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Sable is lying on top of me digging into me with her claws
This can only mean morning is here as she swipes me with her paw
Get up Daddy- It’s time to go on our walk
That’s what she’d be saying if she could only talk

Misty Grace is watching all of this unfold
She lets Sable do the ***** work if the truth be told
We’re hungry and it’s time to rise and shine
Get up now or we will all be behind

Half asleep I get up and start my day
My two little girls just want me to play
It takes food to quiet them both down
Misty barks; Sable cries-welcome to my world of morning sounds

I grab the leash and call out Misty’s name
It’s time for our walk-every morning is the same
Misty takes the lead as Sable takes up the rear
The three of us walking-our destination is near

I look up to the sky seeing the sunrise with all its beauty
As Misty Grace and Sable take care of their morning duties
God has painted a beautiful sunrise with the stroke of a single brush
As we enjoy it, the three of us realize we are no longer in a rush!
Ode to the martyr
who showed us the way
the path he paved for us
took him to his grave
his will not forgotten
we will not betray
beauties nor beasts
could keep him enslaved**

The martyr needs his death
as much as all the rest
He was a great warrior
who fought beside
his one true king

Then the Gods did decide
that for the greater good
they would take the life of both
so that the people firmly understood

The action of tragedy

it burns up our fear
brings us hope and honor
an unveiled perfect wisdom
born of hubris

To the people who burn for revolution
who seek the warriors of good
know that his sacrifice
is a waking call
to push back against the evil
that took his gallant soul
he now lays as carbon
in the cool soil
the tension boils
When I awake I become miniature;
ant to antelope, arachnid to man.
Creeping spirals, dotted lines, linear
thoughts. Calm I calculate, construe my plan.

Today is bland, grey skies, brown souls; stroll palm
in hand. I clap your smile,you touch my knee.
Contact of eyes, then lips; quivering arm,
blue eyes eclipse. I grow momentary
wings, sit on the stars as butterfly sings.

Midday passes, afternoon sun, boredom
arises. I leave you be, head growing,
you crowned my ego. Vision clouded;

I am Hercules, sovereign power.
Deluded grandeur, I perch on my tower.
Ego vs Id
Waiting for the subway and talking on the phone with her, he asked: pepperoni or cheese? You choose. “Pepperoni would be good,” she said and he hung up. The 7 train arrived, blowing back his hair. The doors opened with a dull beep and he stepped through into the air conditioning.

He sat down in the plastic orange seat, putting his backpack on the floor in between his calves. When he stopped by at their favorite, Franco’s, “Pepperoni or cheese? You choose.” Pe – Cheese would be good, he found himself saying. In a strange act of deviousness, he decided it would be a brilliant joke.

At home, she was disappointed when she saw and went to heat up spinach leftovers. As she opened the microwave door and put in the white ceramic bowl, a great sadness came over him, and he only managed to swallow down a few bites before dropping the profane slice back onto his plate.
a question: leave the word "profane" or get rid of it? Thanks, friends. (:
 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
As simple as your complexity. Diversity of a single form.
Such slender legs able to carry thee across the seven seas.
Strength that shoulders the weight of many through the ages.
Bearing the burden of loved ones.
Finding the happiness of men.
Giving the authority of kings and queens.
Punishing the followers of the devil.
And providing rest for the weak.
Many are your good deeds,
yet no one thinks of your existence.
Simplicity is beautiful. Like the thing you are sitting on.
PS: this is a poem for the chair.

Feb, 14, 2014
My father once told me
"In life, you either sink or swim."

     I wasn't expecting the water to be so deep.
So I keep treading and holding my breath; Waiting to be pulled under by all the promises I never kept.
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