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Adam Davidson Mar 2019
Too many thoughts, too many things I feel
I feel so lost, I don’t know what is real
Im happy but yet so sad how does this end?
Why do I feel so alone when I have so many friends?
I just want to run away and escape but i have no where to go
I hate feeling like this I hate feeling this low
I just want to feel better and enjoy my life
I feel trapped, caged up like everything is out of sight
My mind is broken when did everything go wrong ?
Im on the edge of breaking down I’ve been like this for so long
I’m searching for eternal happiness in the dark
How can I fix this feeling of emptiness in my heart
Why is it when I want to sleep my thoughts are nocturnal ?
I think this is the end I fear my sadness is sempiternal
The feeling of feeling lost
Adam Davidson Mar 2019
The sadness in my life is the only thing that is consistent
I feel so alone, so lost, so sad, and so distant
I have days where I can do it, days when I’m good
but then sometimes I feel so down, so useless, misunderstood
I need another person, someone to burden with my pain
If not then I could crash, i fear I’ll drift out of Lane
And to change lanes at this speed would be such a disaster
so to avoid this I have to speed up, I have to go faster
I must brush everything under the rug, grab the wheel and keep going
I need to stay strong, let my feelings build up without showing
I see my friends laughing but I can’t even force a smile
All I want is to feel okay, just feel normal for a while
I keep chasing the feeling of feeling nothing at all
There’s no one I can turn to, no one I can call
My only relief is when I’m far too numb to feel
As I get to escape this scary world to a place that isn’t real
How can we be happy when we can’t cope, we can’t deal
What even is happiness? because it’s something I don’t feel
Adam Davidson Mar 2019
I want to take off, float away
I don’t want to face the world today
My thoughts have taken I’m beaten they’ve won
I’m not the same person I was when I was young
Back when things weren’t so intense
I can’t cope hanging onto this suspense
Am I going to make it? Will this stage ever end?
I need some hope, some love anything to help me mend
I’m broken, defeated, lying here dying
But I’m too strong to show, I’m too old to be crying
So I keep it all inside which only makes it worse
But I’m reaching boiling point and one day I’m going to burst
And when that happens I’m scared to think
Will I be here the next day, I’m on the brink
I will feel better one day I’ll get past this feeling
But untill then I’ll stay lying in my bed trapped, looking up at the ceiling
Adam Davidson Mar 2019
I’m what you want I’m what you need
We’ve been here before so on me you feed
You rip me open and eat me up
I’ll fill you for a while but I’ll never be enough
Once you are done you throw me away
I’m empty inside, here I lay
Adam Davidson Nov 2018
Lifeless weightless and silent I drift through this never ending void
Trying to figure out how I fit into this impossible puzzle
All hope I had has disappeared with my youth
This great sadness consumes me as I have realised that this is it
this is life
And it will never get any better
These are the good days we are told
before we grow up before we get old
But if my life is worthless during this period then do I deserve to go on
Do I deserve to live a happy life with a happy wife
who cares about me and loves me during the night
Or do I deserve eternal sadness all alone
with no one there expect the love from my phone
I have nothing left I’m consumed with fear
I just want happiness but I know my end is near

— The End —