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I want to tell her what I believe in
music, love, *** and family
I want to offer my hand, I want to offer my peace, I want to offer something in some other way,
some proof I will be there for her when ever I can even if its in her dreams or standing right beside her  through tragedy and/or peace.
When she gets scared or lonely
I will be standing by her side holding her, comforting her.
She is my passion, my recall to life its self,
most importantly she is taking me on her life journey.
I breathe for her because I stay wondering and wanting
I wonder until my wonder is cut off
because she is my air
I do hear the breeze hiss from her lips
onto mine as if I am in love.
She is my air sign.
  Wondering why I cant sleep at night, it's because she is not by my side.
If I could fly I'd fly by her side from dawn to dusk
just to lay down by her side at night
because all I see is me in her eyes.
I see through her eyes the motionless sea,
Even though this sea rages around me,
I am at peace through the still water I travel,
I am at peace with or without still raging waves,
I am at peace even if I'm shattered and broken.
Me by your side each piece is at
© Keith Lake 11/2013
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
You are the jagged pill I dry swallow
A time released capsule of miniature razor blades
cutting my throat ever so intricately
Like a surgeon with shaking hands  
arrogantly carving your name in my vocal folds
so every weezing breath I breathe makes your sound

You are the Rorschach patterns on my skin
the blackest blues and deepest purples
from the night you forced yourself in
telling me you loved me
that this is how love begins
My body a canvas for the darkest hues
and my white sheets a delicate masterpiece
for your intricate artistry

You are the shards of shattered glass
fallen from the mirror now faced
with one thousand mosaic reflections
of a face I couldn't tell you belonging to whom
Maybe you know her?
They're wedged in my knuckles
as the light reflects off of them
making my hands look like diamonds
as close to perfection as I've ever come
to seeing reflected in any part of me

You are the burning end of a Marlboro Red
a bad habit I took up because you won't leave my head
Thoughts of you pour through me daily like hot lead

You are the last midnight
You are the last cold sweat
You are the last nightmare
You are my last regret
You are dead
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
josh nunn
In my mirror I see a clown,
Juggling his fate upon the hope of entertaining his captivated audience.
Performing circus tricks with a painted smile across his animated visage.

In my mirror I see a soldier,
    Dauntless and Dedicated
To dutifully serving his school.
The soldier never tires,
Never slacks,
Never rests,
Never stops - until his duties are done.

In my mirror I see an explorer,
seeking adventure and freedom from the concrete jungle, whose cement vines bind round the sinews of his heart until he trapped
Trying to break away from:
Oppression, and the Syntheticity of suburbia.

In my mirror I see a ghost.
Dead to the world, yet still cursed to wander its lonely alleys,
In search of liberation from social purgatory.

In my mirror I see a learner,
Clean-shaven and well brushed.
His face well scrubbed though the tell-tale pimple betrays him to adolescence.
The student has no substance...
What you see is what you get,
And what you get is well -
Whatever you want.

In my mirror, late at night,
When all have drifted off to sleep,
I see a boy, who finally takes off his many masks,
And reveals his true identity to the trustworthy mirror (whom he has known long enough to keep his secrets)
He is no longer:
The clown,
Or soldier,
Or explorer,
Or ghost or learner,
He is me.
I have always been the misfit of the bunch
The rebel within the pack
The troublemaker
the round peg in a square hole
the odd man out
the one who sees things differently
I am not fond of rules
I have no respect for a title above my head
You can quote me
Disagree with me
glorify or vilify me
About the only thing you can't do is ignore me
I change things
I push people to their limits.
I say things to make you react
I challenge you to challenge me
All I get is disrespect
All because people don't try to understand what I say.
Instead you think I am ignorant
childish and selfish
All these negative things and not one **** good thing
All because you don't understand me
While some may see me as
"the crazy one"
All I see in myself is a genius because
people who are crazy enough to think they can change or push
people to their limits are the ones who understand what we need to do
to improve this world and if you don't understand or grasp that answer then
the ones who know me think I am inferior to them
think I am not smarter or stronger than them
what they don't understand
The difference between a successful person and a unsuccessful person
is not a lack of strength or knowledge
but a lack of will
the will to create benefit for all and enjoying the process.
I have become my own optimist
If I can't make it through one door then I don't give up
I find another way to another door
I'll make a door out of nothing into something
Something will come no matter how vague it seems
if you focus on this and adopt this definition
Success is yours for the taking
So I ask you one more time
Am I crazy?
I woke up gasping due to the lack of air.
Asphyxiated by the dryness of the rising sun.
Unable to recall slumber nor the sandman's touch.
I stood up to the drowning shades of red, orange, and yellow.
A familiar voice rings in my heart calling from above.
Each step was filled with eagerness to follow.
Stumbling across a windowed door.
a warm light greets my shell of a body.
The wind blew along with the coldness it brings.
With intent to make my body shiver.
I shivered not because of its cruelty.
But that I was reminded of your warmth.

Love that's worth three years time.
Ripping apart pages full of moments.
Left alone to answer lingering questions.
Welcoming pain as if you were coming home.
Forced to stay for a while wallowing the feeling.
Smothering yearnings, loneliness, and miseries.
Remaining memories tend to bleed from deep.
Rendering me down, discouraged, and forlorn.
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
This air has gotten far too thick to breathe.
My lungs can’t bear another deep sigh,
So I’ll hold on tight til this smokey oxygen clears
From my once loved, decaying town.
Selfishness, self interest, self deprecation.
It’s all you or it’s no one.
My atmosphere is everyone else’s lives,
Tangled up in it so much
I start to believe it’s mine.
But it’s not, and I won’t accept contentment.
It has not served me well.
It does not work out fine.
What they bring? It’s not what I need.
A fresh start on a sandy beach,
How cliché, you always were,
But this heavy air is bringing me down.
I’ve memorized every dying face in this ghost town.
Put me on the next plane with you
To that contrived peace of mind.
Your wanderlust inspires; I’ll follow you to unknown.
I’d rather not know where I was going
Or where I’d end up
Then face the faceless narcissists without you.
I guess this is our final dance
Mary Jane.
I'm really leaving this time.
But I couldn't leave without
Breathing you in, just once more.

I want you to know I've cherished
The times. We've danced
The demonic and danced
The divine
And although there's been other women.
It was never as easy as
Loving you.

I remember our first time, Mary J.
It felt electric.
You tickled my senses, soothed
My soul, awakened my mind
And it felt, electric.

You opened my eyes,
And now I'm scared I can't see
Without you.
That I won't sleep without you.
And when I do,
That I'll dream about you.

But this is it, my love
Our final goodbye.
My mind is made up, I'm leaving tonight.
And when I've taken your last breath
You'll know that we danced to your death,
Mary Jane.
No, you're wrong.

Everyone is as beautiful
as they can possibly be

Particularly at lunch
in a laughing restaurant

Everyone is as beautiful
as they can possibly be

And they are moved
by their own beauty

And they shed tears for it
in the back of the taxi home
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