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Nov 2010 · 681
Wide Away Now....
Ayeshah Nov 2010
Baby hold onto me...

Can you feel me breathing...
in your scent
as our bodies collide
smashing together
like waves hitting the sand.

Can you hear my whimpers
as you
slowly & deeply
the very core of my essence.

I unfold like blooming flowers,
as you succumb to desire
caused by my teasing you....

Months on end I flirted
and teased wearing
mini skirts,
thigh high stocking
with lacy garter belts
playing the role
of sensual seductress
all the wile gearing up
to be more
then your temptress...

I want to cossume your body
and fill your thoughts
of the sweet pleasure
I've given you.

Tasting me on you is
a fixation
that sticks in my head
as I lay awake
at night thinking
of how
you've caressed
me with your lips

and tickled me with
your fingers
as you strummed
my budding rose.

I got this fantasy
I'd like to try with you,
how about you
let me tie you up to my bed
and tease you,

kissing your growing shaft
as I flick my tongue  
over the head
and slid my mouth
around the base of you...
You can only move your hips
no touching
just let me do this........

Can you let me untie you
and bring you to the shower,
I'll wrap the strings right around
my wrist you helping too,
spreading me eagle
in a stand up positions
then roughly you enter,
deep strokes  after strokes
yet I am now the one
who can't touch you...

Lift me up and push in deeper,
hurt me love me
as I let out little screams

& whimpers of pleasure.
I cry out again & again
as you shove yourself
in so deep,
I feel alive yet I'm floating.....

I have yet to touch earth again
and your starting back up,
working your mouth around me, in me
and  my budding rose,

tongues dancing in and out of me,
I can't breath,

my mind follows my body
as I reach new heights...

Stars burst in the back of my eyes,
I feel again and again like I'm floating,

swimming in ecstasy......

To got **** bad

was only a dream


how things once used to be!
I'm laying here wide away

Always me Ayeshah
All rights reserved.
Nov 2010 · 844
Ayeshah Nov 2010
is allowed for I can no longer smile
the sadness away from my heart!

It's a regret I share with you even
if you never speak of us

or think of me anymore...

Well I know deep down you do
and as she sweet  talks you
makes you laugh for a time
its still I (me) on your mind.

Little pleasure of you getting over me  

is  of her  taking my place & sharing

in what once was  my everything ...

If that's the case well Baby the same goes both ways...

In my mind  I'll always  be his (your) lady.

Listening to these words

by Heather Headly

has me once again thinking of you
and wondering~

If you dream of me?

The way we felt together
how you'd work out with me~

doing splits and playing like little kids.

I miss that part
of US
but then my mind turns once more
to the suffering
we both caused...

Pushed hard against walls, slapped,scratching,biting, kicks and punched!

Arguments and accusations reminds me of the times

we made love and ****** so violently, passionately, deeply....

Our breaths the only sound in the room

I cry tears of regret, pain,pleasure,lust and love.

How did I loose my way and let myself become
your SLAVE???

Baby born outta lies,
Feb 2011,

times changing these feeling
I can now understand what I thought never to forgive,

you too have been hurt, abused and misused...

Words cutting you like a knife...

Wrongs done may never make right,
now your singing her the songs you once sang & made for me.

The "marriage vows" which was supposed to be ours comes outta your mouth whispered softly in your head to her!!!

Someone who can never love you like I do,
has & still would of.

My sufferance, my sacrifices, my hurtful kind heart
can't take anymore

Your what I crave yet I know I have to,
I must stay away.

I can never allow us to be again

after the pain and lies you said not only
about me
but about your own flesh & blood...

The seeds been sowed and I'm about to give birth!

Never would I'd of thought after begging me to
breed and give life for you,
you'd walk away

Never to look back or think of us me nor your SON.

But it's for the best,

least I keep telling my self that.

I no longer lie to myself and say:
I don't want you,
I don't crave or need you,
I can do this on my own

But I know as surely as I breath
we could of made it work
least he'd never  of been born outta lies,

then again the fighting
the mistrust
screaming & arguing,

sthe ****** pain and pleasures

of US.

Now I close my eyes and shed
tear after tear  
while listening to Jamie Foxx's
"Wedding VOWS' song...
The one you practiced
& sung just for me,
to me

With tears in your own lovely eyes...

My GOD  this is so hard ...

Suffering for you and letting go,

the memories haunt & hunt me
while awake or while asleep.

Last night I listen to nothing but Luther Vandross.

(Our songs & our favorite This House Is Not  A Home)

O' It took every fiber of my being

not to break down and call you....

Why am I feeling like this for you
when we both know it'll never work?

It hardly did before....

No I don't want you NO more,

I rather tell myself this over and over again

until I start to someday believe it's true.

I'm sure you already feel this way since

it took you less than 3 months to get over me & ya seed
cuz you ask her to marry you.

Haa haa  ha  it took

less then 3 weeks to ******* replace me,

I rather allow this bitterness
to seep in

instead of remember

my daily~    love for you

my~   dying need to be with you....



Always me Ayeshah
All rights reserved.
Sep 2010 · 952
FEB 2011
Ayeshah Sep 2010
Currently I'm locked up, in this stupid hospital, baby on the way and no father in sight.

Sadly its my fault & my fate, love didn't love me, love beat and misjudge me, now thou I had time to think.

Reflect and it's come to the conclusions that we maybe wasn't meant to be.

God how his touch sent me raven mad...

How his kisses drove me to loose myself, his arms strong & tight around me hugging squeezing and caressing me. his  lustful ****** hurting yet I'd beg for more,

his legs entwined with mines and our lips locked while tongues fought to be the main concubine!

Friendship then lovers, lovers becoming boyfriend & girlfriend, then we planned to walk down the aisle. Man & wife!

Trusting in disbelief. until the lies seemed so real...

Until the mornings mingled with night...

Until my body cried out for  peace...

******* release even when I didn't want him to-  he'd plead & take what was now not given.

Hurting from black & blue eyes that never cry,
not anymore.....

God how his touch sent me raven mad... (running  fast  when I could)

How his kisses drove me to loose myself-RESPECT,

his arms strong & tight around me hugging squeezing


caressing me in to submission .

His  lustful ****** hurting- I'd beg him to STOP...

His legs entwined with mines and he wresltes me to the bed...

Our lips locked,

I'd try to bite-  while we fought...

Currently I'm locked up,    in this stupid hospital,

baby on the way and no father in sight.

Have to be here until I give birth....

My love (for him)  was my undoing.....

My curse is siting here staring at these walls....

I'd rather he mistreated me all over again....  Cuz I still sadly love him  

(yet again I now know better)

Love hurt me, mistreated me & used me....

Misjudge me......

Love abused me and took all my will away ....

Left in it's wake-

A Baby's on  HIS  way!

(I don't believe in "love" anymore)

Feb 2011
Always me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Sep 2010
They say the heart doesn't lie
you've lied to your own heart,

As you put me aside
leaving off our friendship,

trust and love we once had,

I lost a lot but gained much more,

without you it's hard to be me anymore.

My best friend couldn't do what your doing to me now,
so enemies we must be.

Guess I'm getting what I deserved.

I wish things could began to change between us,
maybe someday
but right now
I feel a hole so wide in my chest .

I feel empty witout you and my worlds
smashing down around me,
the walls
I built up
You knocked down and my defenses are left bare in wake of this
you brought about betwen us.

I'm miles away yet you remain in my thoughts and in my heart.
I'm sorry wont help and now your not even listening to my pleas of forgiveness
so with a bent head and sad heart
I say good bye dear friend of mines.
(time an'

To Christopher Cartwright

I'll always be here even if we never speak again
I am your far away friend and wish we'd of worked out the BS that caused
our friend to end! thanks for everything & your welcome too for everything!

"time can't heal these infected wounds until our friendship is
anew again
which wont happen without forgiveness"
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Sep 2010 · 500
Ayeshah Sep 2010
Was dreaming that you'd come find me,
rescue me,
saving me from my self,

I wrapped the wire tight but it wasn't sturdy enough,

I tried drowning that time you seem to help,

I cut my wrist but they sewed me up.
I ate poison & got my stomach pumped out.

i tried one more time, hanging by a thread,
it ******* broke,

I then tried to love you and care for,
I also tried to devote my life to yours,

giving up my self esteem & letting you mold me.

I tried to make my imperfections less visible & tried to cover of my blemish's & flaw with concealment's & smiles.

I laughed when all I wanted to do was cry.

Was dreaming that you'd come find me,

rescue me,

saving me from myself

In the end...

Your love killed me,

I found out too late that

I never needed saving from myself

I needed saving from the thing

you claimed to do to me................

Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Aug 2010
Did I **** him?

I minus well since

I broke his heart....

He broke mines too,

shattered it and jumped on it,

threw it to his wolves

laughing all the wile!

Silly  games

I never wanted to play.

Did I hurt him?

I think its the other way around,
he's taken me off everything

acting like I never existed ,

like what we created never meant a thing,

how funny he's replaced me

but for me he's haunting

my every dream,

Confusions like nightmares

and sadly I feel numb.

so painful is this burden

crushing on inside of me,

to him it's a game where no one's a winner,

he's happy i think or else

he'd do something to fix US!

I blame me more then I blame him

but blame him I do,

it takes two and it was me & you

it's just me and your seed.

Easy for him to walk away

but funny before I left


we created beauty in the name

of our child,


he wont ever see or claim...

Well not now,

not when he's playing hard to get back

and harder to have kept

he lets others speak for him and plays
games with my head,

I aint scared

not for myself

but I cry as I laugh cuz he's only fooling

& lately been hurting


Did I **** him, hurt him, maimed his pride???

What does your words really mean-  if you can let it
all fall

without a thought or a care?

If he was hurting like me, if i saw a spark in his eye,

I'd consider
more then this;






(wonde­ring Did I hurt him by killing our beautiful love? - I'll never know!)
©1977-present Ayeshah(A.K.K.C.L.N) All rights reserved.
Aug 2010 · 596
HAD TO...................
Ayeshah Aug 2010
He wasn't real, He would never be....

