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AumaObure Jun 2018
It was good while it lasted!
I know you feel the same way too, if am not wrong
I am not ready to let you go baby
I don’t know whether this is mutual but, well for me that’s what I feel anytime I think of you.
Please tell me it was real when we were together
Please tell me you meant every word,
Every kiss, every touch
Every whisper, every laughter
Every moment we shared together.
Please tell me I meant something to you
Something special, coz for me you were more than special and still is
I know I said I can handle being away from you
I know I also said that I can handle being around you
I know I promised to stay calm whenever I am around you
I know I also said that I will act up and strong
People say so many things when they are in-
No! - I don’t want to use that term in-love coz I hate the sound of it
But these things love, it weakens even the strongest of the strongest
It brings out emotions that you always want to lock up away
It makes you vulnerable
It makes you cry at the silliest of things
It makes you smile at the tiniest things
It makes you question your worth sometimes when sad
It makes you appreciate and love yourself when you are happy
It also makes you irritated whenever things don’t go your way
I hate to say this, not just to you but to myself as well
That I love you, I love you more than I could imagine
That I don’t love how the feeling has turned me into something I never want to be-vulnerable.
I think every time of how badly am just about to get hurt
It breaks my heart, but what can I do?
I don’t know baby I don’t know what to do
Am holding on, hoping the feeling fades away with time
Coz clearly it’s a forbidden love
Am’a just hold on, tears
Oh, and so you know, I stopped writing poems/pieces for some reason but here I am…
I have no one to talk to once again but my keyboard and blank word document
AumaObure Jun 2018
Honestly speaking,
I don’t think this is going to work out
Clearly you don’t value this relationship
You don’t want this
You haven’t given it your all
I know you are chocking inside to tell me it’s over
I know it’s hard for you to do so
So let me make it easier for you,
Let’s just stop this
Let’s stop trying too hard
Am trying to be in this so hard
While you are trying to be out of it so bad
I am one person who takes dates seriously
I take communication, conversation seriously
I take, let me call you back in a few’ seriously
I take every moment we set aside for each other seriously, however small
I take you seriously
I take us seriously
The fact that I don’t whine about it
The fact that I don’t nag about it to you doesn’t mean I don’t hurt
It hurts so badly,
It feels like I am trying too hard
You know what the society calls women who try too hard
Too hard to be with someone?
Women who goes for the man they love
Gives it a try, hoping they get loved back?
I believe some people are worth giving up on
Some relationships are never meant to be.
This is one of them.
AumaObure Jun 2018
Okay, breath in, breath out.
Okay now repeat these words with your heart, body and soul
He doesn’t love me, never has, never will
He doesn’t love me, never has, never will
He doesn’t love me, never has, never will
He doesn’t love me, never has, never will
He doesn’t love me, never has, never will
He doesn’t love me, never has, never will
Repeat it again and again till you don’t feel sad anymore
Repeat the words till no tear comes from your eyes
Repeat it till, you smile and laugh at yourself
Okay now breathe in, and oo-out
Repeat this with your body, soul and heart
I will stop this stupidity, love myself, and focus on me
I will stop this stupidity, love myself, and focus on me
I will stop this stupidity, love myself, and focus on me
I will stop this stupidity, love myself, and focus on me
I will stop this stupidity, love myself, and focus on me
I will stop this stupidity, love myself, and focus on me
Repeat it till you don’t feel ****
Repeat it till you start shrubbing and laugh hard at yourself
Repeat it till the emptiness is all gone
Repeat it till you feel you are ready to move on
Repeat it as many times as you want,
Till you feel you can trust yourself with the thought of him/her
Now, breathe in and ouuuu-t!
Be you. Focus on you. Love you. Explore you.

— The End —