I lay awake all night, scraping the skin of my temples like a copper coin on a lottery card.
I'm lost, but so afraid of being lost that I distance myself even further.
It's like being afraid of the ocean and trying to escape it by rowing further from the shore.
The sand is my home, and I long for it so much that I cower infront of it.
A love so powerful that my flesh and bone can't possibly contain it.
I show no signs of life like I once did, but honestly did I ever display such signs?
My past seems like a bright and beautiful memory, but really it's a mirage of what I'd hoped for.
I shouldn't have ever tried to escape.
I'm hiding from the sky's amber glow by scampering below deck; into the darkness - the wooden floors, drenched ceilings and empty cabins.
This is not what I know, I don't understand, it came down from the clouds to fetch it's old plaything.
Your insanity is my own.
I can't escape you.