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I once was weak, dragged to the floor
Left in the dust, couldn't take anymore
I felt useless like a cracked rainbow
Desperation still seemed to grow

Nothing would ever seem to go right
I was in the dark without a light
I still kept taking those punches
One of the people life crunches

Then she came and she picked me up
I was in the shadows no longer
She rescued me when I'd had enough
She helped me to feel a little bit stronger

I was down, lower that I'd ever been
I was invisible, one of the unseen
Felt like I'd been dragged through the hedge
I was so close to being pushed off the edge

I had lost faith, I no longer believed in hope
I became near to the end of my rope
It looked like that nothing ever mattered
My mirror was all broken and shattered

Then she came and she picked me up
I was in the shadows no longer
She rescued me when I'd had enough
She helped me to feel a little bit stronger
copyright Chris Smith 2010
 Aug 2010 Ayeshah
you give me these rules to follow what do you Want me to write,
it says write about what I fell of pain,
Sadness using words that I've Never Uttered or said..
When you say write what you feel thats what I've been doing wrather you give me an
F or an A for these assignments,
These are the ways that I feel.

You want me to write something Sad:
catch me on a Sad Day,

You want me to write something Dark:
Catch me on a Dark Day,

Want me to Write something Hateful:
Catch me on a Hateful Day,

want me to write something Sweet:
Catch me on a Sweet Day,

To write something Freaky:
Catch me on a Freaky day,

To write something Deathly Insane:

Well this one I just learned you gotta Catch me with a Question or a Simple Title
Havin me think of dark and Death Days
that Drag out into intense bleeding
and fulfilling
Abandonment issues toward myself;
A deep dark wreckless,
Careless secret toward myself,
thinking and contemplating What if I was to bring the Darkness to a full salute would I be me,
Would I be a Murderer,
Would I be an Assasin for Hire,
what would my life be like if I were to do that but alas I dont wanna find out that is why I stay me cause
I believe if I bring that darkness to a
full salute my Life as I know it will turn
Chaotic with no amount of Greatness
but for death and decay,

The Hatred to my Love,

The Death to my Life,

the Wrong to my Right,

The Loneliness to the Togetherness,

The Yang to my Yin,

The Sadness to my Happiness.

So I guess in writing Do I get it now?

Do I let this other side out for a full day not gaining any amount of light to that day...

My Beast to my Gentalmen,

My  Ingnorance to my Intellagence,

My Negative to my Possitive,

My Villian to my Hero,

My Rags to my Riches,

My Shade to my Shine,

My Impure to my Pure,

My Jekyl to my Hyde,

My Insane to my Sane,

My Padded Dark Room to my Clean Sunshine in place of Life,

So did I do it?
Have I uttered what has been dorment inside me for the Longest?

Maybe my Fist to my Mouth,

Maybe my False to my True,

My Body too my Brains,

My Unresraints to my Discipline,

Silence to my Spoken,

****** to my Protect,

What do I do,
Just for one day.

My Slave to my Free Man,

What do I do?

My Loose tongue to Knowing when to shut-up

Wha do you want me to say?

My Riot to my Gaurd,

How should I act?

My Without to my With You,

Would you stay?

My Demise to my Negotiation to Live,

How should I feel?

My Killer to my Protector

What should I do?

My Worst to my Great,

How should I stand?

All these Questions within myself for myself....
If Only for a Day I should go crazy,
Would you stay?

If only for a Day iI Lose Control would you still Love me ?

Chris I need to Know what do you want me to do,
to say,
to be,
to act,
to believe?

Im talking to you,
What would you have me do?

               Chris What shall we do its up to you now,
its always been.

As to my Beautifull Empress,
Our Babies,
and Our Unborns
Supports Me and keeps me Sane and Intensly
In Love with Her in all the Glory that is Life...
 Jun 2010 Ayeshah
 Jun 2010 Ayeshah
A Moonstruck Rhyme in

                              A moonstruck Place.

     When your shadow strikes a dime in anyplace.
I give my Heart,

I give my Soul can you hear these two bad beats knockin on yo flo.

                              A Miracle Time,

                              A Miracle Place.