Kings are born & never made,

fake flowery words swelled & danced in my head.

I let go to soon & too early but least I finally let go.

He's not real,

He'll hurt me again & again

forgetting birthday's as well as anniversary's,

He'll make a bad daddy/father

for our baby.

So I had to let go.

Had to loose faith & give up hope


Kings are born & neever made!

I believed in someone

who wasn't anything he'd

given his word to being ....

(don't  let someone tell you what they are

when showing you is the easiest & best answer your gonna get!)

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Aug 2010 · 692
Ayeshah Aug 2010



















(I'd go through he in back with him & for him but reality is he wouldn't for me so i have to leave him alone.  sweet lil lair)

Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Jul 2010 · 811
No Regrets
Ayeshah Jul 2010
excuse me-
just what do you think your doing?
barging in on my life,

causing a ruckus after so long now
it's was fun

while it lasted but your my past
I know you know better then
to try and relive what can never be again...

You love who

um hell naw
not me,

I once was blind
baby I see clear through
fake persona
to the
little devil who'll use
what ever he can
to try and become my man,
had ya chance
you ******* blew it,
don't  keep emailing or texting me
I want nothing to do with you
how sad
when I wanted you
It was you
playing hard to get
not so much
to get
just so **** hard
to hold on to,

I left that part of my life,
left the bitterness and pain too,
your words never hurt
as much
your actions-
caused me to
wanna die,
**** you too
what then
of the seed you planted in me,
now as
months,months and months go by
I laugh at my stupidity
for thinking everything
you said
you meant....

save it for someone who
gives a flying ****
I guess you can say through it
all and after all this time
my feeling & self
have changed
feeling regret and hate
for the careless
way you tossed me away
tossed my words back at me
choose to
play  games on me

begging me to let you back in
You had me thinking
we could of been more
then just friends
more then anything
we could of been a

sadly so
cuz I no longer have
those feelings
I just pity the useless
way you drag on begging
and running after

something that

Not again
not after all the **** you did
not after all the pain you caused
never after all the loss
I went through.

Sorry didn't do
so save it for her
she finally got what she wanted
I'm happy for her
cuz least it aint me any longer &
I no
longer worry hurt or even miss you.

bothering me
Stop lying to your self
Strop trying to make me feel
that wont ever
be there again.

for the weak minds
listen to your

again huh


your right

outta here

haa haa haa



We said

No Regrets

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Jul 2010 · 707
Lustrous Lovers
Ayeshah Jul 2010
he said theres

nothing that feels as good as being in my arms

nothing that could take my place as he rocked me gentle

while we consummated the beginning of us-

silky smooth

skin to skin-

laughter fills this room as we play our lovers game,

soulfully i cried out a time or two yet i held my ground as he filled me

lustful bodies dance in the darkness

hands entwined as we melt together

silhouettes transforming single shadows into one

the worlds topsy turvie


as i float beyond cloud nine over &ove;; we fulfilled our bound bringing us closer

Ohh ooo umm uhhh mmmmm

so close

I felt his tears his heart beats in tune with my own

our breathing becomes rapid

while motions increase to an unheard tune only us lovers can hear

He pushes deep i open wider moving just the same dancing faster as we switch positions

front to back side to side riding harder
fast slowing to catch my breath slowing

as our ****** causes an eruption this wasn't supposed to happen & now that it has

I crave him constantly

I can still taste him ,

smell & feel him......

we're more then friends,
more then
just dating one another

we have a bound unlike any other & right now

I'm content with us being together........

Call us what you want but trust me when

I tell you we're so much more than

Lustrous Lovers
Copyright © Ayeshah
K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Jul 2010 · 735
Ayeshah Jul 2010
this ain't love,

you've tortured my feeling

played on my ever needing lust,

consummated my need

as you relished in

my soulful screaming desire.

Release me tormentor

let me become free

of your wicked deeds

and your wicked ways,

how is this possible

after so long

you've come around

and i melt,

I melt

again & again

becoming this

unrecognizable person...

Longing to be in

your embrace

to feel the torture

start over again

to become victim to your

skillful ways

as you once more

maimed me and tame me ,


agaain  is what i once said

But lately

I can't think right I got this need

This greed

Feeding and fueling me..

I don't like where I'm going  

with these thoughts....

Don't like these unwelcoming desires

you've stirred with in me once more...

Bleeding loves


lustful lovers

never again is a myth

Cuz I see where I want to be

even if I already know

your no good for me!

This  Ain't  LOVE!

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Jul 2010 · 3.1k
Magnolia's & Black Roses.
Ayeshah Jul 2010
Magnolia's and black Roses
comfort me,
I lay awake as you
breath low lower- fading-

wondering how
I've let you get into
my thoughts & now
once more into my bed...

I've come awake at the
touch of
your hand,
roughly you've penetrated
the core of my being...

softly a breeze stirs
from my cracked window
and the smell
waffled with your scent
lingers in this bedroom,

Black roses & sweet magnolia's...

I looked over your body too many times

Your eyelashes
I've counted each curly
one a million times,

those high check bones
I've touched & caressed until my hands went numb.

You never move and I hardly breath
thinking it's not right but Ok-
Oh how you danced
with in my Vally of seduction
become intoxicated  
as you dranked in my nectar- honeycomb.

I wanted you- I wanted this moment ,
I did want to love you and
in a lot of ways I do but
laying here now as I stare at your form

lifeless on my bed I feel it wasn't
just your misleading
pain & your lying games
that brought me to the breaking point...

It was the man
I finally saw who told me once..,

I am worth more!

tears of freedom
streams down my face as
I lay here watching you,

watching the slight breeze from
my cracked window shifts
the thousands of petals all around
you & all
I can do is cry with
simple smile on my face.

My rooms filled with the smell
of you
Magnolia's & Black Roses.

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Jul 2010 · 512
Some One Else!!!
Ayeshah Jul 2010
Petal kisses
                                                     trailed my body
                       once upon a time
             ­    I felt you come into me

                            as I cried out and you held  me

                                         I spoke of joy,
                             cried again
                                                         yelled out for-  you            

                                       And once more
                        because of the the  pain,

                                      I lost
                                       loved and
                            gave up too soon,          
                                         what to do
                       when too many times          

                      you've been my man
                         even as
                I pushed you so far away-
                         it was harder & harder
                            to come back,
                                      whats left

                     all you do is give me "you"        
                           ­                 and

                      I give half of me
                           I'm scared
                             ­     worried and
                            don't want to

                           be here

              don't like living this way

                               yet I stay right in your arms

                                again& again
                            I wont fail again

                         wont fall anymore
                                        then again
                              I already did,          

                          sinking low      

                       so low
                                        I find myself                
                          to you for a life line
                     ­                    a life time of happiness is mines

                I'd take that leap with you          
                  a leap of faith

                   is all your asking          
                                   ­    but
                       I can't commit
            in all honesty
       I belong to him
                    (someone else)

                                      Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
                           Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
                                                All right reserved
Ayeshah Jul 2010
Ohhh my  racing mind, closing my eyes,
head spinning
as I turn  with arms out
in a circle....
breath catching in my throat

Craving, jonesin-  feverishly needing... time to think
re-invent myself- -  re-invent my life
my desire for the unknowing ,

I need to escape this burden
this un-holy god forsaking feeling of misery...
love came to fast and now I can't let it go,

can't gain control but yet

I've lost nothing, and some how I
'm loosing everything.

thinking wondering, watching as time flies
and I remain a figment of what
we could be could of been...  

us, you, me, we

I am learning--

learning to love anew again
without the falsehoods caused
by my own doubts and pains,

Your guessing what I mean as
I wrote and still write
in my mind
I guess you'll never
the mind
of madness!

I love you!
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Jun 2010 · 541
One Day One Step!
Ayeshah Jun 2010
I don't know if your
good for me,
I don't even know yet
if I want this or not.

I been feeling mixed up...
Been thinking too- what "if"
I'm making the wrong
choice in choosing you?

How can I risk
oh so much with you?

Is it right for me to want this- yet
I know in some ways

I got feelings that scream
but other beg me not to,

yet when
I see you, hold you and feel you
I lose all my thought process.

I look for the impossible in you
or so it seems to me.

Give up or stay- work this out
or let you go your own way?  

I don't know what I'm pose to do
but I do know that at this point in time

I'll be taking us

one second,

one minute, one hour,

one day & one step at a time!

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
May 2010 · 1.4k
Watch Time Flys By!
Ayeshah May 2010
I counted  the clock
as I watched the small hand slowly tick by

I stared off into space
as I watched the weather change from sunny to Grey-
blurring my vision as my mind drifted away...

Something in the air told me to be still-  listen & wait

but if I'd of known on this day
you'd do the unthinkable so intangibly-
I well I don't know what I'd of done....

I haven't eaten since you left
I hardly slept since I found you gone...

Hard to think as I sit at my dinning table
watching out my bay window as children laugh & play.

I heard a dog bark and watched a girl playing with her hula-hoop

I sit as tears run down my face thinking are you eating are you safe?

Why now would you think to leave
when everything you wanted
is right in front of you?

Is that person you ran to worth
the pain your causing me?

What can you be thinking ?

As I sit hear with my elbows on this table,
head bent low & my hands in my hair.

I hear a knock & my heart skips a beat, butterflies flutter in the pit of my stomach...

That lil girl with her hula-hoop tapped my window and smiles (I thought it was you)

I smile right back but all  I see is you- in my mind
I see you with your tiny hands, your wrapped in blankets,
leaves of many colors  fall down from above as we sat in  Elizabeth Park
me reading  Winnie The Pooh  to you.

You at about 2- running with your very first kite  
saying looky momma look "it fly'ing"...

As you ran you tripped stubbled & fell  sadly your kite flew away...
I chases it but I couldn't reach it in time....
You look up with tears & it breaks my heart I didn't catch your kite
so I cry too and you say to me momma it OK.

