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AK93 Aug 2016
I feel torn between blaming and hating myself for every negative thing you said about me that I believe is true, and wanting to blame and hate you for making me feel worthless and like I can never be good enough for you. I know well enough that I shouldn't be thinking about it so negatively or so black/white, but with all the stress and anxiety I've felt from this I've had a very hard time keeping my mind open to positivity or possibilities, and it's begun spilling out of my head and into the rest of my life.
AK93 Aug 2016
I hate everything that these words have come to represent, all the things I refuse to do and all that I pretend

Yes I can write all about how badly I want this and that, but once my desires try to leave the page I stab them in the back

Never have I tried to tame the hell that I create, I only wait and watch as nothing changes and I stay the same

Any thought that might distract me from my quiet sulking act, pushed aside by the fears I've been feeding and letting grow fat

Every day I leave marks upon the skin of my note pads, keeping track of all the cracks in my conscience and all the dreams I wish I had

There lie some truths inside my mind that I won't dare to ever spill, because if I were to read what I would write it would make them real
AK93 Aug 2016
There is no light behind the clouds, only declining rays containing the memory of a light we can never keep.
AK93 Aug 2016
The voice says yes, you can do as you please, so long as what I think you should do agrees.
AK93 Aug 2016
I ride the line of time in circles around my mind, never finding any more than what I'm leaving behind
  Aug 2016 AK93
    the spark
   that governed
    this game•the fire
  that once burnt as bri-
  ght as sun•all of this once
before, had a name•but now
is weak from the time it had be-
gun•there was a time when it wo-
uld consume• would defy the
odds....just so it could burn as one•
frantic and desperate for the magic
to resume•uncertainty has carved
itself into the heart that has come
undone•winds bearing ill no-
tions revealed as the enemy•
stitch up the gaps keep-
ing out the rogue
light that burns ever weakly•rejuve-
nate the spirit that harbours broken trust
•rekindle me now... i'm still in the game•
the heart                   save the     you will
isn't                              candle           need
ready                           and              to see
to make                         nur-              me    
sense                            ture             with
of the                             it                 this
dark•                             to                  in-  
                                    fla-              sig-  
                                   me•             nia
                                     ­                     as my
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