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120 · Apr 2020
What is the cost of lies?
Anthony Takirua Apr 2020
So sweet is the end result. You evade a catastrophe with your lie. You’ve bought yourself some more time, gained yourself some underserved love, brought yourself higher than those you see beneath you. What is the cost of your lies?

When you realize that life is a cycle? That everything comes back? No life under the sun is new or encounters a new kind of problem. Your fate is soon to come.

Lies. Lies. Lies. The atmosphere of your lies hardly rains. But when it does. It pours.
Your lies have become your demise. Shamed and brokenhearted is your destination. What is the cost of lies?
115 · Apr 2020
Anthony Takirua Apr 2020
Time waits for no one, argues with no one and independent from everyone. Outside of our control is time. When we don’t have enough of it, we are troubled. When we have too much of it, we are troubled.

Time makes you realize the loneliness of the mind. When you’ve thought about everything you’ve ever think about, and still have abundance of time. We are slaves to time. We can’t rush it, we can’t slow it down. We simply flow with it whether we like it or not.

Human nature is forever unsatisfied. Our youth we hope to rush into life. When we are old we hope to slow things down. Time isn’t our friend nor is it our foe. It’s simply our companion in this journey.
When we were forced to stay home, I simply couldn’t wait till this virus was over.
86 · Apr 2020
Anthony Takirua Apr 2020
When will the winds finally reach its destination, what then? Will we ever be satisfied in this world of plenty? What is the end goal?
We make so much and in the end take nothing at all. Who is responsible for my life and am I responsible for someone else’s ? This chasm that separates man from animal, what is the real difference? We are born just as they are, we live, procreate and are gone. Just as do. We tremble down on others to survive the systems that govern the globe. We put ourselves above them simply because we can choose our destination. A world full of imbalance is this. Nothing more than this is it? But love. Unique. Heals or kills is this love. Millions are a friend and foe to this love. What makes us special is this love. So, what is the end goal?

— The End —