I see in my mind you  at 4 laughing with your sister - you both hold hand
twirling round & round in circles   until you fall down giggling all the while.

I wonder where is that smile of yours now?

Where's the laughter & feelings you had way back then?

My tears are overflow- spilling on this dinning table...

I look up and watch
the tiny red hand on the clock tick, tick, tick on by,
it's the only sound in my house.

Your sisters outside playing with their friends
as  I sit watching out the window& all I see is the many blended
children whom now look all
like you- running, laughing, playing...

Being free to be them selves & all I can do is long to have you home for once.
No picture is gonna help
because you've left me watching, waiting once more,
I  been here all this time doing what I seem to continuously do which is
Watch As Time Flys By!
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah May 2010
I kissed those lips so many times,
I held you as you caressed me to your will,

heat's rising between the two of us

& I'm becoming intoxicated
by your lustful glares-

As you stare deep into my eyes

while you deviously - lavishly

lick & **** betwixt my legs...

Pulsations consuming my very thoughts

I was to be the one to ******

once I finished my seductive belly dance...

You've surpassed me - grabbing

my dancers gear,

ripping fabric as you

feverishly kissed my gaping- shocked

"wide open" mouth.

Sweet ecstasy's taking

over every part of my being.

Your tantalizing tongue  

teasing in and out

of me as I spread wider for you.....

I rant the silence  with lustful

passionate screams as wave after

seductive  waves

pulsate through me all the way to my toes.

I'm hurting in a good way as you climb up over me

slowly so wondrously slow

you enter me,

moving deeper



I feel Oh


I  come wake

sadly it's only

a dream!
Always me Ayeshah
Ayeshah May 2010
I can't....

Can't help these feeling

consuming me as

you assume about me,

presume to understand.

Listen sweetie -

I never had a choice

I wasn't right in my thinking.

In my reasonings left us both with

unrequested guilt.

Unanswered questions , doubted,  

misguided-  non-understanding,

abandoned-  my un- abandoned disgust,

regretfully  mistaken stolen moments,

regret  deeply for not being there,

being  not there even now....

Left a ache inside

for so long-  I still cry,

I cry for myself  too though.

It hurts to loose so much

to have nothing but questions,



wonderful  bliss,  mind erased...

blissfully  -

no more thinking,

shaking crying,

blissful aint blessed when I had to forget.

don't speak or talk.. keep it in

deep inside

no one

tell no one.....

I was trapped,



beaten & shaking.....

In my mind....

In my head- i felt no pain...

Lied to myself...  lied about you.... about me....  about "it"......  about US.



Lying to me,  lying to you,

lying   lying    lying  

so much lying....

lying,  drowning,  dying,  lying,   crying,  lying.......


how can they have lied- liars lying as i laid dreaming....

demons, screaming.....

I cried, screamed, dreamed & longed for this day

Fought & still fight for this day

A day where you'd know!

Where you unsheathe that sword-

Placed-  deep in my heart, deep into my soul...

Did you know?  

Did they tell you-

who I was?  

Couldn't you of guessed?

Your eyes- my eyes

Your hand's - my hands

Your smile - my smile

Your laugh - its me!!!

I'm you

Your blood

My blood.

Didn't you notice  

didn't you see

all me in you?

I knew from the moment your face
looked deep into my face

your shape

my shape

my mirror

your mirror.

Twin yet not  - -  

Mother╰♥•♥╮ Daughter


One -  Whole


Together !

I Always Loved & Love You!

Dear child of mine  -

╰♥•♥╮JANNELL  ╰♥•♥╮

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyrights ©1977-2009 Ayeshah(A.K.K.C.L.N)
All rights reserved.
Apr 2010 · 636
His Type!
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Oh how he thinks he likes me,

But he just doesn't know yet - I'm not his type...,

See his type is the kind of girl whose simple demeanors  more on the

shy  & sly,

She's the girl that dimples pretty while playing so very hard to get.

She'll say she's never done "this" before-  asking him for lessons  then

magically becoming a pro....

See she pretends to listen to your ever word,while silently figuring out

the best way to get him to spend,

lend and reinvent himself to suit her baser superficial needs.....

His type is someone that'll take but never give, lust but never love

blame but never accuse herself....

See she's the type-  his type,  the type to lie and hurt, making things worse.

He like's the feel of her,likes the kisses and hugs...

He likes the way she bats her eyelashes and pouts her lips.

The way she walks as she switches her hips.

Oh how he thinks he likes me....

But he just doesn't know yet - I'm not his type...,

I am a Lady-  full grown...

Not a fake lying deceitful little girl

& I'd never change my stripes

unless I change for myself.

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Apr 2010 · 1.1k
Cherry & Orange Blossoms
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Softly. so softly-  a  light  breeze  flows,

whipping my cap off my head

cascading my hair as it tumbles

to my shoulders

in soft auburn mahogany curls

Gently so gently kisses from

this brook sprays water

on my coco skin,

Tingling little goose bumps filter along my

body as I lay naked in this meadow,

Blooming  flowers cover parts of me  

picked with  finely tuned  fingers,

expertly capable, flexing over my sensual form
caressing strongly.

hands holding tightly.......

The suns shining down on me

baking me lightly

as cherry & orange blossoms

leaves hang slightly over & cover me  
shading me-

I smell of orange & cherry blossoms

Of lilies & tulips, daisy's & pretty purple violets....
Of earth, metallic scented sweet grass.

My hairs softly, so softly caressing my face

whipped over my shoulders-
the wind picks up softly slowly dies down
gently the breeze comes in goes like my breaths......

In this meadow I am free,
no worries, day dreaming,

Thinking of how
to fulfill within me this need-

This unknown craving I can't explain.

My burning longing


Freely naked
freely expressionistic

enjoying my very own
safe heaven  
from the world.

hearts beating slow

slowly  slow  slower


I'm drifting-  more & more....


Am I...

Death-  Murderer

Murmuring- Death.....



Left to die

in this meadow under

Orange & Cherry Blossoms.

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Apr 2010 · 1.2k
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Feeling your touch distantly,

calling out your name in whispers unsaid.

Playing hard to get isn't fun
if your not playing too,

simply -  your
hard to hold on to,

I've already  tried catching you.

Dancing, moving, flowing,

like a ribbon in the sky....

broken free from loose strands......

caught the smiles,

the shy looks, the hand holding.

So long Oh  so  so  so very long now

I've knew & known those strong hands  
holding me.

we've configured our bodies,

embraced-  the soft silky smooth texture of skin,

golden perfectly formed muscles ,

holding me tight up against your chiseled chest
as we merge-  twist  swing  push  pull  spin  

again again again & again.

spinning round around round & around  

songs mingled melodies spark causing us to get closer,

closer closer & even closer...

I'm trapped luxuriously-  your  mmm unreal

intoxication-  like webs of stars
caught on my dream catcher.

hips pressed close legs mingle
as we twist this and that way.

hand on the swell of my backside,

Squeeze   turn   pause- dipping  low  lower,

dip me again -  magnetize my alluring persona.

Alleviate this  unknown aridity that leaves
me dry mouthed

longing for your touch once more.
Songs ending it's last call

Butterfly's catch in the pit of my stomach,  

after seeing you with her  

seeing you shyly smile up
at her while you forget.

the touch of our hands,

the smell of our scent & sweat mingled as one

like lover for the very  first time
the floor was our bed

our playground until the music

softly slowly away & she came into
stepping back  i look from you to her

holding  my breath when you truned my way,  

You bowed over my hand kissed it lovingly.

Causing  longing, craving & hot flashes

for hours until now-  mingled with sweaty palms

as you walk past me back to her side.
am i playing the wrong game?  

Every weekend with you it's almost the same.

You find me-  stalk me until i relentlessly give in,
dancing, swaying,

bodies so close causing us to forget ,
forget it all.......

Dance floor becoming our bedroom,

so many times so many hours
swaying-  flowing bodies intertwined,

meshed together again & again.

spinning around & round.

With me me me & you oh you you you

your dipping me .

your hands always mmm always on

my lower back,

music loudly sweetly drumming
like our heart beats  

becoming our Tantra Taboo(s).....

she smiles at me then looks up-  smiling

gleefully in your eyes
as you both walk out the dance hall....

**** I shouldn't of expected a **** thang-

Oh well that's what happens more often than not- to me
on a

Friday Night(s)

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Apr 2010 · 638
For Now..........
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Our blissful rapture's
open to desire
as you consummate
with in me your love.

In this sultry sequel,

romanticism's left speechless

as you smother me to
your smoldering body,

Rocking hard then softly

Again thrusting  with in me

You whisper passionate words
of rapture.

You've explored my mystical
bond's of sensuality,

taking me higher then any other

while singing my praise of beauty.

Just the two of us you proclaimed
your ultimate love for me.

There's nothing better
or anything close to this-
between harmonious lovers.

Rocking swiftly  but
as gentle as a breeze.

Torment me and make me succumb
to your awaking desire
left hardly spent as you
beg me to release my
over flowing stream.

Eenveloped by the alluring rapture you've
brought out in this lovers bed,
has me reeling my head back

crying out while handful of sheets mingled
in sweat cause me to forget past or present.

Enticing adventurous lover take me
again and again,
swim with in my honey milked pool ,

Dance deep within my utopia.

In every tender word you whisper
expectation builds within my desire

to submit again and again to your
to your powerful ******.

Our bodies entwined re rewind
and repeat the dance steps again.

I moan,
You cry out,
I scratch,
You hold tight, I open,
You fill,
until it's like a dream so unreal.

In this soft bed of wild inspiration,
I loose all control,
loose my self with in you.

We've became one, so engrossed with
one another it's  hard to tell
where you stop and I began.

I willed this moment!
I will'd  time for just a little longer,
day becomes night
and night becomes day,

we've lost all track of time.

Lost all perceptions
of what was meant to be,

Finally it's time for us
to reclaim our soul.

To break down the walls that
keeps us separated for so long.

