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Tha 's e seallad air beulaibh orm
Thàinig sin o na h-ainglean
Tha cuibhlichean na h-ùine air stad dhuinn
Mar a ràinig sinn an am seo ann an ùine
Oir mar as fhaisg a tha mi ort
Mar as fhaisg a tha mi air neambh


There is a view in front of me
That came from the angels
The wheels of time have stopped for us
As we approach this moment in time
Because the closer I am to you,
the closer I am to heaven.
Thank you to my muse for the inspiration.
I originally wrote this in my native language, Scottish Gaelic. Both the English and Gaelic versions are here.

My beloved, my darling,
Do you have a new heart?
I have one for you.
Early last morning,
My heart was saved from the
seven elements of the storms
Because dreaming is the only way
that I can see you,
My beloved, my darling.

Fàidh Cridhe

A ghràidh, m'eudail,
A bheil cridhe ùr agam?
Tha fear agam dhut.
Moch maduinn air latha roimhe
Thogadh mo chridhe
Side non seachd sian
Bhitinn a'cadal gu math a-noch
Is bruadar an aon dòig
A chi mi thu,
A ghràidh, m'eudail.

— The End —