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425 · Jan 2022
Cat No 5
Antony Glaser Jan 2022
He twitches his whiskers
by the window
in some symbiotic compliance at the birds sound
in the middle of the day

He flattens his sleek stomach
alongside the sofa
to hide from the current world
but he is no coward
or your ordinary moggie
but a kindly tail
424 · Jul 2018
standing by eddys
Antony Glaser Jul 2018
i stand by the wind, stirring eddys
in the river
I proclaim I am unloved,
a penny not to rub together,
tomorrows my birthday
and all my Delphininuims have faded.
421 · Jun 2018
forgotten glances
Antony Glaser Jun 2018
I am wilderness set out in stone
a journey never taken to its end.
You were hope and a wayward glance
remembering all that was cast.
(is paved with good intentions)
421 · Jan 2014
A fragmented Home
Antony Glaser Jan 2014
If the scoreline between us is not pleasing
there's a door to pass through,
another room to re-count feelings somehow lost.
Its an unwritten fragment in a diary
towards a realised tear
I have tried to hide
420 · May 2014
Mr 1975
Antony Glaser May 2014
Between the space of nothingness
your narcassistic  streak speaks
to my sincere wish to scratch your face,
almost to imperfect you.
You look tired venturing for a fall.
but otherwise you hide it well,
that arty look and swept back hair
there is no other love than your own
drown and follow your cause 1975
415 · Jan 2016
Wagtail Heart
Antony Glaser Jan 2016
He offered her a song
in hope of a  reprieve
Her four poster was like the
sails of a ship
uncertain in progress.
For he was uncharted wooing such a heart
Would she breeze over like Canada
or provide merriment like wagtails in spring.
A tightrope on this and that,
eggshells for apology
get it right boy.
413 · Jan 2016
Nail Varnish
Antony Glaser Jan 2016
I drowned in a metalic pool.
Yet needing more varnish
each coat felt like sub polar pain.
I sought dying like a goaded swan,
yet out shone by my newly acquired nail polish
still possessed enough attraction
even in surrender,
to brush your ergo
411 · May 2014
Dulice isn't rich?
Antony Glaser May 2014
its the civil service as we know it
counting blocks of years
for a gold plated pension methinks
and watch before your eyes
the transgression of the soul
taking orders on rank Mondays
and progressively suffocate till Friday
week and year once over again.
Antony Glaser Apr 2015
The Moon saw fit to shine
because it had  nowhere else to go
she sang a song for the apple boughs
because they were  bountiful
The Moon sighed to  heaven
as though in a wild  moment
she wanted the sea to lull
under  lunar lapse
for she sought to draw a  line
between the golden apples and her whispered  shadow
she was tired,so tired of  casting her modesty
410 · May 2014
December 1983
Antony Glaser May 2014
At Junkers  yard
Aurolia and Olivia
those fallen ladies smoke their  last ***
with dropping  mouths they've tasted yesterday today
before taking to bed and resting.
Elsewhere the enamoured  trod wistfully
already their  regrets  had hit rock bottom
their wives until then convenient gaps of  memory.
Decembers  winds  took records
the  local press were having a field day
recording the gaps in descent
of past union.
409 · Feb 2015
Antony Glaser Feb 2015
Deaths  knell
a summation of  lost causes,
out  of self  respect you hid
your braced weakness.
Inside you  have previously died
now awaiting featureless failure
it shrouds you
and  yesterdays core  once over
forever coils in recognotion
408 · Feb 2016
50 years
Antony Glaser Feb 2016
In a few years 1970 will be 50
I wonder how many possessions
we will still hold dating back then.
Chirpy chirpy cheep cheep will be plus one
and hot pants will be memories' manna.
We remember walking in lounges
where upholstery shimmered,
orange curtains and green leather sofas.
After 50 years we earn out right
to morally uphold then truisms
Bastions bemoaning the nonsense of today
Perhaps  being inclined to finally say
your face doesn't fit here
408 · Jan 2016
Shine spotlight
Antony Glaser Jan 2016
Up tempo here and there
dating another mans ex
holding her hand.
