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May 2016 · 405
Annie Quill May 2016
Hush now my child,
I know it's hard out there,
Unable to understand,
What they're doing,
Over there,

Hush now my child,
I know you don't understand,
Why they think the way they do,
How they got from here to there,

I know it can be lonely,
When you can't relate to them,
I have a bit of advice for you,
Look beyond,
Look above,
There are friends out there for you,
They may be older,
They may be online,
But they are out there for you,

Hush now my child,
and dry your tears,
No matter how bad it gets,
I will be here for you.
Apr 2016 · 315
Other side
Annie Quill Apr 2016
My tree is not half known anymore,
I've got the other side,
I've got so much to go on now,
I've got the other side,
I've got more brothers,
Got three now,
I can see the other side,
I've got two dads,
I’ll figure it out,
Cuz I can see the other side,
How this will go,
I don't know,
But I can see the other side
Mar 2016 · 343
Annie Quill Mar 2016
I didn't even realize something was wrong
I thought April, last April, was the last of it
That you got better
That I was going to see you again
If I had even thought it was a possibility
I would have hugged you harder at Christmas
I wouldn't have let myself oversleep
I would have stayed up all night
Just so that I wouldn't have missed your last visit

I didn't even know you smoked
That there was a chance of me loosing you because of that
I never even smelled it on you

I thought you would get to meet my kids
See me get married
See me become a grown woman
See me graduate college
See me graduate high school

But then the police came to the door
And I heard enough to piece it together
To figure out you were gone
Why now
Why my Dad's birthday?
Of all the times why now?
My Grandfather just died
Feb 2016 · 734
Drowned Jack
Annie Quill Feb 2016
Drowned Jack
Drowned Jack
He's by your side
He's got your back
He'll keep you safe from harm today
He won't let them see you
Not to day
And on the day
You can't take no more
All you do is stand by the shore
Or any body of water will do
A bath tub, a bowl, a river, some dew
I can't take no more!
And he'll come to you
When you cant take no more
He'll give relief to you
Out by the shore
He'll give you a kiss
And you won't breath no more
And if all you need is someone to talk to
And talk
He will be there
He will listen
You can be sure
Drowned Jack, Saint of suicides
Inspired by this, a ROTG fanfic
Jan 2016 · 350
Annie Quill Jan 2016
She jumped off the cliff
They don't know where she went
She is on the other side
Her time in this world cut off midsentance
Jan 2016 · 371
Annie Quill Jan 2016
The common rage against superfluous rules
Drove many to chalenge the unjust laws
The killed many chances at life
Stifled hope to a cradles plight
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
Annie Quill Jan 2016
The girl hid under the blankets
Feeling a ghost outside the door
The blankets would protect her
In that superstition she was sure
Jan 2016 · 394
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Swept wings
Four engines
Double deck
Three way tail
Beautiful design
Marvel of engineering
Lets go up up up!
Jan 2016 · 310
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Are like the light of long gone stars
Still shining in our sky
Seen by us
Much like the story's our constellations tell
Our memory changes
Every time we remember
Minute alterations are made
Changing without heed
Of the original iteration
Jan 2016 · 335
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Oh moon of Mars
Innermost satellite
Falling around mars in a mere eight hours
How fast that is!
How awing
In less than a day you go around
In a mere school day
You have gone around once
What an amazing thing!
Jan 2016 · 440
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Oh poor girl
Trapped in the stars of the sky
Because of your mother's wicked bragging
About the beauty of your body
Not the elegance of your mind
Her pride was your undoing
And the gods were mad
Oh so very mad
Your city was plagued by many problems
And you were offered up to make it stop
Chained, struggling, to a rock
You would have died
If not for a brave child of Poseidon
A demigod
Who came to your rescue and slayed the great beast
About to rip into your beautiful body
And saved your life
Jan 2016 · 460
Annie Quill Jan 2016
A constellation in our sky
Representing a Story in our eyes
I used to call you 'The Mannequin '
Because you were a headless man in the sky
I live near a city
and some of your lights were missing
Your sword was gone
Your belt diminished
And so I called it what I saw
But in truth
You were the suitor of Artemis
or unscrupulous
depending on what version is told
And that is what the eyes see in the sky
A man
Who fights a scorpion
For all of eternity
Jan 2016 · 234
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Do you harbor life?
I hope we find out
When we look upon you
Some day in the future
Oh little moon of a distant orbital sibling
Maybe you will have the life we search for!
Jan 2016 · 400
Annie Quill Jan 2016
You boiling instance of runaway greenhouse gas,
Did you once harbor life?
When the sun was young?
And you were not so close to that scorching heat?
I wish I could know your story
That I could see through that dense cloud layer
And uncover your secrets
But alas
You are so far away
And look like a star on the horizon
Leaving a reflective legacy
In our retinas
In our sky
Jan 2016 · 357
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Our brother in the sky
Glowing red
Close to the moon in the sky
If you want to find it
Red Planet
Possible source of new life?
With your cold climate
And interesting ice?
I wonder what you would tell us
If you could
About your history
Maybe you will
When we send some of our own life to you
Shall we see?
Shall we discover what our relationship should be?
I hope it happens in my lifetime!
Jan 2016 · 318
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Dear Jupiter,
I wonder about you
You interesting gas planet
Are you really a planet?
Or are you an unlit sun?
Many many eons in the future
You will become a new lit sun when our current one explodes?
Or perhaps
You will extend our current sun's life span if you merge?
Only time will tell!
Jan 2016 · 305
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Poor little planet
Out there all alone
Stripped of a title
It's year not even completed once

