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Ayeshah May 2010
I counted  the clock
as I watched the small hand slowly tick by

I stared off into space
as I watched the weather change from sunny to Grey-
blurring my vision as my mind drifted away...

Something in the air told me to be still-  listen & wait

but if I'd of known on this day
you'd do the unthinkable so intangibly-
I well I don't know what I'd of done....

I haven't eaten since you left
I hardly slept since I found you gone...

Hard to think as I sit at my dinning table
watching out my bay window as children laugh & play.

I heard a dog bark and watched a girl playing with her hula-hoop

I sit as tears run down my face thinking are you eating are you safe?

Why now would you think to leave
when everything you wanted
is right in front of you?

Is that person you ran to worth
the pain your causing me?

What can you be thinking ?

As I sit hear with my elbows on this table,
head bent low & my hands in my hair.

I hear a knock & my heart skips a beat, butterflies flutter in the pit of my stomach...

That lil girl with her hula-hoop tapped my window and smiles (I thought it was you)

I smile right back but all  I see is you- in my mind
I see you with your tiny hands, your wrapped in blankets,
leaves of many colors  fall down from above as we sat in  Elizabeth Park
me reading  Winnie The Pooh  to you.

You at about 2- running with your very first kite  
saying looky momma look "it fly'ing"...

As you ran you tripped stubbled & fell  sadly your kite flew away...
I chases it but I couldn't reach it in time....
You look up with tears & it breaks my heart I didn't catch your kite
so I cry too and you say to me momma it OK.

I see in my mind you  at 4 laughing with your sister - you both hold hand
twirling round & round in circles   until you fall down giggling all the while.

I wonder where is that smile of yours now?

Where's the laughter & feelings you had way back then?

My tears are overflow- spilling on this dinning table...

I look up and watch
the tiny red hand on the clock tick, tick, tick on by,
it's the only sound in my house.

Your sisters outside playing with their friends
as  I sit watching out the window& all I see is the many blended
children whom now look all
like you- running, laughing, playing...

Being free to be them selves & all I can do is long to have you home for once.
No picture is gonna help
because you've left me watching, waiting once more,
I  been here all this time doing what I seem to continuously do which is
Watch As Time Flys By!
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah May 2010
I kissed those lips so many times,
I held you as you caressed me to your will,

heat's rising between the two of us

& I'm becoming intoxicated
by your lustful glares-

As you stare deep into my eyes

while you deviously - lavishly

lick & **** betwixt my legs...

Pulsations consuming my very thoughts

I was to be the one to ******

once I finished my seductive belly dance...

You've surpassed me - grabbing

my dancers gear,

ripping fabric as you

feverishly kissed my gaping- shocked

"wide open" mouth.

Sweet ecstasy's taking

over every part of my being.

Your tantalizing tongue  

teasing in and out

of me as I spread wider for you.....

I rant the silence  with lustful

passionate screams as wave after

seductive  waves

pulsate through me all the way to my toes.

I'm hurting in a good way as you climb up over me

slowly so wondrously slow

you enter me,

moving deeper



I feel Oh


I  come wake

sadly it's only

a dream!
Always me Ayeshah
Ayeshah May 2010
I can't....

Can't help these feeling

consuming me as

you assume about me,

presume to understand.

Listen sweetie -

I never had a choice

I wasn't right in my thinking.

In my reasonings left us both with

unrequested guilt.

Unanswered questions , doubted,  

misguided-  non-understanding,

abandoned-  my un- abandoned disgust,

regretfully  mistaken stolen moments,

regret  deeply for not being there,

being  not there even now....

Left a ache inside

for so long-  I still cry,

I cry for myself  too though.

It hurts to loose so much

to have nothing but questions,



wonderful  bliss,  mind erased...

blissfully  -

no more thinking,

shaking crying,

blissful aint blessed when I had to forget.

don't speak or talk.. keep it in

deep inside

no one

tell no one.....

I was trapped,



beaten & shaking.....

In my mind....

In my head- i felt no pain...

Lied to myself...  lied about you.... about me....  about "it"......  about US.



Lying to me,  lying to you,

lying   lying    lying  

so much lying....

lying,  drowning,  dying,  lying,   crying,  lying.......


how can they have lied- liars lying as i laid dreaming....

demons, screaming.....

I cried, screamed, dreamed & longed for this day

Fought & still fight for this day

A day where you'd know!

Where you unsheathe that sword-

Placed-  deep in my heart, deep into my soul...

Did you know?  

Did they tell you-

who I was?  

Couldn't you of guessed?

Your eyes- my eyes

Your hand's - my hands

Your smile - my smile

Your laugh - its me!!!

I'm you

Your blood

My blood.

Didn't you notice  

didn't you see

all me in you?

I knew from the moment your face
looked deep into my face

your shape

my shape

my mirror

your mirror.

Twin yet not  - -  

Mother╰♥•♥╮ Daughter


One -  Whole


Together !

I Always Loved & Love You!

Dear child of mine  -

╰♥•♥╮JANNELL  ╰♥•♥╮

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyrights ©1977-2009 Ayeshah(A.K.K.C.L.N)
All rights reserved.
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Oh how he thinks he likes me,

But he just doesn't know yet - I'm not his type...,

See his type is the kind of girl whose simple demeanors  more on the

shy  & sly,

She's the girl that dimples pretty while playing so very hard to get.

She'll say she's never done "this" before-  asking him for lessons  then

magically becoming a pro....

See she pretends to listen to your ever word,while silently figuring out

the best way to get him to spend,

lend and reinvent himself to suit her baser superficial needs.....

His type is someone that'll take but never give, lust but never love

blame but never accuse herself....

See she's the type-  his type,  the type to lie and hurt, making things worse.

