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Ayn Feb 2021
False whispers
Sounding alarms,
Poisoning the will;
Drowning the ill.

Pulling you down
Just to push you up,
And burrow inside you,
To be a viciously vicarious
Vile remnant
Of whats long gone.
Ayn Mar 2022
I call for the moon,
Welcoming its gaze.
It’s gentle, cold beams
Render my skin blue,
And bring light to my being.
Ayn Mar 2022
I say good morning once more,
Your feeble pleas fall silent
As i exit the door.
Ayn Jan 2021
Fluorescent shadows
Quake on the concrete.
Like autumn leaves
In a solitary plain,
The ****** and disappear.

Shadows of men I don’t see,
I guess they’ll always be there,
Haunting me.
Ayn Apr 2021
Within shining walls,
He lies on opulence.
If only time was kind enough
To let him lie forever.

In the end,
He has to stand.
In the end,
Time beckons forgetfulness.
There’s a bit of a double entente in this poem. It came in naturally at first, but I probably forced it in at the end. The riches suggested by opulence are riches of the mind, otherwise known as knowledge. That’s why the last line is what it is.
Ayn Sep 2020
Summoned stars
Shining in a frigid world.
They’re so cold
So lay your hands on me;
I’ll feel alive.
Ayn Sep 2020
Striking the light
With a force to bail the seas;
A mentality built to burn,
with the season’s cyclic turn.

A hammer on ice,
Frigid metal burning snow.
Snapping of tension,
The southern winds blow.
By southern winds, i mean winds going north from the south. I live in the northern hemisphere, so that means warm wind.
Ayn Feb 2021
Hold the rain;
Follow the fall,
Catch it before the splash.

Little umbrellas
Are all I have
Lay upon the grass
And feel the silencing grasp.

Live vicariously
Through my rain;
Through my pain.
Ayn Jan 2020
Life chained me down with roses.
Gave me a forsaken heart attack,
Let my poisoned blood seep out.
And I watched it all fade to black...

Spinning round and round
For this endless eternity
On this infernally angelic
Carousel of bloodlust and agony.
Inspired by a song called “Bad Apple!!” (idk the original artist)

Ayn Feb 2021
Your silent hypocrisy;
A now faded memory.

Wishing for well
With directions to hell,
Purifying me
With oil and flame.

We weren’t meant to be,
Yet you still reside, now tame.

It’s only a matter of time
Before you rise from the grime.
The more I become less myself, the more it splits away from me, and teaches me all of the wrong ways to cope, under a ruse of helping me. It is too unlike me to be inside of me, yet it is there.
Ayn Dec 2020
Life makes us bitter,
But with wings a flutter,
We soar.

Above the teardrops
Sitting like morning dew
In the naked eyes
Of our beholder;
We stay afloat,
And delightfully aglow.
Ayn Nov 2021
As the somniferous air sets in
Like an ocean of sea glass;
The flowing tide echoing through my mind.

A dream of newfound waters
Surfacing like a long lost memory,
Calling forth from the autumn breeze.

Like gemstones in the rain,
I’m free to bleed out the colors.
The desire to leave an empty shell
Overpowered by a desire for vitality.
Ayn Jul 2020
How many more times
Will I die
Before I find life
In its scarcest places?
Ayn May 2020
Swirling drops of screeching chalk
Memories left untouched.
Life unwound,
And a life better left in the ground.
Too many emotions to write, so I’m taking a break for a while.
Ayn Feb 2022
Your faith in me
Scared off what’s left.
I thought I was free.
But you’re still a burden i heft.

You can never see this mess,
For I’ll hide it until the end.
Ill never be any less
Until my soul begins to blend.
Ayn Mar 2022
Manic streams of sunlight fall,
Devouring the darkness below.
From one insanity to another,
A cover up for what’s lost.

You hide the truth inside the dream,
Yet you cover it up once found.
You fear the truth;
The endless pain
Because you can’t except it’s gone.

Why keep running, little one?
Your simple fun has just begun.
Ayn Dec 2020
The gentle surf slides onto shore,
It’s indefinite curve lightly tumbling.
A scene like a feathery leaf,
Drifting towards the autumn ground.