Azure skies to grace
that connection
eye contact on initial met
then sunny walks
duplicate it on tracing paper
each other's smile
under hanging pergola,
as connected as a walk
under pagonala
your smile broader than the
erstwhile yesterday
407 · Feb 2016
Cold citizens
Antony Glaser Feb 2016
Engels extolled the height of manners
still I would've liked  him to trans Europe permanently
He was such a dampener scribbling
midnight fury
on the oxide of causation
still he starched his collar,
not realising he persists Karl
to upstage Darwin on Capitals demise
406 · Jan 2015
All Flight
Antony Glaser Jan 2015
When the offspring has  flown from its  nest,
having been nourished all for the best
it will soon fly westwards
to welcome the  beginning of  its own time.
How our original plans  speck away
when we had  laden the  powder of  trust
on  its  feet
but so  often the web has run full circle
turning from purity to  false flight
the inner being of the  fledging
406 · May 2016
Selected Centries
Antony Glaser May 2016
Crooked widows like to bat
when the moon is high.
Under scoreboard asylum
they sip Ceylon tea
and scoff invisible buns
laughing at first love,
long after they realised
Cricket beats creases
404 · Jan 2016
Antony Glaser Jan 2016
Why isn't everyone raving about
Harvey Andrews
or trying to memorise tranquility
Why did we ever leave 1975
when we had more hedgerows
and projected families in slides
Blondes didnt have to be peroxide
en naturel was a currency
Words were spoken with eye contact
and dreams came true
404 · Feb 2016
A flickered child
Antony Glaser Feb 2016
Arise the  knight  in your teddy bear,
laugh at  Mr Benn and  Top Cat
for you want to  be a soldier,
crossing  swords,  
crashing with all the dislikers;
fellow children finding serenity
in simplicity
but you hold rose thorns
so that they spear you
to greater deeds
397 · May 2014
Running away
Antony Glaser May 2014
Desperate Dan kissed Linda Liu
and the Moffat brothers went in hot pursuit.
Rita Redford had seen it all before
that dog pained look for Liu,
although she's never had her two cents of love herself
heres her chance
to smooth and balm
poor Dan's unwilling lesson.
the plainer gals are steadfast
their roots  are manifest
they know how to tame those tempest hearts
394 · Dec 2015
Ra Ra
Antony Glaser Dec 2015
Mr Snodgrass was an unrepentant  man,
he wanted  nothing more than a house mouse.
He laugh at her trainers,
telling they subliminally showed
she was uncreative.
He doesn't need twine
he plans to be provocative.
After intentionally brushing her cheek in the dark
she lower her head
and seem to take on his burdens.
She dye her hair sun red,
and wear a Ra Ra skirt to please.
Bare footed taking a few strides outside
to instinctively repair the mesh for the chickens
394 · Nov 2015
Rebecca has gone
Antony Glaser Nov 2015
I spoke her name over country lanes,
as though her deeds could  be spread
by telling the sky
Rebecca was the bravest woman;
for she told her Chieftain their children
would never fight for wrong
nor blooden the loam
I felt this was my soliloquy
unaware if association became culpability.
Solemn days linger when I recall
this stand  turned compassion into a quarry.
An exile matched by deeds,
forfeiting liberty
an early grave to put her dreams to.
390 · Mar 2016
Antony Glaser Mar 2016
English village timed out under a cloud,
questions asked of strangers
and their intent.
Bubble wrapped in picteuresque hue,
comical telephone box book exchange
a pub's  wall smothered in New Music Express pages,
forever expounding the 1990s.
The wildlife park pervading
through the  air,
less thoroughfare more nasal flare.
Perhaps they should live by their derivation
a place where sheep were washed.
Antony Glaser Aug 2016
That nobody editor from Leeds
she thinks she can tell us
who should write the garden reviews
She likes to think she"s backbone of the society
she's a townie from a town
too small for its yolk.
One day I push her into some thorny
that be a gadfly for her big mouth
383 · Jan 2015
Some clean sand
Antony Glaser Jan 2015
As long as Jennifer  
betters her heart
joy will never wash away
for the beach will seem to part
to  gravitate
the softest  sand
from where her newer spot
will enjoin  the surest  pitch,
breathing in the long held ideal
that the good  times will surely  roll
Antony Glaser Nov 2015
Of the schema and polite conversation
where we learn the gentle art of fluttery
or how to complain in the surest dismissive line.
