I'm so tired of reading about women writing over men. It's nice to relate to in a ****** up way but at the same time I'd just for once like to search google without "how do I get him back", "why did he hurt me", or "why did he cheat" coming up in the results. I want to see a "why did she leave", an "is she coming back", or a "does she love me" pop up somewhere. I want to read words where women break the man's heart. Where she rips him open ******* raw and gnaws on every living ***** that beats within. I want to see the man bleed, gasp for air, claw at the earth like there's no escape. I want them to feel what we feel; what I feel. I'm tired of being soft for a man. And I want them to know.
i may be a hypocrite but if i could go back and break his heart, i. would.