A deafening calm,
Where nature effortlessly prevails.
Pervading the unsure landing,
And giving it strength once more.
Within the boundaries of earth
Lies a boundless expanse of life.
Ayn Jan 2022
Echoes permeate the muffled air,
Bringing the song of life
To this old barren landscape.

Ripples in the water
Beckoning the snowfall,
Like the call of death
To an unsuspecting passerby.
Ayn Nov 2020
Liquid emotion;
pervading us all.
Lying prevalent
Within our darkest minds,
Sits our coup d'etat;
Ready to overthrow
At the flick of a hair.

The tick of time,
The weight of a scale;
Inconsequential losses
Remaining inside
The tumultuous plane
Of organic existence.
Why am I crying?
Don’t ask me.
Christ this is a pain,
Poetry is my only outlet.

I just can’t stand venting. So unlike an irishman’s drink, my emotions stay in the bottle.
Ayn Nov 2021
The last streams of daylight fade away,
Like the frail afterimage
Of melancholic memories;
Drifting quietly like seaglass,
Submerged in an unfamiliar world.
I got nothing to add to this, so imagery is what it all is i guess.
Ayn Apr 2020
The persistence
Of silence
A web of individuality.
Ayn Feb 2022
Like a flicker of wind,
Sparking against my skin;
The moonlight fades
And she is gone once again.
Ayn Jan 2021
The permeation of my shadow
Beckons a new dawn
Upon the moonlight
Which shrouds my soul.

But it’s only in the day,
That I can clearly see
The dripping carnage,
Which was once me.
Ayn Feb 2022
Even in the dark, comets still fly
Like a radiant moth called to flame.
Hidden among lost and frozen stars,
Acceptance lay still and forgotten;
A consistent game of stagnation,
Until the hunter found the fountain;
Until you found me.
This poem is my feelings of a while bundled up into one poem. A lot has happened since I last posted and only now am I in the mood to write, now that it’s all almost over. Each line has 9 syllables, until the last line breaks the pattern.
Ayn Nov 2020
Scattered across countless blades,
Sliding over the glinting steel.
All I can see is my touch and feel,
But what lies between these
I cannot take as real.
Ayn Jul 2020
As a paper gets torn
Fragments are created
Only to be lost from sight

And from mind.

As ink brands a paper, art,
A tear brands a paper,
As nothing more than a lost fragment
Ayn Dec 2021
A silent echo;
An internalization.
We come to reason.

Though reasons are lies;
A guise among the many.
Don’t hide your treason.
Ayn Oct 2020
Sliding through
a mountain of confusion;
My ghastly body shattering
the weakened illusion.

Crow’s feathers fall in reams...
This world really is
As sad as it seems.
Ayn Jan 2022
Crawling through the wastes,
I wish for the flame.
To fly above the rest
To have nothing but a name.
My hope and interest
have kept this dream alive
And allow me to thrive
Even in these darkest moments.
Fire is purifying and equivocal.
Ayn Aug 2020
Leave me for the worms,
Run, or let me run.
I don’t care what you do.
I’ll only hurt you
By being here,
So you should just hurt me,
And save yourself
From a corrupt heart.
Ayn Jan 2022
The melancholic melody
Brings forth the voices
Of the long lost autumn leaves.

Whispering among the winds,
Elegantly threaded echoes
Resonate with the depths of my being.

Shaken at the roots
Yet strengthened at my core,
I feel my freedom return once more.

With all our shadows comes the light,
Casting rays around,
Fueling our ever blissful delight.
A wonderful time we all once knew,
But, even then,
We never held our promises true.
Ayn Jan 2022
Lightly gazing off into space,
Listening to the gilded stars
When the streetlamps turn to starlight.
And the dusted sky lights aflame.
Ayn Mar 2021
As the gloomish clouds
Silently weep,
The world darkens
And we fall towards sleep.
Ayn Jan 2021
The thunder of gods
Hitting like a stone,
Yet fragmenting
Like hollow glass;
An insufferable impact
Followed by a spectral radiance
Of the refractive prisms
Which now litter
Our wandering minds.
Inspired by “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC (the first line is my mishearing of the song, and all the inspiration) the second line inspired by “IMN” by Mudvayne. The rest is original to me.
Ayn Dec 2020
Insensible schisms
Within the chasms
Of a fractured mind.