Poor little planet
How rude of us?
Just because you are in a Dy-transitional orbit
With a moon that might ALSO be a planet?

Poor little planet
I apologize
For any unnecessary anxiety
Or strife
We may have caused
Jan 2016 · 249
Annie Quill Jan 2016
The stars in the sky
Continue in our eyes
Though they may truly be long gone
Blown in an explosion
Of light not yet here
Many long years ago
Jan 2016 · 686
The Moon
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Our moon
Her name is Luna
Bet you didn't know that
She is grey white
And constantly lives
In a dance of shadows and light
Her friends
Our stars
Fade as the sun rises
But she does not
She continues to be seen
Strong willed
Strong minded
Jan 2016 · 250
Annie Quill Jan 2016
The first show of light
Makes a rainbow of dark blues and greens
A slow halo of bouncing light
The first beams of sun hit clouds
Bright, ****** red
Turning pink
Then orange
And then not showing at all
Jan 2016 · 258
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Wind me up
Bring me down
Feel like I'm spinning
Round and round

Stress is bunching
In my shoulders
Headache mounting
Like I'm crushed by a boulder

Aches and pains
My body's unhappy
Internalizing stress
Feeling ******
Jan 2016 · 332
Annie Quill Jan 2016
A thousand story's in my head,
Twisting, tangling,
Unexpected bend,
Words flying onto paper,
Fingers frantically catching up,
Brain sorting into semi coherency,
Characters mingling, blending, creating,
Sorting into many words,
Describing an image in its whole,
Catching fragments,
Sewing a patchwork quilt of words,
Write on!
Jan 2016 · 523
Annie Quill Jan 2016
It's the tiny things that tip me over
Make it build
A shout
A tap
A bump
And then
The switch is flipped and my hands are over my ears
My legs come up or I slide down to a squat
My eyes close
And it's all I can do to keep sane
Shut out the world and pull in to my mind
One of the many curses that come with my Asperger's has been triggered
Sensory Overload
And it is crippling
I try to think about going to my next class
Let's just hope I get calm by the bell
But being a productive student is out of the question
Mentally skipping class in
Jan 2016 · 174
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Over and over
The same lesson twice
Three times
Five times
How many times do you have to teach me the same thing
I got it
Not again
Persuasive essays again, weve been taught thiss  sense sophmore year, STOP
Jan 2016 · 209
Close But So Far Away
Annie Quill Jan 2016
You are so close to me
But across an ocean
My Friend for so long
But you are so far
So very far from me
But the plans have been set
I shall see you soon
But it will be so long a wait
For Whisper
Jan 2016 · 286
I Cannot See
Annie Quill Jan 2016
I cannot see
The lines between you and me
Cannot tell
What that ****** expression means
Do not care
That I should be making friends my own age
Do not try
To hide who I am
Cannot deal
With the noise of the world
Cry like hell
Because I was so blind
Run right home
Because I cannot see the lies
I don't know why she lied to me
But I do know I won't fall for it again
Cannot see
Why they think I'm not mature
But decide to move on
They cannot see me
So I will not bother with them
I have few friends now
And no one close enough to run to
But I will survive
Jan 2016 · 422
Annie Quill Jan 2016
So So easy
Are you sure this is the right assignment?
These words that I can understand in a beat
Are such a feat
For my peers?
Why is this so?
What have we done so wrong that this is the highest level we know?
These vocab words of mediocre ***
These  easy little quick fire words?
How have we gotten so bad that this is our best?
A rant about my Vocab words FOR !@TH GRADE ENGLISH *** are they so easy?
Jan 2016 · 579