The uplighters are headache inducing
unless we've picked up a restless  cold,
downstairs cafe a shocker
thick coffee reminiscent of Starbucks.
Early retirement a pipe dream
we surely drop down before time  
not having navigated work life balance
because of  the distances travelled
and rest spent weekends.
381 · Jul 2022
Spreading Marmite 12 years
Antony Glaser Jul 2022
Tories are running for their primms
Indian summer of their wilted reign
Twelve years of spreading marmite
Child Q to Rwanda
London Police in special measures
The fabrics of civility collapse
as the spiders enmesh us
within their web of lies
381 · Feb 2014
Ende Nova
Antony Glaser Feb 2014
Purveyors say they may return
but have I turned my back on caution
as my star dims
commencement ends in pyres ,
the flames speaks from within this indelible truth,
a manifest has not been written
ill suitability steals around.
Whatever I sought
was the applause from tired hands
as my pen is often too.
381 · Feb 2016
Antony Glaser Feb 2016
I think of you hitting your stride,
yellow Datsuns
Teach yourself judo,
Sun blast skies and a blue gust
of sea air
The practical willingness to self improve,
may have made us miss it
so I'm reminding you
what you breathed
doesn't necessarily ever have to end
376 · Nov 2015
Antony Glaser Nov 2015
Where is the grass
once braid of field?
The empty stream -
a nonchantant dream.
The rub of eye's,
a steep descent -
into the brambles,
glaring along dumped concrete bags
bleached in this lungless place.
375 · Dec 2014
Peter Hounslow cat
Antony Glaser Dec 2014
When he wants to rest
leave him there
even with three strokes
you're heading for his intractable claws,
that in time you realise is more than play
but common assault, drawing  blood
His vet had at one time looked at his nose
commenting it had a bit of Chinese,
surely not siamese
an unspoken language at your peril
375 · Feb 2016
Manifest to Hell
Antony Glaser Feb 2016
Carry  your  sack to hell
not even a  morsel of  memory  should languish
A  solitary  splinter of  good
still goes punished.
Lower your  eyes in subservience,
but that's  unwise
with those  burning  pyres
of sandals, discarded
least any man secretly merited wings
373 · May 2016
Antony Glaser May 2016
All those  Moorhens  I want to befriend
for 50 p worth of grain.
Before  long  the settimg Sun will  smile
at this speck of  kindness
Hadn't we all heard it  before
kindness  begets  sincerity.
By the  night, if I stayed out long enough
all and  sundry would  be gliding,
planning  an extra gift for  those  moorhens
370 · Jul 2017
Antony Glaser Jul 2017
Croydon you're a ghost ship
boarding on the isle of ridiculousness
Erecting flats for millionaires
social housing a swept away issue.
Alas there's your North South devide
Can the Town planners rectify  the polarisation,
that's sees only Tory and Labour
with no third party mooring the agenda.
Liberal Democrats don't do to well in Croydon. I wonder why ?
Antony Glaser Jul 2018
Aliens disguised as Englishmen
proclaiming their right to be roast beef
and a Boers inalienable right to shoot at him
367 · Aug 2016
Rock N Roll farce
Antony Glaser Aug 2016
Ashen cheeks close near, now far.
Time broken on the bedroom floor.
Husband is a bore
hush his mouth,
no etitique or ground rules;
the truth must prevail.
I could never be his baby doll
wearing his cheap ring.
367 · Jan 2016
Finest 1975
Antony Glaser Jan 2016
Why isn't everyone raving about singer songwriter
Harvey Andrews?
or trying to memorise the pitch perfect tranquility
Why did we ever leave 1975?
when we had more hedgerows
and projected families on slides
Blondes didnt have to be peroxide
en naturel was the prevailing currency
Words were spoken with eye contact
and dreams came true
364 · Sep 2021
perfectly formed
Antony Glaser Sep 2021
reeling ruffled
she puts her hands in her head
and recounts
the streets once offered fascination
but she prefers off road
the dark seclusion of the glades
has given her a new desire

She realises what the night is for
love has set the wheels of motion
the change perfectly formed
There was much ovation
364 · Nov 2021
Antony Glaser Nov 2021
With a suitcase in the hall
the lady is leaving, Sunday
mingled in her uncertainty
is a goodbye to all those morrows,
with lush eyeliner,
she said she was a stranger to love
and in the morning,
she returned to her child within,
and in her sad longing
the rain relented.