Spiraling spectral light
Reflecting off the broken pieces,
which lie scattered,
Hovering in an everlasting stasis.

Eternal connection lies in myth,
And such fragments I view with mirth.
A broken mind calls my name,
After following the void of my birth.
Ayn Mar 2022
Nothing helps anymore.
I feel it every night.
When will this hell end?
How can I make these feelings stop?
I’m afraid to tell anyone what’s happening because I’ll make them extremely worried. But I don’t even know if I’m able to save myself from this anymore, so I need to say something to someone. I just don’t know how much time I have left. Depending on what I do today it’s either really soon or a couple months to a year away.
Ayn Jun 2022
As the final wisps of daylight fade
Your eyes become so clear
And the dimly burning streetlights
Become the silent starlight,
Lighting our lover’s path dear.
Ayn Feb 2021
Decompression overwhelms
Concrete mentalities,
Shattering them
Like false glass.

Heavy is the head
That dawns the crown;
An anchor of lead,
Pulling us down.
Using greek letters i can make interesting things, take the uppercase lambda for example: ΛIDΛN cool i guess.
Ayn Jan 2021
Cleaving through the stilling silence,
Like an ocean’s crushing roar.
The dulling gray sky
Becomes a lightless void
With a scream of defiance,
Splitting the essence of noise.

Left with a silence so warm,
But it’s just the calm before the storm.
Ayn Jun 2022
A silent echo,

Your warm words

Even a welcome change
can become difficult.
Ayn Nov 2020
Let time flow as it does
And embrace my icy hands.
We’ll continue this walk together,
Because even I am not immune
To the coldly lonesome weather.
Before anyone thinks it, I’ll say this: “it’s not towards you.” Why has it come to the point where I actually have to say this? Just me having fun with words.
Ayn Dec 2020
And visceral;
My heartbeat rages on.

A sleepless night ahead
With no rhyme nor reason
To back my nervous season.
Ugh this is gonna ****! Welp whatever. Might as well make use of it. Time to be the old me ****!
Ayn Aug 2020
Maybe if I become the bird
To break the egg;
The world,

I’ll shatter the ice locking
My heart in place.

Throwing off these chains
Of human connection,
And hatching into a dove.
Ayn Nov 2020
Dragging beyond minds.
To receive the soul’s signature;
An inken mark of individuality.
Ink to paper, fire to ice,
The continuity of the duality.
Ayn Oct 2020
Flowers mill about
The field of conceited sunlight.

For pleasure?
For knowledge?
Ayn Dec 2020
As life draws its thinning line,
A darkness falls behind closed doors.
A creation of which mankind abhors,
Destroyed through the course
Of our destructive mental wars.
Ayn Oct 2021
The solitude of the cliffside,
nothing but a sharpened breeze
to comfort the wayfaring soul.
The din of crashing waves
drawing forth a sense of exhaustion.

Thinly layered, I look out from above the precipice.
The biting air just another fact of life.
Looking upwards, the sky uses the clouds as a vest;
a warmth I currently desire,
however exhaustion closes in and I lay down to rest.
Ayn Jul 2021
Through the mist
A quiet voice echoes;
A booming announcement,
Following a silent predicament.

Calling upon the dormant engine,
Remembrance has arrived.
Ayn Jul 2021
The twilight mist veils the world
As the graceful stars
Turn to faltering street lamps.

A constricted world,
Nothing lies beyond
My dwindling vision.

Are you happy
Now that the bird is caged?
Ayn Jan 2022
To be silenced
Is to be freed.
My tongue is far too vile,
Spitting toxins and vile
Into the minds of others.

Preying on the weak,
The merciful,
And the dutiful.
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