No longer will I yearn for you
and you for me,
even if all we have to

give is this and this moment.

(For now sweet Lover!)

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Apr 2010 · 821
F. U. *.$.
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Your a Sick ****,

do you get pleasure outta gutting out my heart.

You laugh as you disassembled my comfort zones

shattering with your sledge hammer

my illusionist'tic dreams,

you opened my mouth and cut out my words

with a ***** dull kitchen knife,

stomping me into silence,

choking out the voice of reasoning

You Sick ****

you told me

if I didn't like WHAT you had to say,

I should take my own  advice

"stick a **** in ya ear & **** what you heard"

implying this is what I should do myself huh?


just like I told you

just cause you eat *** don't give you the right to talk ****.  

You laugh,

I cry.

I laugh.  
Now you cry.

You don't cry for the pain you cause me


from the bitterness you made me feel...

You cry cause I got yo **** in these vice grips,

I got these pliers squeezing down

on your *****...

Now you can't cry, holla or speak...

Our roles reverse

I'm the torturous ****!

HA HA HA How you like me now,

I guess you don't......

I don't hear you mocking me now  

don't hear you talkin out yo trap

funny ain't funny when the jokes on the both of us

vinegar and water just don't mix.

Confession of a psychopathic *****!

You sick ****!

( sigh)  

Always me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Apr 2010 · 1.5k
Day Dreaming..........
Ayeshah Apr 2010
never felt a body so hard,


rippled every inch of you,

your hands so strong,

molding me to you,

caress deeply massaging my body.

i feel you on top of me-
solid hard pressing down,

touching me here mmm and here.

playing with my pressure points,

dancing over my egregiousness zone.

you've seductively molested
my mind while secretly
tantalized my pleasure zones,

your a walking talking aphrodisiac.

sleek like a dark panther,

flexing your biceps
as you work my body,

teasing me as your pelvis
and manhood softly grinds
up on my buttocks,

where your half sitting.

i feel you rise swelling and all
i can do is lay here guessing,

thinking impure thoughts
of what we could be doing,

your half siting on me,

knees bent
close to my waists,

my arms at my sides

Sorry baby i had to touch you,

feel your power as
you stroke me seductive.

Sweet gentle ****  masseur  

technique has me craving  

your hands on my umm hmm,

I want to now feel you between
flexing as you probe in me deeply
with your

flex with in me as you move
in sync with me, harder oh please


caress my velvety walls as my own muscles

constrict & contracts pulsating from your

*******'tics touch and tense up.

Sir  please, Sir  move deeper
while i move with you.

that's what I want toy say
beg of you to do,
thats what I'm thinking

but I wont say a thing.

I'm going to lay here on my stomach-

enjoyably mesmerized  at the care you take

with me &  your expertises

as you massage peace back into me.

relaxing me while i lavishly day dream

of us becoming more then just  a 1 hour  session

of  You the sensual  Masseur


I the lustrous  wishful thinking client

whose mind  has already taken
a leave of absence

Only when it comes to you.

Mmm Day Dreaming.......

Always me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 604
Ayeshah Mar 2010
I know of this guy.

I pass by him everyday  on my way to work.

He walks tough, smiles always and has something nice to say each & everyday.

I asked him whats up with him, he said the suns shining,

birds chirping  sky may not always be blue and even this it's a good day

because I said hello to you.

Laughter comes from me after hearing his explanations.

Gees he says why you laughing now-

when your always with a frown?

Must be hard to smile now and again but when I see you my world lights up.

I say to this old man Sir you don't even know me and I bet you never felt like me.

He says in reply; dear child i know you see me as I am "old "

but I knew a lady just like you....


I say not to nicely He smiles and says And missy-

I laughed with her until I cried,

I cried with her until it was time, and when it was time I celebrated our lives.

"Once" is what he then said and I said huh?

He repeated and again said Once. I told him I don't understand,

He smiled that  sweet laughing smile he always gives and said;

she too was "Once" was  like you.

"Once" bitter by past.  

"Once" loved by me.

I then asked whats this all have to do with me.

He then walks up to me  

looks deep in my brown eyes....

He says;

I am him and I've come back for you!

( take it lol as you like,it is what it is.)

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 1.1k
Sooner Or Later!
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Sooner or Later
I'm going to get back in shape,
loose some of this weight,
work out and get off this couch.

Sooner or Later
I'm going to stop smoking and laugh at things again,
remember the good i once saw in everyone-
even the tiniest bit that used to  exist.

Sooner or Later
I'm going to stop emotionally eating instead
I'll go for a walk and talk to friends again
let people in again.

Sooner or Later
I'm going to write funny poetry about
the things that  once pleased me
make people laugh instead of sad.

Sooner or Later
I'm going to play with my kids again be  more into
what they like to do instead of the same mundane
Mondays that now seem to to be everyday.

Sooner Or Later

I'll look back at all the things I should of did.

I'll remember I should of left you
sooner then later.

I should of put my children before you Sooner then later ,

I could of made it with out your hurtful words and bruises Sooner.

I could of let go of your many excuses sooner.

I could of saw my OWN
**** self so much beautiful then you saw me

I should of worked out for my own resulting end Sooner -
instead of become so thin.

Sooner So much sooner  I should of listen to my woman's
"intuitiveness" and never ever stayed with you for as long as i did-


so sadly now I look back on it all with bitterness & self loathing regret-
wishing  I'd of done  all of this and more....

Wish i'd changed  So much sooner for me.....

Wished I'd found hope & love.
Sooner or later your gonna wish

I was there instead of  in this

lake where

I drowned myself.

Sooner OR Later!

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 1.8k
Cupid must think I'm Stupid!
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Your just sad,
stupidity of the most flamboyancy
you throw your arrow's

catching others off guard,
showing them the illusionary's

to something fake.

Oh no you don't!!!
I'd **** for much less
but I'd **** you slowly painfully
if you stick me with that!

I'd hurt you and make you suffer

slowly-  meticulously  
like you've made me hurt, cry,
die a bit each time- so many many times.

time after time I failed & fell prey to your games...
your sick mind must be wondering

what next you can do
to me

Baby baby baby...........

I'm no longer blind to your wicked deeds
and all your silly schemes.

I got your number  
and yet you still
think your gonna fool me,
Not this round and never again,

you should be ashamed of yourself
for the misconducts and falsehoods you
and your magical arrow's have
shown so many, not just me.

all kinds of being from ever walks of life,
all around the world.
Your silly & sad really,

and truth be told someone
must have ruined your love long ago

I heard ya momma did you in and for what?

Beauty is only skin deep or so they say.

she must of hated that your love was given
to someone else!

Did  you do it, huh did ya?

Yo you ******  ya momma  

Your a stupid *******-  yes you,
Kama, Amor, or so they called you

I hate everything you claim to stand for
if you understood true love

You'd know ya arrow's cause lust & desire
not love,
not even real infatuations.

you've did your damage
and if you stick me again
I'll **** you!

You don't inspire romantic anythings.

You wreck happy homes
given young girls false hope
false wishing and dreams.

you ******* leave me be and go away.

stop playing  go on now get outta here!




Man I swear.........

Cupid must think I'm

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Mar 2010
procrastinating is my hobby,
someone if you don't believe me ,
baby i lay around  
as i please
work at my own leisure,
incredibly you fail
to understand i am me


i love more then like the way that i am-  gorgeous courageous
coco golden skin,  

i know you feel the threat of  

my  momentous  appeal  
you you & yeah you --  mystified.

guaranteed  your days are filled
with shock and frustration,

haa haa hee

how very exciting to me seeing your not as experienced as  I,

unlicensed  to tame what i'd never give

repetitiously you've played the game,
failure must be a sweet pill sallowed whole huh?  

adequately i compel my strengths --  my naivety makes
my appeal that more interesting,

call me uniquely imperfections
rarely made in to what  many can never comprehend,

my life is my dialogue to my very own daily soap opera

la di da da--  it's more then my  sultry walk
as i pass you on bye.

in this corrupted jungle
you have to win or be inhibited by  
what others  may call taboos,

whew  weee your so serious,

chasing prey only to tease--  lingering doubts?
catch me--  i bet you can't.

innocently the line's been crossed

speak not of what should be!

only--  this--

is what you'll know ; procrastinating is my hobby!
I Am The Lioness!

(some may be lost on what i wrote&say; but ok lol)

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Mar 2010
i am proud to be will maybe do a poem about it as well let me know?
btw how many of my dear friends here pn HP are Leo's?  if ur not let me pls know what sign you are! thanks........

Leo - The Sign of the Lion
The people of this sign are natural leaders and chiefs. In reality the supervising position is what the majority of people born under the sign of Lion aspires to. They are really intelligent and magnetic people. That fact attracts others, but they should not try to dominate everyone. Lion frequently called "The sign of the kings" according to his intelligence and graceful manners. Their astrological symbol " Lion" is considered to be the king of animals. But, as well as all governors, that people should learn to wear the crown modestly. They should remember their large sin - vanity.

It isn't always easy to be friends with a these people. They are best in a one-to-one friendship where their ego is less likely to intrude upon the relationship. These people can find their most lasting friendships with people born in their own period or from March 21 to April 19-27 and, strange to say, all those people who were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month, for the reason that these numbers accord and have a sympathetic attraction to the number of the Sun which is the number of this period.

People born in this period should have more time to sleep than almost anyone else. They usually overwork their brains, and are inclined to suffer from headache, trouble with the eyes and other things concerned the head. And they are liable to get cuts and wounds in the head, and they usually run danger from fire. Such people usually demand a constant medical attention.

Their most suitable colors are all shades of yellow, orange, pale green, and white.(PURPLE)

The birth stones for this period are topazes, amber, and rubies.
Mar 2010 · 692
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Somethings happened,

I can feel it...,

I'm frozen with fear,

with distrust,

I hear people crying ,

I can't move;  

why can't I move,

I't's "that"

dream again ,

I'm repeating it,


why now

after all these Years,

I faced all but one of my fears,

I got to wake up some how...,

Get out of bed,

I wonder where all these nightmares

are coming from,

I'm so cold,

I feel so sleepy


I can't got back to sleep not now-

Not ever with those dreams..,

She's walking over to me

but for the life of me

I can't remember who she is?..

