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Ayeshah Jul 2010
excuse me-
just what do you think your doing?
barging in on my life,

causing a ruckus after so long now
it's was fun

while it lasted but your my past
I know you know better then
to try and relive what can never be again...

You love who

um hell naw
not me,

I once was blind
baby I see clear through
fake persona
to the
little devil who'll use
what ever he can
to try and become my man,
had ya chance
you ******* blew it,
don't  keep emailing or texting me
I want nothing to do with you
how sad
when I wanted you
It was you
playing hard to get
not so much
to get
just so **** hard
to hold on to,

I left that part of my life,
left the bitterness and pain too,
your words never hurt
as much
your actions-
caused me to
wanna die,
**** you too
what then
of the seed you planted in me,
now as
months,months and months go by
I laugh at my stupidity
for thinking everything
you said
you meant....

save it for someone who
gives a flying ****
I guess you can say through it
all and after all this time
my feeling & self
have changed
feeling regret and hate
for the careless
way you tossed me away
tossed my words back at me
choose to
play  games on me

begging me to let you back in
You had me thinking
we could of been more
then just friends
more then anything
we could of been a

sadly so
cuz I no longer have
those feelings
I just pity the useless
way you drag on begging
and running after

something that

Not again
not after all the **** you did
not after all the pain you caused
never after all the loss
I went through.

Sorry didn't do
so save it for her
she finally got what she wanted
I'm happy for her
cuz least it aint me any longer &
I no
longer worry hurt or even miss you.

bothering me
Stop lying to your self
Strop trying to make me feel
that wont ever
be there again.

for the weak minds
listen to your

again huh


your right

outta here

haa haa haa



We said

No Regrets

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Jul 2010
he said theres

nothing that feels as good as being in my arms

nothing that could take my place as he rocked me gentle

while we consummated the beginning of us-

silky smooth

skin to skin-

laughter fills this room as we play our lovers game,

soulfully i cried out a time or two yet i held my ground as he filled me

lustful bodies dance in the darkness

hands entwined as we melt together

silhouettes transforming single shadows into one

the worlds topsy turvie


as i float beyond cloud nine over &ove;; we fulfilled our bound bringing us closer

Ohh ooo umm uhhh mmmmm

so close

I felt his tears his heart beats in tune with my own

our breathing becomes rapid

while motions increase to an unheard tune only us lovers can hear

He pushes deep i open wider moving just the same dancing faster as we switch positions

front to back side to side riding harder
fast slowing to catch my breath slowing

as our ****** causes an eruption this wasn't supposed to happen & now that it has

I crave him constantly

I can still taste him ,

smell & feel him......

we're more then friends,
more then
just dating one another

we have a bound unlike any other & right now

I'm content with us being together........

Call us what you want but trust me when

I tell you we're so much more than

Lustrous Lovers
Copyright © Ayeshah
K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Jul 2010
this ain't love,

you've tortured my feeling

played on my ever needing lust,

consummated my need

as you relished in

my soulful screaming desire.

Release me tormentor

let me become free

of your wicked deeds

and your wicked ways,

how is this possible

after so long

you've come around

and i melt,

I melt

again & again

becoming this

unrecognizable person...

Longing to be in

your embrace

to feel the torture

start over again

to become victim to your

skillful ways

as you once more

maimed me and tame me ,


agaain  is what i once said

But lately

I can't think right I got this need

This greed

Feeding and fueling me..

I don't like where I'm going  

with these thoughts....

Don't like these unwelcoming desires

you've stirred with in me once more...

Bleeding loves


lustful lovers

never again is a myth

Cuz I see where I want to be

even if I already know

your no good for me!

This  Ain't  LOVE!

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Jul 2010
Magnolia's and black Roses
comfort me,
I lay awake as you
breath low lower- fading-

wondering how
I've let you get into
my thoughts & now
once more into my bed...

I've come awake at the
touch of
your hand,
roughly you've penetrated
the core of my being...

softly a breeze stirs
from my cracked window
and the smell
waffled with your scent
lingers in this bedroom,

Black roses & sweet magnolia's...

I looked over your body too many times

Your eyelashes
I've counted each curly
one a million times,

those high check bones
I've touched & caressed until my hands went numb.

You never move and I hardly breath
thinking it's not right but Ok-
Oh how you danced
with in my Vally of seduction
become intoxicated  
as you dranked in my nectar- honeycomb.

I wanted you- I wanted this moment ,
I did want to love you and
in a lot of ways I do but
laying here now as I stare at your form

lifeless on my bed I feel it wasn't
just your misleading
pain & your lying games
that brought me to the breaking point...

It was the man
I finally saw who told me once..,

I am worth more!

tears of freedom
streams down my face as
I lay here watching you,

watching the slight breeze from
my cracked window shifts
the thousands of petals all around
you & all
I can do is cry with
simple smile on my face.

My rooms filled with the smell
of you
Magnolia's & Black Roses.

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Jul 2010
Petal kisses
                                                     trailed my body
                       once upon a time
             ­    I felt you come into me

                            as I cried out and you held  me

                                         I spoke of joy,
                             cried again
                                                         yelled out for-  you            

                                       And once more
                        because of the the  pain,

                                      I lost
                                       loved and
                            gave up too soon,          
                                         what to do
                       when too many times          

                      you've been my man
                         even as
                I pushed you so far away-
                         it was harder & harder
                            to come back,
                                      whats left

                     all you do is give me "you"        
                           ­                 and

                      I give half of me
                           I'm scared
                             ­     worried and
                            don't want to

                           be here

              don't like living this way

                               yet I stay right in your arms

                                again& again
                            I wont fail again

                         wont fall anymore
                                        then again
                              I already did,          

                          sinking low      

                       so low
                                        I find myself                
                          to you for a life line
                     ­                    a life time of happiness is mines

                I'd take that leap with you          
                  a leap of faith

                   is all your asking          
                                   ­    but
                       I can't commit
            in all honesty
       I belong to him
                    (someone else)

                                      Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
                           Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
                                                All right reserved
Ayeshah Jul 2010
Ohhh my  racing mind, closing my eyes,
head spinning
as I turn  with arms out
in a circle....
breath catching in my throat

Craving, jonesin-  feverishly needing... time to think
re-invent myself- -  re-invent my life
my desire for the unknowing ,

I need to escape this burden
this un-holy god forsaking feeling of misery...
love came to fast and now I can't let it go,

can't gain control but yet

I've lost nothing, and some how I
'm loosing everything.

thinking wondering, watching as time flies
and I remain a figment of what
we could be could of been...  

us, you, me, we

I am learning--

learning to love anew again
without the falsehoods caused
by my own doubts and pains,

Your guessing what I mean as
I wrote and still write
in my mind
I guess you'll never
the mind
of madness!

I love you!
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Jun 2010
I don't know if your
good for me,
I don't even know yet
if I want this or not.

I been feeling mixed up...
Been thinking too- what "if"
I'm making the wrong
choice in choosing you?

How can I risk
oh so much with you?

Is it right for me to want this- yet
I know in some ways

I got feelings that scream
but other beg me not to,

yet when
I see you, hold you and feel you
I lose all my thought process.

I look for the impossible in you
or so it seems to me.

Give up or stay- work this out
or let you go your own way?  

I don't know what I'm pose to do
but I do know that at this point in time

I'll be taking us

one second,

one minute, one hour,

one day & one step at a time!

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
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