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 Nov 2010 Ayeshah
A fire fly in the sky what happens when you takes its wings away?
Well it can't fly its stale and stagnant. to stay on the ground their wing won't grow back; The Fire fly gets weak, its strength fades away.

           An Angel in the sky falls to the ground, would you help him  stand,  get his strength back, or would you Rip his wings off and Rip his heart out? Be a Demon and Stomp on his reason, his familiar source of power and security A.K.A his soul!

A heart beat triples when your around, I go to heaven when you Love me, Support me, Hug me, Kiss me, Confess you undying Love to me. I'm in hell when your selfish wanting only  what you can get for you no matter how much you ****** others hearts, souls, Killing them beyond Recovery A Dark Blackened Cover stone his heart, his soul, his blood boils for revenge but his heart says be mindful and never loose "FAITH" in yourself and to "become the MASTER of your abilities" to soar once again or will truth in Love pass me by as I loose myself to this world of being money hungry, tpo world for self and noone to share with. My soul dies on this earth of selfish, negative Resolve to hear, to see, to feel wrongful thoughts, Hurtful cause, hurtful wounds that noone but self shall give into negative thoughts and Depression have to live for self first (true),
but what good is riches, what good are they without your rib to share these riches with!

My hearts in my throat, My souls depleted, My mind is racing with hope, still as I look in your eyes I see you afraid of accepting true happiness but even as that False Evidence Appearing Real comes to you I will continue to show you what real love is. No regrets as my soul rises like a Phoenix from the ashes I Recover my soul and build it up once again and my heart shall be healed with my dreams done right, with strength revealed. Will you see me as I truly am or will you try to Bounce me back to the beginning again?
What will it be?
will you rise with me?
I wanna know fo sho.
Christopher N Cartwright
 Nov 2010 Ayeshah
One day I walk to the side of destiny,
second day I talk to ecstasy, three to
five I'm dead or alive. The rest is a
test, a test of love, compassion,
action and reaction.The test courage
and truth, the test to find your inner
youth. Cold or hot my soul is not; one
or the other I trust no other; than
myself. Alone I am my own home. Home of
righteous, home of justice,peace and
tranquility, where I can find my own
instead of being alone. As I walk on
the side of destiny.

Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 2009
I painted a picture of another time that I existed in
Looked at every color in my view
Thought about the way, my heart beat within
Remembered, the face of you too

I turned the picture over and looked for a nail
Thinking I could hang it on my wall
Every color in my picture my senses did assail
When I remembered the face of our fall

Muted colors of crimson passion flowed in disbelief
From the edges of the canvas I had prepared
Remembering the heart I took like a thief
Tore open and left bleeding there

I turned the picture over and looked for my brush
Every color I had in my view
Thought about the way, my heart beat in a rush
When I remembered, the face of you

I painted a picture of this time we both exist in
Using every color in my view
Thought about the way, my heart beats within
As I retouched, the heart, of you
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
 Nov 2010 Ayeshah
What is it with this fatal attraction
For my soul that’s what it is
I have tried hard to ignore it
And not always give in

Erase you from my heart and mind
To be free from you at last
But every time you’re near
I simply have no chance

What is it about you
Keeps me wanting more
Your eyes mesmerize me
And pull me into your world

Your body makes my pulse race
I undress you with my eyes
I wish it were just physical
I’d have walked away by now

I love the way your mind works
Even if I don’t always understand
You make me think about things
That I never have before

The way you make me smile
And the way you make me laugh
Is just another of your facets
That keeps me coming back

I love the way you accept me
Like it’s ok to be myself
I let my guard down around you
And I take off my many masks

You seem to understand me
Even with all my many quirks
You even seem to tolerate me
When I’m acting like a *****

There’s so much more about you
That I just can’t find the words
To tell all the reasons
That you're driving me  berserk

That’s why I keep staring at you
With such passion in my eyes
You're my fatal attraction
And that I can’t deny.
I saw beauty in the world today

Heaven came to me to stay

I saw colours of every flower

I saw the majestic Oak tower

People greeted me with a smile

They chatted for a while

The sky shone a beautiful blue

The grass beneath my feet felt so true

The world laughed along with me

I am now feeling free
copyright Chris Smith 2009
The grey gulls drift across the bay
Softly and still as flakes of snow
Against the thinning fog. All day
I sat and watched them come and go;
And now at last the sun was set,
Filling the waves with colored fire
Till each seemed like a jewelled spire
****** up from some drowned city. Soon
From peak and cliff and minaret
The city's lights began to wink,
Each like a friendly word. The moon
Began to broaden out her shield,
Spurting with silver. Straight before
The brown hills lay like quiet beasts
Stretched out beside a well-loved door,
And filling earth and sky and field
With the calm heaving of their *******.

Nothing was gone, nothing was changed,
The smallest wave was unestranged
By all the long ache of the years
Since last I saw them, blind with tears.
Their welcome like the hills stood fast:
And I, I had come home at last.

So I laughed out with them aloud
To think that now the sun was broad,
And climbing up the iron sky,
Where the raw streets stretched sullenly
About another room I knew,
In a mean house -- and soon there, too,
The smith would burst the flimsy door
And find me lying on the floor.
Just where I fell the other night,
After that breaking wave of pain. --
How they will storm and rage and fight,
Servants and mistress, one and all,
"No money for the funeral!"

I broke my life there. Let it stand
At that.
The waters are a plain,
Heaving and bright on either hand,
A tremulous and lustral peace
Which shall endure though all things cease,
Filling my heart as water fills
A cup. There stand the quiet hills.
So, waiting for my wings to grow,
I watch the gulls sail to and fro,
Rising and falling, soft and swift,
Drifting along as bubbles drift.
And, though I see the face of God
Hereafter -- this day have I trod
Nearer to Him than I shall tread
Ever again. The night is dead.
And there's the dawn, poured out like wine
Along the dim horizon-line.
And from the city comes the chimes --

We have our heaven on earth -- sometimes!
I glimpse your eyes staring at the shadows in my soul
Seeking to calm the wildly rushing storm
Keeping my heart out of control
Unable to keep
The beat
Pulsating whole

I stare into eyes seeking to calm the storms
To make my heart their own
Leaving chambers once cold now warm
My heart begins to pulsate
To the beat
Of a song, it's always known

Buried longings softly rush, to be finally freed
From this heart out of control
Once a half now pulsates complete
Your eyes chase shadows
Calming storms,
My heart
Returns to whole
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
Revised: 11/28/2011
 Sep 2010 Ayeshah
Skylar Hoover
I swore i'd be with you,
but that was back when
i thought i knew it all.
One minute life seems so precious
You hold her close and feel wanted
Feeling her heart beating near yours

Then you say something wrong
Her feelings seem to be torn apart
You taste the lonely call of the heart

Making up, you love the feel of her body
You both put away those pains that hurt
But you play the game of upset again

Do you believe in love?
I do, yes I do
Do you believe in love?
I do, so do you

Let those tears turn to her kisses
Because you want her to feel better
She is your world, she is your universe

You hate spending one day without her
Because the hours seem to be endless
She is always there, haunting your thoughts

Your life needs her to complete it
But you never find the words to tell her
So find the strength now to let her know

Do you believe in love?
I do, yes I do
Do you believe in love?
I do, because it's true
copyright Chris Smith 2010
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