She look's like some one I know,

Someone close,

Whose that next to her....,



why are they talking so low,

Why can't I hear them?



I must still be dreaming,

I need to find a way to wake myself up,

I must cuz this is ******* me off now,

I can't move ,

I want to see who else is here ,

why can't I sit up....

I'm stuck,


these blankets are so tight,

I got to get up cuz now their walking away-



Wait; who are you..,

What's ya name?

Why wont anyone ...

Answer Me?!

That Girl's coming again.....

I wonder who she  is?,

I can't believe it;

It's like looking in the mirror ,

Now that I got a good look at her,

But she can't be older ,

when I went to sleep

she was just a little girl..,

I really don't like this dream-

It's surreal & spooky!

Wait - -

Someone else is here

They're all talking ,

WAIT; What did He say,

I can't hear him...

**** their leaving again ..,

Whose this  - -   Old *** man.....,

Oh **** he's talking to me

how funny

I can't even hear him..,

Why is he covering me?..,

It's like a purplish silky lid..,

It's getting dark in here ,

**** I can't move ..,

What the Hell is this...........,

Darkness   ........

Oh MY GOD!!!!

Am I ?

Yes I ....




I'm in a ******* Coffin!?!

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Chocolate luscious lips
spreading opening
like a blooming flower,

Honey dew kisses trinkling down
while you drink
from my over flowing cup of lust.

Meaningful quips.

Said so softly, caressing whispers as

I whimper while softly
crying out your name,

Lustful stares,

while you extracted
a scream from my lips,


my gaze all the while you've
probe my delicate rose bud.

Stockinged thighs and garter belts dance
to my ankles like swinging vines.

Hands on knees and up my legs,

opening me.

Licking, Kissing, *******...

We breathe rapidly.

Once again legs begin to part,

as quickening hearts beat faster and faster.
Music to my soul,

you breathlessly
call out my name,

Silken fingers touch,

unfolding petaled tulips,

Soft succulent kisses
traces up and down bodies,

the emotional ramification's,

left me speechless

while you profess your need for me ,
your love for me.

going insane,

grinding *****,
pumping groins.


Screams aloud, muscles strain...

Proudly legs wrap around waist.

Soulful moans rant
the night as bodies collide,

crashing towards ecstasy

the seed is sown.

Passions met.

Heated to a cooling sweat.

Slowing the earth
is turning right again.

I can hear our hearts beating.

tangled feet's still dance together,

legs mingled in sheets.

Blankets scatter all over the


Spilling on to to floor.

Warm and cozy,
hazy feeling and a bit love sick too
like in a lazy dream.

Out of steam and out of breathe,

panting and trying to stand.

My legs give way and buck from underneath,

smiling eyes stare back at me .

Someone wake me from this dream.


♥♥♥♥****** Gratifications!♥♥♥♥

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 761
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Ummm oO O Baby

I'm so sure your

gonna be good,

So Good & sweet,

Baby you got me
longing & yearning
for you

Your what I've
been waiting
for all day,

I counted
the minutes
I got home

Even lit some candles
& set the mood,

I bet your gonna
melt in my mouth

Explode baby-
all over,


So luxurious & luscious
I rushed outta work
to get to you,

Baby ummm
I wanna feel you-
Feel you
burst inside of me,

Over flowing
your sweet

as you

dribble down
the side of my mouth,

Baby I wont waste  
a drop of you,

I'm gonna savor
every single
bit of you,

I can almost feel you,

Ohhh how I need
you right now

Your worth
the wait,

Believe me Baby,

Ummm your so hot

Stickey silk soft
smooth and
ready for me

So welcoming-

Yes oh OOOO
Umm Yes

I can't wait
No more,

Oh how you
tease me

Baby Baby Yes-

I'm gonna enjoy
you so much!

I see your  finally
ready for me.

**** Baby
I Love  You........

My sweet wonderful

¡!Cream Filled Cupcakes¡!

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyrights ©
1977-2009 Ayeshah(A.K.K.C.L.N)
All rights reserved.
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Was told Ain't No Stopping Us Now but Time After Time I Lost That Loving Feeling,cuz it seem our Love Is A Battlefield  while Walking This Way,
Found  you In The Mist Of It All, Going 65 but you weren't driven as you in claimed  
with your
Life In The Fast Lane, asked you to just Walk Away but Suddenly  life had knew meaning & it was when you notice Jenny Had A Gun,
Now your realizing Life is A High Way wasn't true and your feeling Blue Moon was a song meant only for you, I told you
Almost Doesn't Count & Your Love Is One In A Million, but Lately You've Changed, I asked if I was your Sweet Lady you lied & told me No Worries Be Happy & Chante's Got A Man At Home  
I don't wanna Sing Another Sad Love Song, while your out Fooling Around, just let me off this Emotional Roller Coaster, I Gotta Go Gotta Leave,
Call Me When Your Sober,
You've begged me saying  if- If This World Were Mine meaning yours you'd do anything Just To Keep Me Satisfied,
I believe what Mary J Blige recently sanged ; never let girl cook in your Kitchen, You claimed Some one's Been Sleeping In My Bed But since We're not making Love Anymore  I suggest you walk out my door
To The Left- To The Left, you were my Angel Wearing a Halo as I sung Ave Maria while you Listen But suddenly someone Ringed The Alarm as I
Bust The Windows Out Ya Car, You Ran So Far Away, If I Were A Boy I'd probably do what you did, Become  Secrets Lovers with another so I choose to Free Ya mind & let you run In Circles but Please know that I'm happy
so Don't Disturb This Groove, why did you Lie About Us, It's Like I'm fighting Some Unholy War and  All I Could Do Is Cry I don't  want you to try to make me go to Rehab, You were so Contagious,
I almost Overdose with my need & Longing for you, I laughed while I got into my Pink Cadillac cuz I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) & it was always you I loved but Sadly you left me Waiting to Exhale, now Billie Jean  Is Not your lover,
please Cry Me A River I've Heard It All Before,
yet & still I Rather Go Blind as you taken Piece of My Heart b'cuz I've
Been Loving You Too Long,
tell me please Why Don't We Fall in Love, I'm willing to forgive you as you forgive me with Open Arms, I can't sing anymore Misty Blue,
My Funny Valentine....
Baby Hit Me One More Time with you Sweet Love My Sweet Thang, for you
I'm A Genie In A Bottle  making any wish you want come true,
Silly of me I'd be your Lady Marmalade.
I Should of told her The Boy is Mine but its no longer reality its well its all now In My Mind!!!

©1977-2009 Ayeshah(A.K.K.C.L.N)
All rights reserved.
Mar 2010 · 2.2k
Duke & Duchess Pierre
Ayeshah Mar 2010
(Readers I been going crazy to write  like this for a long time so if it suxs  too bad lol please read its a bit long also 4 those who do ty for reading & commenting)
She seen his stares since earlier in the ball room & during most of their acquaintance's growing up also when he'd visited her family at her home in Hampshire... She bluntly ignored his many advances while
at the Queen's Ball and she also publicly shunned him in front of  many aristocrats, He asked her even then to be his wife, She flat out said NO! with out going through the proper channels it  "*******" just wasn't done,  Her chaperon Lady Gideon was no where to be found so she did what she thought was best and walked away from him as fast as her small frame would allow.  

She did indeed find Lady Gideon in the kitchens with  the cook in the "Blimey!" broom closet. NOW on this night she'd truly become his and pay for her misdeeds & mistreatment's of him at The Queen's Ball...Duke Lincoln Pierre held his new bride Virgina Abagael Pierre  
tightly as he assaulted her mouth thrusting his tongue in her mouth- parting her lips in a seductive dance, as his hands moved lavishly up & down her buttocks, betwixt her bodice caressing her breast.

Lincoln tried hard to control his need for his new bride,  He was supposed  to be with his "mates" for another hour or so whilst his-  " well now" his wife's maids readied her for their marriage bed.
Lincoln couldn't wait & as he rushed his guest out the door not even
waiting for Jefferey his Butler to do so, He ran taking the steps two at a time, His need for Virgina was more then lust.  He wanted her ever since she shunned him at the Queens ball & as he visited her home--  watching her bloom into womanhood, Tonight she'd pay for his humiliations of that night at the Ball. He burst open the door and bellowed  for the maids to Get OUT!

At once they went running like rats. All except Beatrix stood her
ground and told him in not to kind-of words that  "She" had to prepare Virgina properly and He was acting reckless.
Beatrix  was his nanny & nursery maid, she was  also there when he first open his sparkling  hazel round eyes, God rest "Duckies" soul, His mum, she died in this same bed whilst she gave her last breath for this handsome devil.  His Da,  poor man was getting on in age and this was a wish he left in his will to be fulfilled before he died. "Lin" as she'd called him must fulfill but without scaring the poor chit off.

She unfasten Virgina's stays & hooks as fast as her old hands would allow, before she could help her out of her bodice  "Lin" ushered her out....Well she'd said her peace and exit Lincoln's rooms praying as she left.....
Lincoln kept  up his assault  while Virgina had a look of fear & misunderstanding in her mahogany sapphire eyes, Her small frame was shaking to her very core,  Poor chit but it couldn't be helped he was in a rush to be done with virgins and their silly concepts of love ex specially this "his" new prudent bride,  Yet he wanted to make her come alive, bring out the "bleed'in devil" of lust he knew was trapped deep within Virgina's un tapped core.
Lincoln teased and licked as he removed her clothing, ripping a bit of fabric in is haste, she kissed him back! Shocking his own sense of sensibility.

