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AumaObure Jul 2018
They say home is where the heart is
That home is where your happiness is
But why doesn’t it feel happy
Why does it feel like prison?
My showers have become so tearful
My breath has become so toxic
The thoughts of you consume me
What pains most is that you don’t see it
You don’t feel my pain
Home is where the heart is right?
Is this your home too?
Is your heart here too?
I want to know, maybe I am in the wrong home
Maybe I am chocking you with my presence
I want to go home,
I want to be happy, like a normal person in love
I want peace
I want to feel like its home
Sadly, I still feel I should be home with you!
AumaObure Jul 2018
I thought it was nothing when we first met
I knew it was just ***
The first time,I Felt like it’s going to be easy
We agreed it was going to be a fling
Weeks later,I couldn’t recognise myself anymore
I wasn’t the same anymore
I felt more emotions, cried alot
It started to get to me,so much that it took control over me
It controlled how I feel,how I act,how I feed
It had me wrapped  up and squeezed in its little palms.
I tried to escape from it,but I kept crawling back
I couldn’t talk to anyone,so I Googled
You don’t want to know the keywords for the search..
But every result gave me a falling in love narrative,
I didn’t want to fall in love, I just wanted ***
I didn’t want to be attached,I just wanted the attention
I didn’t want a relationship,I just just wanted company
I didn’t want commitment,I just just just needed a one time every time
“How did I get here” I asked myself everytime I was in the shower
Or when the thought of you popped  up
I’d fallen madly for you
Deep down, I knew it was  billshit
Deep down,I knew if I told you,you would laugh so hard
So I wallow in my pain,trying to pull out,
I hope i take it down sooner before it takes me down!
I know a lot of you can relate to this
AumaObure Jul 2018
I love him and i love him so much,
In him,i see stars and sunshine of love,
Lighting my heart day and night
Making my days pass fast
In him I see a loving man,kind hearted,
Actually all the good adjectives describe him  

Since i fell in love with him, the world stopped..
I fell into a new world with just two people
Him and i
Everyday,every second i want to remind him,
How lucky i am,
How happy he makes me feel,
How much i appreciate him,
And the hows are endless....

I burst with love just with the thought of my love
I feel the red hot flames and my heart skips with joy
I feel safe in his arms anytime he hugs me,
Even just a little touch from him tingles me..
When he comes close to me,i feel his breath enter my soul,
Whenever you tell me those sweet words,
I get chills up my spine
I trully adulate this man
Him and only him is the love of my life
Its your love I cherish, above everything
I  wrote this poem from deep down my heart.
AumaObure Jun 2018
Life is too short to hold grudges and hate
Live your life now; be happy
Fall in love and don’t be afraid of heartbreaks
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
We all learn from our mistakes
I would say I have made mistakes,
Been naughty and stubborn
Been in love and heartbroken
Been sad and happy
I am not perfect, yes
But am always willing to take risks in anything
I have always been fearless
Because, it’s only a matter of days, weeks, months, years,
Before we all out of this world
It’s just a matter of time before we leave everything behind
It’s just a matter of time...
I hope to live to experience everything my heart desires…
I wouldn’t talk about living long enough,
Because, I mean how enough is enough?
One day when I am gone, you will say;
She lived, loved, explored and was always happy!!
AumaObure Jun 2018
I chose you years ago
I will choose you today, tomorrow
I will choose every single day of my life
Because you are the most passionate,
Loyal, understanding, accommodating
Tolerating, loving, respectful, forgiving
Handsome, and I can go on and on
I promise to, if not reciprocate every adjective there,
At least try and get all of them!
I promise to support you in every step you take in life,
Because it has never been your life alone, but ours
I promise to share with you every piece of my mind,
I promise to share every piece of my heart,
Every piece of my thoughts and love
Every piece of my happiness and sadness
Every success and failures
Every mistakes and achievements
Every piece of my body, just with you!
I will always be your best friend
You will always be number one
Because we are one, and forever we shall be!
AumaObure Jun 2018
Oh, where do I even begin?
My best and loyal friend
My brother, my family,
My husband, the love of my life,
Happy birthday!
I am speechless, what do I tell you
Ooh, the father of my two adorable twins
This is the second time you are celebrating your birthday as a father  
This is the seventh time you are celebrating your birthday with me
We have come a long way,
It’s been a bumpy one but here we are, growing stronger by the day
We have had a lot of misunderstandings,
But hey, who doesn’t?
Relationships are tough, but our love is tougher
Marriage is a commitment, and we all know the ups and downs
But in every misunderstanding, the commitment grows even stronger
It’s your birthday today love,
All I can say is, I love you beyond words
I love you more than I did a year ago
I love you more than I did a month ago
I love you more than I did a week ago
I love you more than I did a day ago
I love you more than I did a minute ago,
I love you more than I did a second ago
I know even tomorrow I will love you more than I do today!
You have grown in me, and for sure, you are part of me!
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