362 · Jun 2017
Antony Glaser Jun 2017
Death is a fornicator
A ransom note for the disposed  
whose banner is waylaid
along the dusty road.
The Valiant are shorn of hope
as an immortal fog chastises
their very existence
mishappen and duly noted
Hope can no longer bloom.
360 · Nov 2015
Once on the net
Antony Glaser Nov 2015
At five oclock Calnorifian time, they switched off the beacon,
setting the mercury  into descent.
If San Francisco bridge was nye
how many tired and toiling poets would have jumped ?
Instead they muse elsewhere
resurrecting  their craft.
Jaded I can also taste the Whiskey
hum and rattle in places unfamilar
the sufferability no longer artistic;
Friends among us the dearly departed
359 · Feb 2015
Through dreams
Antony Glaser Feb 2015
In my lounge thoughts of
books yet to be read,
if only this prescribed stillness could improve
the comfort of the time  
and the light  paving  stronger shadows,
my slippers  merging into coolness
with the  envisaged  ideal
i am safer  in my  kingdom
no  dragons  or  waywardness
just the well earned spectrum
356 · Jun 2018
Geeks promise
Antony Glaser Jun 2018
you're too average to marry Meryl Streep
you should use a razor rather than a shaver
too cheap to get out of bed for €10
but at least you've got Leeds
for a cheap bed and breakfast
356 · Jan 2016
Ain't it failure
Antony Glaser Jan 2016
You worked all day
and only now
can belief grace you,
whilst you drink  cofee.
Mealy mouthed is better at meal times
you squeeze the ketchup
to watch the splash
on your empty plate.
No explanation is offered
if its bravado its misunderstood.
Its just the exasperation unstated.
356 · May 2016
1978 punked out
Antony Glaser May 2016
Alleys that we run from
glue eyes for the sniffers,
away from the disheveled lowers.
School blazers aren't for chemical reactions,
nor can brain damage
be repaired.
354 · Mar 2014
In progress
Antony Glaser Mar 2014
Those travails crack and then congeal,
as our obligatory tea making shows
the weathered storms exposing our late Autumn.
Our relationship shows  we are demeritorious
your sunken eyes betray the welling
and as comical as we stand
our emotions are replete with decay
as though we waded through a muddy field.
348 · Mar 2016
Antony Glaser Mar 2016
Lichen was her betrothal
stretching upon the skin,
by now her hurricane
grew boundaries.
No gaps  to loosen
the eternity.
347 · Jun 2016
Antony Glaser Jun 2016
Do you like Biltong?
will you buy it from the  market ?
Can you trust its hygiene ?
Is the rain a  bother for you
its been most unseasonable of late
or are you happier for your garden ?
At least the cat's  going to see the  vets on Monday,
shes  not been herself lately.
Sunday  is still  fine
all important  questions are  in the open
346 · Nov 2014
Worn choices
Antony Glaser Nov 2014
I recall our glasses of  hock under candle  light
you smiled, casting the probable like an ingot,
knowing the way we could take it -
the alternation of  life stories,
attachment or killing  regret 
by the whiskey wine route,
having graduated a step into  remiss
slipping in an ex,
I only realised it takes nothing  better to do
than missing things up
341 · Jan 2016
Antony Glaser Jan 2016
You roamed beyond the rainbow
you exceeded the limits,
with exalted sigh
felt the shudder of  relief.
Then the room of decontamination awaited
where chips from collected memories
short circuited
in damp vaults
where tree roots once grew
340 · Apr 2017
Anxiety Attack
Antony Glaser Apr 2017
Sorry, is never really a strong enough word,
to disguise the hurt or pain caused.
I'm just deadwood going through some negativities.
It's unfair I've loaded this on you,
even if we're in a long relationship.
I wish to set you free.
return you to the calm
as a pupa before the metamorphosis.
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