He picked her up splayed her on the bed and stared at her dark luscious Honey chocolate  creamy coco skin, it shined like a lovely indigo ocean on a summers night.
With carious longing and dread,
it was still an interesting moment Virgina didn't know what to do and as he capture her waist she felt  even more unsure, sensing a thrilling sensation wash over her,  Her new husband Duke Lincoln Pierre kissed her with un-abandon lust Virgina instinctively crawled up to the head board on the bed, as she did so her new husband reached for her in a blink of an eye she was caught in his steel grip, she cried out not for pain but because she had no ideal what he meant to do with her,

Lincoln laughed and made a tsk tsk sound as he pulled himself atop of Virgina.  "My Lady I beseech you please leave off I mean you no harm''
Lincoln proclaimed yet his meek smile said he was lying,
Virgina only stared with her mouth gaped in a perfect lush O shape.  
Her husband undone he own clothes  in a heated rush.  
Once done he stalked towards her kneeling on the bed.  
With Virgina's gaze fixed tranquilly on his stiff shaft, she looked at it apprehensively  she wanted to move away yet her limbs wouldn't allow her to and with banned tears threatening to over flow
she ****** in her breath as her capture Duke Pierre her husband climb a top of her.  

Little did her husband know she'd wanted  him all her life she longed to become his bride but she had no ideal it entailed this rough treatment of her person to gain access.
She'd sit with her own nanny "Liv" short for Olivia  
at Hyde Park watching as his carriage made it's rounds.  She dreamed even then to marry him, his eyes always laughing and He was forever teasing her when He'd visited  her "now" deceased parents lord Duke&Duchess; Harrisburg. She'd dream he were always saving her from dragons and evil villains.

But tonight he seemed the Villain.
As he touched creatively over her she felt flushed, his hands trailed down to her hairline where her tulip was hidden as he proceeded to caress her he felt for her budded rosebud playing teasing  rubbing his fingers with gentleness over her.
He continued until Virgina's head was thrashing wildly left & right on the pillow she was scared and shocked not knowing what was coming over her,  she wanted something--   this need that was growing  building within her, she didn't understand and it made her feel weak with a longing she couldn't comprehend, as he removed his finger & hand a light yet cool breeze cam through the cracked window causing the sensation to slowly subside Lincoln moved down trailing kisses as he went his mouth hovered mere inches above her tight yearning rosebud he bet down and tasted honey as he licked in an out of his new bride, sliding his index finger within her tight silt wile wrapping his mouth around her budding rose, he ******, gently  causing Virgina automatically to lift her legs wrapping her hands in his golden brown hair.

He felt her throbbing shaking and he wanted to laugh because of him she now new what it meant to be pleasured,  Virgina began trembling with a urgency not knowing what her body wanted just that she liked this feeling that washed over her from her toes up to her Honey dark coco head.  Her long brown auburn hair fell in waves of curls around her as she melted to her husbands ministrations.

Lincoln could barely contain his want and in his eyes His new bride was a wanton ready for plucking like a ripe strawberry, His little filly was bucking beneath his demonstration's.
He'd played with the God's wile tempting the devil & now there was Hell to pay...  Sadly for his new ****** bride he could no longer hold back, he wanted to consume her, his control was failing, wreaking havoc on his now intoxicating senses.  

Virgina bucked up towards his mouth letting out a seductive cry breaking Lincoln's last restraints  
He spread her wide held her fast
both his hand on either side of her hips as he lead his shaft within her lustrous wet inviting opening, moving in her swiftly as to not cause any more unnecessary pain,
He felt her maiden-head give way but it was to late t pause, he try not to move slow,
which with half in sympathy he wanted to stop his penetrating ****** yet his need for release in his new ****** brides velvet tight silt kept him urging forward deeper&deeper; within her tight walls.

Virgina let out a piercing scream as she also called out Lincoln's name twas an interesting moment when a fierce jolt consumed both occupants of this lovers den, she cried out as he ******'ed deeper still within his new bride....

No longer did he want to  punish her he felt something chip away at his heart releasing a need to want more then her body as they coiled becoming meshed together in legs & limbs traveling on waves of ******* bliss.
Duke & Duchess Pierre

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Mar 2010
So much pain in my life,

I got a million question and can only get one answer; this too shall pass...,

I can't say nothing back I got so much that's already past in my life,

I try to do right try to live by the word yet as wordily as

I live I still can't get up from this weight burdening my chest.

So much pain in my life,

I thought of giving up many times,

Thinking how I got my soul whooped and got my face torn - broken

My heart left in shambles but still I continue,

I strive and survived made it threw so many storms

but how long I can I go on,

how can I continue to hold my head up ,

So Much Pain in my Life,

Look at all the stuff that's happened Uncle killed in car accident,

Born to a mother with nothing but sin prostitution,

A drunk& drug addicted father who couldn't bother

for the life of him to give to all these children

what was need to

keep even the house heated,

Marine &Vietnam; Vet- P.o.w. ,

Shhh get down don't move,

See this was something

we all got used to made fun of him and his craziness too,

So Much Pain in my Life

Nana Sick and doing her best with all these kids,

Got a gambling husband

so hiding Money be come a game to us,

Out in the street catching heat,

rolling with the Latin Queens thinking

I was bigger and bader than anyone

till shot fired

My friends life "red" spread on the concrete, got pregnant

and never thought to be the same ,

Little girl become woman - At 13 -Baby ripping out my innocents,

Hell of a life to live &still; I give!

So Much Pain in my life...........


Why me I cried to Allah/God,

Why am I being punished, my answer in return, was nothing,

So much Pain in My life..,


thoughts come to my head "this is the cross you must bear,

a test to see how much do you love me" must be the voice I been waiting for...,

After that silence noting...,

I bow my head and say thank you ...,

Even still I'm left feeling stupidity and sorrows chilling my bones,

So much Pain in My Life,

Strife's wont let up ,You cant possible know my pain just like I cant know yours,

Saw Tricks turn Church goers and pimps turn child molesting-  Preachers,

Growing up grown and trying to make on my own, NYC held me down,

But the lessons haven't ended it's just the beginning for me,

So Much Pain in my life, I

'I'll continue and win some day soon...,

Until I do hmm I cant tell you

I have no advise to give to you, as wise I am

I'm still learning and growing ..,

So much pain in my life,

Been mother and pretend father to children of and not of my flesh,

Been the abused as well as the abuser,

Many times I wanted to take my own life, but the Sign at the

Gates Say do not enter the sin and thoughts of a sinner must

not disgrace these steps turn around its not ya time and if you take ya life ,

You'll never be a child of mines,

I walk away inflated, Begging to make it another day,

So much pain in my Life,

Night and day I beg for release for the pain in my heart to Cease,

Wanting to be more and working on the impossible,

Cuz threw my life and my eyes

I see miracle's happening every day and the dream continues to make me,

Breaking sprites but in love I can't say I ever felt it truly owned it or knew it,

Lust I can confess plenty,

but one things for sure My time isn't priceless everyone has something in the closet,

weather or not , they'll tell is up to them for me its another way to let you in,

So much Pain In My LIFE.........,

Now as I lay my children down to sleep,

I smile and think to my self even threw it all I got the

one things that counts& cant ever hurt me ,

Maybe I say..,

Thinking of Nana again and the pain her own Children caused her,

I say another Prayer,

Spare me lord, don't let my children ever feel what I felt..,

And if it can be helped please never let them live life as

I once did ,Give me the peace in knowing they'll

grow up better and striving to Greatness in their own


With out, So much Pain in their Life.

Like mines...,

I'm crying as I ask him this and I say to him again even thou you

Carried me as the
Footprints would have me Believe..,

I thank you still for you're by my side and always will be..,

knowing your

Love's unconditionally

Given to me with out question
and I'm blessed
Still I say thank you..,

Knowing you Saved me


Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 2.6k
Sweet Poets
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Write me ******
Converse with in my notebook
Write me in verses
Use  lust a word to trace my lips,
kisses in forms of sonnets,
Touch my hair in feather inked  pens,
pencil my buttocks with curvy nouns
Endearments in & out like syllables,
while spelling out sensual adjectives
poetically ****** me,
calling out my name
as you rhyme again in and out out and in
****** deeply within me your hard penetrating
Wrap your hand in mines as you  
once more trace  your tongue down my notepad
become master ******* within pages of my dairy.
Converse with in my notebook
as we fill up  my pages.
Please Please Please
Write me in verses
Write me ******
Write me harder& harder
Faster Please
Write good long as you Write me
Sweet Poets!
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 1.6k
Ayeshah Mar 2010
I love you for many reasons & yet we've hardly meet,
I proceed from recognition of your beauty & appreciation of
"Our" what could have been(s).

From conversations past,

exist in reality-  only your not at my side,

away you are & afar I still love you
me not
because I know these feeling be true.
I'm asking nothing  of you
just keep me in the loop,

I really shouldn't say this but
I have a need for you.

it's in poetic verses or sweet flowery words,
I need to hear you in writings or even on messenger.
How do
I love you wonder ,questioning our fate but again
I say doubt me not for my love will stay the same.
I like you more then just a little bit,

Love you forever if that would be your wish.
I hope
I'm not speaking out of turn but
my body yearns for you & what's crazy
I never personally meet you.
Yet I hold back desires-   which are purely  lust.
I keep my distance with out
choice but someday
I know soon,
be closer and better friends

Even if for now my love
for you's
Platonic !
(or is it?)
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Mar 2010
How to write an English poem

Well this is what I do,

I listen to my dear friend "Jon"

Then I go about copying him.

He says  Good-marrow My to Thy lady

I laugh & reply back Hath thee fared well,

Like I'm in  Shakespeare's  Macbeth.

I love how

He uses "thou" different then myself

I say thou in sense of  "even though"

translations are must

to understanding my friend!

He speaks in

Cockney- crockery riddles

Yet some how I understand.

I doth not speak to make

fun of him

for I love his English gib,

I listen while learning

to write a sonnet since.

How to write an English poem.

I listen to Sir "Jon's"

witty sense of humor  

His cloaked sarcastic'ness

as he talks in general,

Saying such this as

Aroin't thee & Blimey ole chap

as if I know'th what he means.

