thanks for the support y'all as I'm nearing my 20,000th read!!!
Travel through the universe,   Someday we might,                                         But is it truely a reallistic plight?                                                                         Are we scared,  to what we would find,                                                             But then do we care,   in the back of our mind?                                                Is there really a super being,                                                                                  We could believe just by seeing?                                                                           And does reallity exist out there in space,                                                         Or would we disappear with out a trace?
the midday sun is high
and hot
and oppressive
and i lie back and let it gnaw into my skin
pulling me toward the mercy of jumping
to another space in time
oil slicks of oozing rainbows paint my eyes
and i breathe just breathe
just struggle to breathe
just struggle
just breathe
and my heart races
pushing blood
pushing life
pushing me out of this skin
and into another space in time
and the world has gone black and white with a tinge of aquamarine
and i think i must have wandered into someone else's memory
i don't seem to have been here before and
i don't feel like me and
i remember that i don't ever
feel like me
and i remember that
i am just
someone else's memory
I was trying so hard
to french kiss you
that I think we bumped teeth.

All Sunday my teeth
echoed with the sound of you.
It had a nice bass-line,
but it needed
your sweet voice
to go along with it.

I loved it,
when you said
I had a nice voice, because
I've been waiting a long,
long time, for a chance,
for a duet.
The Trick is to fade into the foreground.
The Trick is to only look stupid.
The Trick is to surprise them with greatness.
The Trick is not to love so much.

The Trick is The Trick is The Trick.



I can say that I don't care,
but we both know
that I'm lying.
Who is the monster
that blocks out the light?
The invader, the enemy -
the gruesome, loathsome blight?

It treads the dark side
without concern or care.
For vindication it burns,
no respect for what is fair.

Caring not whose path it tramples;
leaving behind a trail of horror.
This evil, cursed, unholy beast
lacks a true sense of honour.

To show its triumph by
extinguishing pure, honest feeling.
Who wins by deceit and betrayal
leaving all in its wake reeling.

in the mirror I turn and see
its wretched face staring back at me...
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