Annie Quill Jan 2016
Shifting pain
Forward and back
Up and down
Stay still
Go away
I know it's snowing
You don't have to tell me that
You're the worst internal barometer ever
A measurement of pain
I don't need you to tell me
This front is insane
Just go away
Just leave me be
I'm fine without you
Can't you see?
I walk to school just fine without you telling me a dime
I can see the ice and snow okay
Jan 2016 · 224
I Tried To Fly
Annie Quill Jan 2016
I tried to fly
But I was tied to the ground
By the exhaustion in my limbs
Tried to step forward
I was held to the ground
And a pain in my head now
Jan 2016 · 379
I Can See The Other Side
Annie Quill Jan 2016
My tree is not half known anymore,
I've got the other side,
I've got so much to go on now,
I've got the other side,
I've got more brothers,
Got three now,
I can see the other side,
I've got two dads,
I’ll figure it out,
Cuz I can see the other side,
How this will go,
I don't know,
But I can see the other side
May 2015 · 439
a youtube poem
Annie Quill May 2015
Freddy is brown
Puppet is no-face
Get out of the cieling
before i go realing
Apr 2015 · 183
Annie Quill Apr 2015
Who I am
And who I will be
What I believe
And what I should believe
Mar 2015 · 401
Annie Quill Mar 2015
Circleing Circleing
All around
Circleing circleig
through the town
Running, running
all around
running running
up and down
Feb 2015 · 365
I Came, Even though
Annie Quill Feb 2015
Everyday I come to school
I come to every class
I never skip
Even though school is torture
Even though I am laughed at
Even though I learn NOTHING
I still come
Even though it can hurt
Even though it undermines my confidence
Even though it's a struggle to get through the day
I still come
Even though I learn more by myself
Even though I can self-direct my own education
Even though I was bullied
I still come
Even though I don't feel  safe
Even though it does more damage than good
Even though I want to run
Run, run, run,
Untill I'm somewhere I can really live
I still come
Feb 2015 · 681
Annie Quill Feb 2015
I am ridiculed for being different
Ridiculed because I speak up in class
Ridiculed because I WANT to learn
I am ridiculed because I see the world differently
Ridiculed because I am mature
Ridiculed because I unseeingly pass societal lines
Don't laugh at me because I speak up in class
Or swear at me for entering a conversation that the WHOLE CLASS was involved in
Don't laugh at me because dare to be right and live with being wrong
Don't laugh at me because I try to be friends with the teacher
Don't laugh at me because I don't see the sense in your actions
Don't laugh at me because  I try
Don't get mad at me for learning teacher
Because it is not what you are teaching me
Don't get mad at me for refusing to work teacher
Because I would prefer to learn something else
Don't get mad at me for complaining about school teacher
Because I have never skipped
Because I know what the system is doing wrong
Because I will start to dread you
Don't laugh at me for seeing things differently
Because I don't laugh at you for the same thing
Don't laugh at me because I am mature
Don't tell me I am just a kid
Don't say that my opinion doesn't matter because I am sixteen
Because it does
But I didn't know it till I went to a Luthern Church
Don't laugh at me for not seeing societal rules
Don't undermine me
Don't undermine my learning IN SPITE of school
Because you **** well don't try
Feb 2015 · 553
Annie Quill Feb 2015
School is a cage
You are unwilling to change
You are unwilling to adapt
you are unwilling to educate me
I am not educated at school
I am tortured
I am not allowed to learn
I must do what you designate for me to learn
I am ROBBED of a proper education by you