How to write an English poem

Well frankly it's a pickle of a thing,

I say I doth rightly know lets ask'th

Sir"Jon & see!

He say'ith to me

"change your "****** dialect"....


when he's spitting made

He yells

O' God Save the queen.

He also talks of frippery

& ask if I'd like a spot of tea

when asking me questions

he laughs & quotes

such things like ;

" cheeky" little beggar or monkey

as "IF" I

know what he means.

Funny thing is though

Sir "Jon'

never really

******* told me

How to write an English poem

(so answers to every-ones question- I'd say walk around & say top of the morning,
ole chap & blimey, Even things like Bristol Cities & things likes this don't forget your "TH" s  
addressing your selves  a lot & put emphasis on every other syllable  & thing!)

Well dear Sir "Jon"
I am not  a British Bolk  
Just A YANKEE- New Englander
oh & a NuYorican
Ta Boot

So next when  I see You
****** Friend  tell me-  
How to write an English poem !?!
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Lady & Lord Dawson


lived quite


until one day-

Lady  Dawson announced ;

" Forsooth"

Thy Lord Husband

Ti's heavy a heart I bear-

I spied

Thy self without powder or wig,

Not in thy house-

Betwixt an-others arms

Thy Lord Husband

& thy

Scullery Maid in

thy own barn"

Betwixt looks

on thee tempestuous

pocked face

Never rakishly looked to

Thee own Lady  

Wife the same


Thee be sad  

Thy heart never break


Thy love never came.

Marriage  of  


Parents wishes


Thee inheriting

Thy gain!

Lady & Lord Dawson

" Lived"



(possibly 2 be continued)

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 732
Ayeshah Mar 2010


I should,

Liking the control and the power of love,
Being in lust & being in love,
Being in lighten

Courageously in awe of these new feelings,
I'm well
let me say it this way,

I love "him" for so many different reasons,

I love him the OTHER dude- too for

"other" reasons,

My Love

is the same YET so completely different.
In-Love with one & Lusting for another,

Intimacy is concurred in the arms of my Lover,

All the things You used to do is now replaced,

My miss trust and all the things "he" do used to be US,

See I wont leave You & can't give "him" up,

You know
of him and "he" knows
I used to be in-love, with you,
In lust with the likes of you too,
You both think
I'm with out the other ,

If only you 2 knew !

Trapped in this triangle
was something I never wanted,

Yet here I am

Caught torn between whats right
and my like of love,
for one verses
My lust for the other,

Deceit ,

Miss guiding lies.
I played my cards & now I have you both on either side.
can I choose when both of you make me whole,
Make a complete package
with out the both of you there is no 100% not even 80% ,

50% for you and for 50% for"him".

I melt when"He" touches me ,

I cry when this one leaves,

I fight for "his" attention,

I beg for that ones peace,

I crave his wisdom,

I long for this "ones" excitement,

I adore this ones wilder adventures,

I linger for "his" anticipation's,

I dream of his body,

while "he" the other rock gentle inside me,
this other-

His kiss makes me think of that "ones" lips,

How am I to choose ?,

When each part of the other 's
like choosing of twins,
the same yet so unique,
so different.
I lust for one,
in love with the other,

Love this one &
long for that one, want him yet keep
my distance & play with
someone else,
had him ,
let that 'one" go,

Now I have the both of you & can't choose!
whose who & which will get hurt,
worst thing is

I'm the fool
for being selfish ,

For doing the wrong thing
and letting it carry on this long .

I can't let go,! No I WONT,

Not even a little,
the way my lover takes me and the way he holds me ,
doing all my man wont do.

Yet the history my man &
I share isn't fair to continue with this love  affair
or is it the end.

I'm to weak to say good bye,

I'm too self centered to
let him love another or even let him try,

I can't see him with no one but me ,

I don't want him given what once was mine,

I'm given what was never really his,

My lovers been getting the best of me and never did

I open myself to my man like I've been to my lover,

My lover has me twisted inside to where

I'm no good for any other dude,

that's a LIE

Since my man has me ****** up too,
He has it where

I wont leave & I'm stuck cheating,
'But taking caring of  our home ,
See how

I can blame everyone but me-myself is at fault
I'm pointing to anyone but whose to blame?
ha ha hee hee

I got lost & caught in a players game,,

How am I to choose
when I love him & "him" too
& They-Both (Love ME so?)

I'm ****** up &

I'm So TORN-

Always Me Ayeshah
© Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 701
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Do you hear me-  when you sleep -  think of me as you eat,
'adore me while you sip coffee or tea?
I think of only the moments '
when we shared funny exciting conversations,
so many miles
so many oceans separate us
laughter fills my household
joking and talking of trips we'd love to take
I can't think I'm
wondering what your doing
if your thinking of me too?
shallow of me I know but oh well
this is me so shallow I guess
I'll be.

do you hear me when you sleep-   think of me as you eat
'adore me while you sip coffee or tea?

I think of only the moments when you jokingly
asked if I'd be yours
laughter fills my home
this household with out a mans touch
or his amusement
but if I give in doesn't
that mean you win?
Win my heart but I'd never make you
compete for it,
Win my trust but you realize
I'd hurt you if you miss used it
Win my soul as long as you grow old with me
But I speak of things yet untold
to fast too soon.
I wait for you to speak
and say hi.
Just hi is fine it'll get me through
the night.
we are and must stay
so why let you become more
why mess up this
musical dance with a tedious
Lover's we may yet be but again why take that

(tell me 1 good reason to destroy Us?)
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Do You know where
my purple vest
You know -
the one I wear when
I want to conduct
my finest work (?)
I wear with it
my purple
mini skirt
showing off
my fitting legs
and showing off
my big breast
please tell me
dear poets have
you seen it? -
My purple vest(?)
It comes with straps
that connect
to these long sleeves
and ties in the back-
It even has two
belts attached
those  belt tighten
right around my waist
connecting behind me
saddest thing is
I can not fasten
them myself
these two
strong men wearing
white outfits strap them
up for me,
Please friendly poets
please help me
find my purple vest
I have work to do ,
It's tedious work
when  all the
voices come,
talking deep
down in my head
my head hurts
and I can not
work not
with out my
purple pretty vest
So please
pretty please
with rainbow
Let me know
if you find it
because I
can't write with out
my purple vest-
Not in this -
padded room!
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 2.9k
Bitch I'm Special
Ayeshah Mar 2010
What gives you the right to

judge me,

criticism wasn't asked

so why you

open your mouth,

What's your prerequisite

to make assumption's

& judgments-

Constructive criticism

my ***,




Dyslexia Anxiety

& dealings with you

caused me a break down,

got me

chronically depressed,

You say you only

want the best for me,

Well shut up & let me be!

pill popping just so my E.E.D.

(Emitted explosive disorder)

wont cause me

to become


with life

new labels

would say


if you keep bothering me

I ain't stupid-

So stop talking down to me

Im not illiterate

******* I read

So let me be

No I don't have TS

(tourette syndrome)

I ******* cuss

cuz I wanna

so shut the hell up

I know right from wrong

I'm no psychopath

Then again

I just might be since

I could give a flying ****

about you

weather you live or die

I wouldn't cry.

Your making it harder

for ya self not me just go way


Do ya got **** Job,

I don't want to talk anymore

My past is where I left it

Behind me

You deal with it


I already did & do

For you that

call your selves

wanting to help....


(Obsessive-compulsive disorder)

is personal  

So what if I wash

my hands& ***

3 or more times

I'm not stupid
or deaf

I have

Selective Hearing

Nor am I *******.....

that's how

I say hello

with my *******

I told you,

I'm not *******.....

***** I'm Special!

Always Me Ayeshah
© Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 664
¡! Justified ¡!
Ayeshah Mar 2010
10 going on 35 seems like
I've been running

my whole young lil life,
14 going on 40,

Swimming in regret(s).....

wont help me

This in my hand
will work for me

I said let it go,
Leave me alone!

Hard to breath-
hand wrapped
around my neck.

In&out-; hard, deep,

hurting, bleeding,
crying, fainting,

Darkness so much darkness,
blacking out pain..........

So much pain.....

You, you you you,


running- faster, faster,

So fast I can't breath again,

Trapped, stuck,




Torn, broken-

Not my "fought"

Yes it is- all my "fault"

Body swelling with adolescence,

Maturing too soon

To fast........
Not my fought

Yes it is all my fault


Officer .........

Your Honor....


I'm only 14-

I think

I was

¡!  Justified   ¡!
(in killing my foster-father)
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Mar 2010
what does it mean to write (a) "blank" poetry?

I've heard it said but I honestly don't know what it means?
Help please & TY in advance for commenting.
Mar 2010 · 945
Ayeshah Mar 2010
you know ya ah ***** low down shame-
got me going insane eee- so let it work- work it right-
Awww- beep BEEP  You got me Freak ou-,
Making me wanna go-
oops up side ya oops up side ya head -
But-  Baby We can do- it take ya time-
do it
We can do it baby DO IT all night-
But seems your ready
to- Give a "Ooooh"  if ya got ya funky BUS Pass-
Get on the bus & pay ya Fare-Don't go Cuz-
I'll be- Ya freakazoid *** on & Whined me up-
Unless you  wanna- Pack Ya ship
taking you on a trip & leave Ya Worries behinddddd-
I'm crying- dah dah ah dee dah dah dee da-
When I'm alone in my room sometimes I stare at the wall-
Screaming &-
Wishing on a Star-
If You asked me to I'd do anything you want me to-
While being-
All Cried out-
See told you music is my Muse.
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 1.6k
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Why are you appealing to me-

Stimulating my ****** desire
tending to arouse evil with inside

Me- You


Suggestively I've laid out
flowery perfumed petal

trailing to the bedroom

I've characterized you

by obscenity's & indecency's
you've already let me get away with

**** vivacious recipient-
eluding the lubricious

embraces of
my prurient thought.