He like's the feel of her,likes the kisses and hugs...

He likes the way she bats her eyelashes and pouts her lips.

The way she walks as she switches her hips.

Oh how he thinks he likes me....

But he just doesn't know yet - I'm not his type...,

I am a Lady-  full grown...

Not a fake lying deceitful little girl

& I'd never change my stripes

unless I change for myself.

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Softly. so softly-  a  light  breeze  flows,

whipping my cap off my head

cascading my hair as it tumbles

to my shoulders

in soft auburn mahogany curls

Gently so gently kisses from

this brook sprays water

on my coco skin,

Tingling little goose bumps filter along my

body as I lay naked in this meadow,

Blooming  flowers cover parts of me  

picked with  finely tuned  fingers,

expertly capable, flexing over my sensual form
caressing strongly.

hands holding tightly.......

The suns shining down on me

baking me lightly

as cherry & orange blossoms

leaves hang slightly over & cover me  
shading me-

I smell of orange & cherry blossoms

Of lilies & tulips, daisy's & pretty purple violets....
Of earth, metallic scented sweet grass.

My hairs softly, so softly caressing my face

whipped over my shoulders-
the wind picks up softly slowly dies down
gently the breeze comes in goes like my breaths......

In this meadow I am free,
no worries, day dreaming,

Thinking of how
to fulfill within me this need-

This unknown craving I can't explain.

My burning longing


Freely naked
freely expressionistic

enjoying my very own
safe heaven  
from the world.

hearts beating slow

slowly  slow  slower


I'm drifting-  more & more....


Am I...

Death-  Murderer

Murmuring- Death.....



Left to die

in this meadow under

Orange & Cherry Blossoms.

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Feeling your touch distantly,

calling out your name in whispers unsaid.

Playing hard to get isn't fun
if your not playing too,

simply -  your
hard to hold on to,

I've already  tried catching you.

Dancing, moving, flowing,

like a ribbon in the sky....

broken free from loose strands......

caught the smiles,

the shy looks, the hand holding.

So long Oh  so  so  so very long now

I've knew & known those strong hands  
holding me.

we've configured our bodies,

embraced-  the soft silky smooth texture of skin,

golden perfectly formed muscles ,

holding me tight up against your chiseled chest
as we merge-  twist  swing  push  pull  spin  

again again again & again.

spinning round around round & around  

songs mingled melodies spark causing us to get closer,

closer closer & even closer...

I'm trapped luxuriously-  your  mmm unreal

intoxication-  like webs of stars
caught on my dream catcher.

hips pressed close legs mingle
as we twist this and that way.

hand on the swell of my backside,

Squeeze   turn   pause- dipping  low  lower,

dip me again -  magnetize my alluring persona.

Alleviate this  unknown aridity that leaves
me dry mouthed

longing for your touch once more.
Songs ending it's last call

Butterfly's catch in the pit of my stomach,  

after seeing you with her  

seeing you shyly smile up
at her while you forget.

the touch of our hands,

the smell of our scent & sweat mingled as one

like lover for the very  first time
the floor was our bed

our playground until the music

softly slowly away & she came into
stepping back  i look from you to her

holding  my breath when you truned my way,  

You bowed over my hand kissed it lovingly.

Causing  longing, craving & hot flashes

for hours until now-  mingled with sweaty palms

as you walk past me back to her side.
am i playing the wrong game?  

Every weekend with you it's almost the same.

You find me-  stalk me until i relentlessly give in,
dancing, swaying,

bodies so close causing us to forget ,
forget it all.......

Dance floor becoming our bedroom,

so many times so many hours
swaying-  flowing bodies intertwined,

meshed together again & again.

spinning around & round.

With me me me & you oh you you you

your dipping me .

your hands always mmm always on

my lower back,

music loudly sweetly drumming
like our heart beats  

becoming our Tantra Taboo(s).....

she smiles at me then looks up-  smiling

gleefully in your eyes
as you both walk out the dance hall....

**** I shouldn't of expected a **** thang-

Oh well that's what happens more often than not- to me
on a

Friday Night(s)

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Our blissful rapture's
open to desire
as you consummate
with in me your love.

In this sultry sequel,

romanticism's left speechless

as you smother me to
your smoldering body,

Rocking hard then softly

Again thrusting  with in me

You whisper passionate words
of rapture.

You've explored my mystical
bond's of sensuality,

taking me higher then any other

while singing my praise of beauty.

Just the two of us you proclaimed
your ultimate love for me.

There's nothing better
or anything close to this-
between harmonious lovers.

Rocking swiftly  but
as gentle as a breeze.

Torment me and make me succumb
to your awaking desire
left hardly spent as you
beg me to release my
over flowing stream.

Eenveloped by the alluring rapture you've
brought out in this lovers bed,
has me reeling my head back

crying out while handful of sheets mingled
in sweat cause me to forget past or present.

Enticing adventurous lover take me
again and again,
swim with in my honey milked pool ,

Dance deep within my utopia.

In every tender word you whisper
expectation builds within my desire

to submit again and again to your
to your powerful ******.

Our bodies entwined re rewind
and repeat the dance steps again.

I moan,
You cry out,
I scratch,
You hold tight, I open,
You fill,
until it's like a dream so unreal.

In this soft bed of wild inspiration,
I loose all control,
loose my self with in you.

We've became one, so engrossed with
one another it's  hard to tell
where you stop and I began.

I willed this moment!
I will'd  time for just a little longer,
day becomes night
and night becomes day,

we've lost all track of time.

Lost all perceptions
of what was meant to be,

Finally it's time for us
to reclaim our soul.

To break down the walls that
keeps us separated for so long.

No longer will I yearn for you
and you for me,
even if all we have to

give is this and this moment.

(For now sweet Lover!)

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
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