I am not allowed to educate myself during the hours of mandatory prison allotted for 'Education'
I must educate myself in spite of you
I must chase knowledge that you will not teach
Tell me, Uncle Sam, Why are you doing your best to make me hate learning?
Tell me, Uncle Sam, why you have destroyed my national pride?
Uncle Sam, why do you lie to me?
Feb 2015 · 387
Annie Quill Feb 2015
Feb 2015 · 1.5k
Annie Quill Feb 2015
Messing around with style, what do you think?
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
Annie Quill Feb 2015
Stand by your side
Fight for your life
The world is a battlefield
And we will survive
Feb 2015 · 660
Necessary Connection
Annie Quill Feb 2015
Bond between two
trust, support, understanding,
Friends are a necessary connection
One you should never lose
Confident, confirmation, assurance,
I don't care
No, you are not crazy
My reaction exactly
Challenger of opinions
No, that's not right
I wouldn't do that
A friend is a lifeline
Necessary Bond
Sanity keeper
Jan 2015 · 545
Annie Quill Jan 2015
Creeping through the storm
Hiding who she is
Shielding herself
From the rain
Maybe one day
She will become
Unashamed of who she is
And stop hiding
From the rain
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Annie Quill Jan 2015
Once there was a girl
A Nieve and hopeful girl
Who Had her hope crushed
By a cruel, cruel world
Every girl there ever was
Was crushed under such cruelty thus
Written with my friend Mike Burton, Super awesome writer and the king editor of my writing community (Forged in the fires of the AWESOME NaNoWriMo)
Oct 2014 · 284
Annie Quill Oct 2014
Yet again
I feel confused
sworling in a storm of emotion
defineing myself  by what others need me to be
What do i want to do in life?
i dont know, but ill stick with writing for now
im never my self
im scared
i need help
someone help me
Jun 2014 · 914
Annie Quill Jun 2014
I love you because your my brother
Even if its not obvious to others
Because we look different
I brag about you at school
And complain
(But that's because your weird ;)
I show I love you every day
And that's why i say yes when you ask me
To vehemently threaten the monsters in your closet
And lock said closet afterwards
And why
After I'm done
I mention everything in the room
That you can use to bludgeon them with
Because you might actually have to use the Mater Piggy Bank
To knock out a robber
When your in college
And why after that
I tell you that all stuffed animals are Super Friends
And that's why parents get them for their kids
And yes, Monkey Friend and Friend-Friend
Are the best in the monster busting biz'
Along with Sabrina the Teddy Bear
Who I haven't washed in so long
Daddy says she looks like a truck ran her over
I love you
Joseph Fredrick Kolb
And I always will
Because I'm your Big Sister
And that's my job
To love you
You eleven year old 'Griever' (TROLL)
And keep you safe
And hopefully not crying
Because the next bully at school
Who makes you cry
Is going to die a painful death
So help me god
Because there is nothing worse
Than a crying little brother
Jun 2014 · 664
Annie Quill Jun 2014
Marine is a man
Who faught in many battles
Who went through much strife
And lived a good life
Jun 2014 · 388
Annie Quill Jun 2014
Archaic traditions surround me
Binding me to who society wants me to be
Suffocating in their tension
Causing societal regression
Jun 2014 · 371
Annie Quill Jun 2014
Is a citrus
A color
And the worlds most unrymeable word
Jun 2014 · 307
Annie Quill Jun 2014
Empires fall
Empires rise
Empires live
Empires die
Jun 2014 · 580
Annie Quill Jun 2014
Oh detours
Do you ever work?
Getting EVERYONE lost at a moments notice?
Jun 2014 · 284
Annie Quill Jun 2014
Flow so easily
To my mind
Like a river
Quite devine
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