                     Whats that shinin on yo face.

  A glimmer past your eye which you thought you saw me but in the

end the only thing that matters is whats within.

Within this body,within this place;

My body in a temple with an Amazing Grace.

My mind soars through;

I'm a bird, I'm a Plan free am I from any cage.

                                The Lioness walks,

                                The Panther talks;

Two cats dine for their nature we rewind. Back to the Past,

Back through the Days when our Ancestors were constructing ways.

                               In Our Moonstruck Days
                               Our Moonstruck nights.

                     CAN YOU SEE ME THROUGH THE HAZE.
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
 Jun 2010 Ayeshah
These Hands,

These working hands.

The pain throbbing from them brings me joy,

The pain whistling through my skin,

nerves and nails brings me pleasure.

why does this searing pain feel so good you ask?

Because this pain put food in our families stomachs,

This pain pays the bills,

This pain gets them what they need

and most of all this pain is worth the smiles I see on their faces

and in their hearts.

The pain in these hands brings me peace.
oh!! These Working Hands
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
 Jun 2010 Ayeshah
Del Maximo
poetry is heart speaking
her deepest wisdom
or lightest whimsy
traditional form or free verse
let souls sing
sprinkle metaphor and simile
if you are a poet, write like one
words are music
let them breeze like a melody
color with mix-matched sensory
don’t stay inside the lines
see sounds with eyes closed
hear flickering of fireflies’ light
smell beauty in distant mountains
taste majesty of flowers’ bloom
touch forgiveness
bring personification to life
“she” is much sweeter than “it”
and a seat cushion may have a roundness to her
throw in some high speech
make someone grab a lexicon
delete those extra words
‘I’s and ‘the’s especially
alliteration can create cacophonic chorus
while similar sounds of assonance
tie hoards and scores of words together
although there are no rules
try your best to use poetry’s tools
with this above all else:
let your truth ring
let your insights and revelations
be a healing to self and reader
let experiences resonate in hearts
and harmonize voices
© June 7, 2010
Listen as I shout upon the darkness
A darkness which seeps into my heart
My heart ceases to hurt more than it should
Just a mere feeling of relentless aftermath
Running through my mind which ***** the weapon of choosing
Which is fully loaded with empty thoughts biased momentum
As my life slips continuously through the fingers of time
Whilst my shadow leaves my side at the sight of temptation
During the glimpses of the decrepit future that it bares for no one
Envision the blanketed universe as it becomes trivial
Questioning its surroundings, embracing the foretold tale
Of the corpse which holds the key to my mind ****** destiny
Only through the eyes of the corpse may you get into my mind
Then you will see the nothingness I look through on countless days
Endless nights never seeing the sight of dawn as it approaches
Lurking like a wild cat, rummaging through gargles of judgment
A wistful momentum of earth-shattering damnation
A damnation which could only be thought up by the beast himself
Suddenly realizing it was all a dream as reality slips on by
Misfortunately conceptual moments unlike these could only be dreamt of
Perpetually the forsaken child lives through it everyday
An adolescent losing his way and never to find his way back home
The tragedy of this story draws neigh as he takes his own life
In front of millions to see, watch, linger about in sad driven tears
The boy will soon be forgotten as sadness dissipates into oblivion
©Aiden L  K Riverstone
 May 2010 Ayeshah
**** **** real its crazy how you grow up so fast and all you really have is a memory of your past so you say to yourself is this real is this how i'm suppose to feel and you think of all the **** that you been through the good and the bad and you say wow what a life i had i came from  nothing and i went to something ive cried tears of joy and tears of pain ive suffered and ive conquered and ive feared, feared the worst feared the best feared life feared death feared nothing feared something and im still in fear seventeen years and i feel i know a little to much growing up in the world was and still is hard but i know that im still going to continue to make it im still going to continue to try i can't give up after all the **** ive been through im going to show every one that told me i couldnt make it i can im going to prove all my enimes wrong i also know in order to keep succeeding in this life that i have to pray have faith and paitcence bt in order to do that first i have to believe in me
                                                 LOVE JANNELL
Jannell C 1992-2010
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