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265 · Dec 2020
Leaving> left> gone
Akash mazumdar Dec 2020
Leaving no regrets loved you with my atoms and sins,
Ran for you with my broken feet,
From Buying flowers to plucking from the garden or streets,
It all meant too much for me; shouldn't it be?

Leaving you with hugs and a letter sneaked
into your hand bag's sidechain ;unseen,
From singing you to sleep n staying up listening you breathe,
Rubbed your ached cold feet with my bare palms to heat,

Leaving late for home in rain just to have few minutes with you drenched in peace,
Covering miles just to see you
said you were fine and I didn't believed,
Noting down where you went when you were 13, maybe we could go there and refresh some of your forgotten happy memories,

Leaving, left n gone
now they became memories,
Loved you with my scars n insecurities ,
No regrets 
no doubts
no set backs 
I set you free!
249 · Sep 2018
Being misguided
Akash mazumdar Sep 2018
Carrying on since years and months
taking Stance we stop asking ourselves
Is it
where we want to be?
What we are really is this we wanted to be?
What we are doing really wanted to did with this ease.
And it goes on with heart ache and symphony.
It's irritating and I should sleep!
218 · Sep 2017
A birthday wish
Akash mazumdar Sep 2017
I won't be changing dp or posting photos then adding a long description to it ,
I don't have to socialize the message of our friendship ; because you know I mean it ,
It's all between me  & you,
The "memories" yeah the crazy ones and awkward silence we've been through,
Getting "hello" is not the right one,
It's "hey idiot"and  that's how it's done ,
Passing the smile,
Showing off bunch of tooth for a while ,
Commenting on what you are wearing ,
That's the first thing I do after meeting you in the morning,
I can't pick the best moment of ours ,
though I want To rewind all of them and enjoying them for hours,
Oh I forgot about the coincidences every time they were epic ,
Mmm yeah they were cute and grasping you're neck have always been terrific
#birthday #friendship #friend  #love #clarity.
173 · Dec 2021
Absolute buoyancy
Akash mazumdar Dec 2021
When you don't know where you are but you're not hating the "lost you";
It's buoyant,

When it's dark and and the monsters inside are summoning you & you're **** petrified but you're stronger now;
It's buoyant,

When reflection of you is full of scars and none of them are because of your fault but you've become Acquainted & accustomed to betterment;
It's buoyant,

When the bubble of resentment is about to burst and you know it may go down but you've been through worse,
It's buoyant,

It's generously fainted feels of the ambiguity blended with buoyancy
Keeping us alive
163 · Feb 2021
Meant to
Akash mazumdar Feb 2021
You are meant to forget those uneasy nights,
You are Intent to let go of those unfinished arguments that broke you down; haunted you when you were driving, working, bathing, riding, laughing randomly started to have tears in your eyes,

You are meant to take time for yourself to rejuvenate and deep breathe while figuring out where you should go what would make you more alive and things you really need,
You are choosen to sit under the morning showers of mellow heat,

You are believed to track those uneven trails travelled along with ponds waterfalls and rivers,
You are made to bake cakes cook tortillas , easy meals and ravishing dinners,

You are carved out to serve for great purposes and made for the best,
You are meant for more than to fix yourself after a awful wreck,

Afterall you're made to make, build, train, create even when you think you are nothing more than a mess.

— The End —