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Feb 2018 · 168
I don't know anymore
BlankPH Feb 2018
Wait or not to wait,
Hate or not to hate,
Love that is too late
Only regret can make you wake.

-jofer sykes
Well, it's my feelings today, a unrequited love, a one-sided story and a playful word called "fate"
Feb 2018 · 297
I will still be happy
BlankPH Feb 2018
You don't need to be confused
You don't need to be pressured
And you don't need to be sorry.
Because the only thing matters to me,
To see your eyes full of happiness,
And to see your gentle smile
That overturned my whole world
Once again.

I'll still be happy for you no matter what.
The untold vow

— The End —