Thigh high boots

Whips Creme & chains

Swing chair done up tight to the ceiling,

Lubrications lotions & potions,

Candlelit flickers


silhouette's merge into

mirrored image

You-  Me


Melting- the little death




Always me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Mar 2010
They touched and caressed,So close and so intimately.
She decided she had enough of feeling awkward
and took control over the situation.
Kala said I notice you been looking at me lately
a little differently and I wanted to know why?
Ai'yahna  let out a little sigh.
Well ever since I kissed you
in the elevator at work things
just hasn't been the same,
Yes I know we kissed
and touched like this but are you only  
bi curious or are you really into me?
Kala said  I wont lie this is my first time
doing anything even close to this.
I've never thought of it before
but I like how I feel when you touch me.
Ai'yahna Says you know I've been thinking
about you for a long long time
now and for me it's different.  
Let me show you what I mean.
Ai'yahna kissed  Kala's  forehead,
the bridge of her nose, than teased
her mouth open as she pulled her head by,
by pulling gently on her hair.  
Ai'yahna Moaned into her mouth as they deepened the kiss,
Sitting in the living room had started
out with champagne and dinner,
a girl's night out.
They're both wearing lingerie
Ai'yahna had on a baby doll nightie,
Kala's wearing a blue and purple short set
their toe's have the french tips and pedicure
from earlier when they went to the salon to get a full do up.
Ai'yahna  slides one hand in Kala's top
as she feels her up and down than squeezes
Kala's breast.
Kala bits on her lower lip and tries not to like it so much.
She feel weird but can't understand whats coming over her.
Ai'yahna  than stared kissing her neck biting as
She went further down toward Kala's cleavage,
Kala was only 5'2" with a slim waist and a big ***,
Her breast were about 36.C
Ai'yahna liked her ladies shorted than her 5'7 thick frame,
she too had a big ***, bigger than
Kaala's & her breast were about a 38-40.B
but she didn't have that tiny waist like Kala
She was thick not a big girl but far from small of course
Ai'yahna worked out about
4 to 5 times a day every time she took her
break and for about an hour for lunch.
Ai'yana didn't look butch she carried her weight
well and had a very feminine side
to her just like Kala, the difference's between them was
Everywhere Kala was soft
Ai'yahna was hard tone and firm,
But unlike a man she still had that femininity
about hr and she was still muscular like a woman
should be not counting her arms of course.
Kala started caressing Ai'yahna's back as
Ai'yana moved slowly down Kala's body
Kala couldn't help what Ai'yahna was doing to her,
She felt like she was burn up from the inside out,
Her desire caused her confusion
she shouldn't like it so much but OH God it felt so good,
She'd never been touched kissed
or licked like this by man or woman
and Yes she's dated a chick before
but they never went this far.
Ai'yahna licked
Kala's navel and midriff she teased and taunted her with her hair,
her fingers and teeth,
Up and down and all across her body,
Kala was looking her mind
she tried hard to fight the feelings
that were coming over her,
She wanted to stop it but couldn't form
the words all that came out was a little sigh.
As Ai'yahna moved further down  her body she tensed,
Readying herself for what was about to happen,
Ai'yahna kised than gently bit  down on
Kala's mound right  at the base of her ****,
she than used her teeth to take off
Kala's shorts as she was doing this
Kala began to play with Ai'yahna's ****,
squeezing her ******* with her two
fingers and pulling gentle, than
Kala grabbed a handful and slowly caressed each one
massages and teasing Ai'yahna.
Kala slid one finger inside
Ai'yahna's mouth when she was done taking her shorts off
than pulled her finger out and slid it into her own *****
Teasing Ai'yahna.
Kala said
Watch me and let me watch you,
Ai'yahna slowly danced as she undressed for Kala,
She moved so graceful like a ballerina.
Ai'yahna sat on the bear skin rug and started to
also playing with her own *****, She slowly putting
two-fingers in very very slowly until they were
filling up her hole. she moved them in and out
and Kala watched while taking one hand
and moving it in circle around her ****,
letting the other fingers slide in and out of her *****,
She took them out then shoved them deep
inside herself while Ai'yahna
watched  with abandon desire in her eyes.
Ai'yahna stood up and walked over to where
Kala was sitting on the couch.
She picked her up easy and laid
Kala down on the bear skin rug.
Spreading her legs far apart
Ai'yahna than licked  Kala's hole as
Kala continued to play with herself,
Ai'yahna moved her hands and held
them both above her head with just one
of her own hands while using the other to tease in
and out of Kala's *****.
She knew Kala would probably
put up a fight and she knew too that Kala liked it rough.
Ai'yahna thought to her self she may not be a man
but she'd make t work to have this beautiful woman
as her very own and do her best to please her.
It was so **** hard competing with men
for bi carious women.
Kala did in fact struggle and cried out as she felt
Ai'yahna penetrate her ***** to it's very core,
she likes it rough but wow this was so different
and it felt good more than it hurt-ed.
Ai'yahna ****** on her **** so hard
and bobbed her head up and down like
she was ******* on a **** she liked
and ****** insider her hole
taking her hands away just to spread her open
teasing her ***** as she slide in 2 fingers stretching her hole
and making her tense up as the pressure built and built inside Kala.
Just as Kala was about to ****** and *** her boyfriend walks in.
Neil didn't know what to say at the scene he just walked in on
his chick and another girl was on his floor going at it
and from what he could see the other chick had her fingers
and mouth on his chicks *****.
He could tell Kala was *******
from that sweet look on her face.
She always bit down hard
on her bottom lip to keep from
screaming while she was *******.
It turned him on yet he was fuming ,
To him it was some what like cheating and
His lady would pay for this one way or another.
She pushed up and away from the other woman
and the other woman just smiled and said Hey.
how are you I'm Ai'yahna,
She stood up licked her finger
than ****** one her index and
extended her hand to him.
Neil just looked at the both of them.
He studied Kala's sweet angelic face
as she watched the floor.
He than looked at this
Ai'yahna chick and smiled
she was almost as tall as him well
close enough to suit what he had just thought to do.
He liked her build and her athletic frame,
she still had to look up at him and he liked that a whole lot,
He said Hi. I'm Neil ,Kala's boyfriend....,
Baby he said to Kala.
I knew you had asked about doing this
but I never thought you'd really do it,
I'm shocked,
Kala says sweetie before you go off
please listen.
He laughs and says,
NO you listen.
Kala thought she was in for it now
and looked at the floor again while he talked.
Neil says I want in&right; now!
Ai'yahna smiles while Kala's mouth's drops open,
Neil's stripping and He watches his chick
just stands there with her mouth hanging open.
Ai'yahna walks up to Kala and starts
kissing her passionately.
She than bends down on her knees
and starts lick and again ******* on
Kala's ****,
Ai'yahna than again slide her fingers in Kala's  *****.
Neil walks right up to Kala and grabs her head saying
"**** my ****".
Kaala laughs and does what Neil asked of her to do.
She stops and says wait.
"No" is All Ai'yahna says and
her and Neil pick up
Kala and laying her down again on the bear skin rug.
Ai'yahna again starts her sweet torture on
Kala's ***** while Neil  stuck
his **** a little roughly inside
Kala's mouth.
Kala **** hard and
deep throats
Neils **** taking it all inside
as he rides her face.
He hold the sides of her face as
he pushes his **** in and out her mouth.
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Mar 2010 · 2.2k
Ayeshah Mar 2010
I'm Having A Relapse
My muscles shaking my bones jarring
I'm stu- stu- stuttering,

I'm Having A Relapse
sleep walking while wide away,
dazed in a dream like state,
I need a fix I'm
itching- scratching
rubbing my hand and thighs

You, You you
oh why'd you do this to me
Screaming & tryna climb walls

I'm Having A Relapse

No no nooo don't stop
higher YESss Higher

bring me closer closure

I'm Having A Relapse
I went to the doctor to get help
He said He couldn't
Wouldn't help me is what He means
I run walk talk to myself
Help me Please!

Shaking, sweating,coughing with drive heaves
I feel so funny I can smell taste & feel it coming
I'm bursting with need Please
PLEASE release this desire
this fire which had consumed me,
Lived in my core my very being,

shut the blinds, turn off the lights,
I wont eat can't sleep,
Walking in a funk ,dazed and lonely
Don't hold me!!!!
Don't TOUCH !!!
Just give in Help me ,
Just um, Please

Just Oh Lawd please
Just um  Baby Just
HELP MEEEEEE...........

**** ME!!!!

Until I can't  breath,

I need YOU.
you Oh You........
You know your the cause of me
Having A Relapse!

(*** Addiction Can hinder you or for me lol make love making so painfully good!)
Always me Ayeshah
Copyright ©Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Misleading the Lead'ful!("Friendship")

I'm Devastated,

lost in my own world,
from the time i meet you like  

when boy meets girl,

i felt something ignite,

a spark in this kindled, something  

i don't know what it might be well i do but i ain't saying,

too many times you caught me lying to myself

putting on a brave face,

tell me now, that were


what is it to really be friends,


you want benefit's, well i do too,

don't want to own you or lay claim to you,

just want to do it

well you know how and what i wa

nt to do,

can't let go of this thou

my homie my friend my soul,

yeah i said soul,

cuz you been down for me since jump,

holding &having; my back,

keeping me focus and

not letting things **** up what we got,

you know we still can't be like

we may say we wanna be,

Too many things in our way

like; i seen ya

*** in dreams

thoughts of you,me and we

can't trust

the reality.....

  someday we could be X'd

meaning someone

can be next or we'd be each others ex's

and i don't want to have drama with you,

all i want is a dang kiss from you,

but every time i think of it

i see more than this

us leading to other **** and

i just cant risk all that

we have and will continue to be

if only we don't

Open these Dream And Fantasy's,

let them drive us insane

who can blame us

for wanting?


Friends will always be..

So i can't let you in not


when you hold the


******* Desires

Misleading(the Lead'ful)

Always me Ayeshah

(loving from a distances-"friendship" is so freaking hard)
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
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