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doing it again.

They're gonna stuff
the corpse of
Hugo Chavez and
put it on display
in a glass case.


They did it to Lenin.

For 80 years he lay
on a bed of flowers
in a glass topped coffin
lazin away the days
in the Kremlin Wall
before they locked
him away behind
closed glasnost doors.

For those eighty years
Lenin's comrades
paraded his
corpse around
like an extended
Weekend at Bernie's;
raising old Ilyich
to mouth every
dictatorial diatribe
uttered by the
deathly stale
bread breath
of Stalin and all
the petty knockoffs
that followed him.

V.I. did a lot of
talking for a
dead man, serving
the dictatorship
of the proletariat
with valor and

They did it
to Mao,
reminding all
happy Chinese Proles
that great peoples
revolutions must
dutifully mind
the unerring
instruction of
the secular deity;
resting assured
that progress is an
proceeding apace
until classlessness
is realized in every
Hunan rice paddy,
Shanghai noodle
factory, Mongol
Steppe Village
and Buddhist
Tibetan Temple
in the glorious
workers paradise.

As of this writing Mao
hasn't been heard from
since the
Gang of Four
walked the last
Capitalist Roader plank.

Lady Mao
indignant to the end,
coolly quipping final zingers
from the Third Edition
of the Little Red Book as
last death sentence breaths
escaped her charcoal stained
great leaping forward
As always
Deng Xiaoping
got the final
laugh, counting

his yuan
piling up faster
then the number
of displaced
clogging the
streets of
The People's
new and improved
discount cities
beggin for jobs
at a toxic

Deng  bought
the copy rights to
Mao's Quotations
his profit driven
fortune cookies
with the
wise maxims
eagerly consumed
by the country's
class of
lunch time

By the
waters of the Nile
they stuffed dead
pharaohs with
with onions,
spices and
and buried em
in billion dollar

When a pharaoh  
crossed the River
Styx the expense
was justified
because of his
station in life.

The undertaking
also served as a
shovel ready
initiative for
idling slaves.

The humongous
public works project
didn't do much
for the economy back then
because the wages of
slaves don't go too far;
but through the
expanse of
expired millennia
the strange fruit of
chattel workers
is a proven boon
for the tourist trade in the
Valley of the Kings.

Its a bit unfortunate
that enterprising
grave robbers daring
the risk of the mummies curse
and imperialist archaeological
pillagers wouldn't let the
league of buried
Pharaoh's -like
young King Tut-

..and then
there's the case of
Sweet Jesus...

Half of America
believes him to be
Chairman Emeritus
of the GOP,
authoring a gospel
of righteousness
in the party platform,
sprinkling holy water
on the hardest edges of
free market capitalism.

his body was
lifted to heaven
on Ascension Day
the main course
at the festive Eucharist
every Sunday morning.  

Pious padres
sacrosanct wafers
say its the Lords Table
but they act more
like its their own.  

in riddles
within sacred
catholic churches
refuse spiritually
starved pilgrim's
slices of happy meals
if they ain't down
with their

I recall
Jesus feeding 5,000
soul staved people with
seven loaves and five fishes
and had enough left overs
to feed every famished
woman and child
in Biafra;

don't remember Jesus
checking membership cards
before filling their bellies
with wholesomeness;

but the
pietistic pastors
parsing out
the holy loaves
remain quick to draw
heinous crucifixes
believing in the
holy justice of  
their crossianity
to ecstatically
bludgeon a
fallen heathen...

some Muslim
do the same thing

a Hidden Imam
been walking
the earth since
the death of
The Prophet

the ubiquitous
Mahdi is around
and when he shows
his face he'll team
with Isa
enabling the Shia's
to tell the Sunni's
I told you so
and demand
that they

I just want to
tell my brothers
and sisters in
that they are the body
and soul, the heart, hands
and mind of the nation

the body is theirs
the body can't be
without them.
el corpus es usted

what ever happened
from dust you have come
to dust you shall return?

and now as a
Caracas glazier
cuts a glass box
for Chavez

i say
i think its a bad idea.
it never goes well for the dead ones

and as for the living
when myth becomes history
the potentates of politics
and the priests of power
become ghoulish tyrants
that devour the lives of
the living


As Marx observed in the  
18th Bremaire of Louis Bonaparte

"The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living...
he goes on to say, "history repeats itself, first as tragedy then as farce"...

I hope my Venezuelan brothers and sisters avoid the tragedy and don't fall victim to farce...

Final thoughts from Jesus:

"Wherever there is a carcass,
there the vultures will gather.
Let the dead bury the dead"

Smash the icons!
Hugo deserves his heavenly rest
he wouldn't want it any other way.

Hugo Chavez
(28 July 1954 – 5 March 2013)
Godspeed Beloved

Joan Baez & Mercedes Sosa "Gracias A La Vida"

O'Reily Jan 2015
That fountain of goodwill,
The Lan's last hooray,
Its whisper from its lips,
Where a steely bench sits.

A square of space to its centre,
Stone faced well of good fortune and remember Of heritage, hope of crowds to be as people walk by,
You watch and smile,
some notable but more of who them, than am I?

The bell of the clock from its steeple tower of grace and almighty plays us out churches,  
One hour daily ding **** to what has been till now somewhat silently gone as quick,
you have to catch it or its to quit.

A job it was once here,
A job of selling television, radio, stereo and a couple of light blue sensors!
A shop of not for me than to act out a part brain dead with a badge upon your shirt neck gone to your head!
The importance of customer service but sacked for no badge of a degree in wearing a staff beret!
Where buckle pickle proprietor with no discrepancy,
When that penny must be aired and wherever found.
It was handy knowing that especially on the brink of collapse as now it professes to be a shop of footwear convenience.

To remember back the old man carrying his wooden baton banner high reading the end of the world is nigh!
Years have blossomed upon this earth that be your witness the laugh of seeing something so strange from a boy to a man but in thinking that again.

This entrance sit to the vibrant noise of the market indoor just behind thee,
warm cosy and very principle.
Fruit and veg first on the shelf,
To a double glazier seller handed out his job leaf selling gilt,
Left or right a wall splits apart to mark a labyrinth of stalls and what's next in store.

Walk on by on that day,
Coffee on the terraces and all that hear say,
Mushy peas and ******* was the order of the day then we meet up on a middle square with a fountain of people jolly resting or been vaguely aware,

Outside it feels so cold wind sheets flapping the wind of noise of the sacred sight of the outdoor market,
Paintings of art or prints and figurines on table boards all going for a song or a shaky tambourine,
The selling shouts of two for a pound,
The second shout louder than the first
all in one big bustle of a flooded feature shopping dynamite experience.
Clothes to clone socks, bags and jewellery in front of all mason shops!
It rolls out the rugs and the magic carpets at the end on a bend of I must have that as you get what you pay for at the final gate spend.

All towel dried some pick 'n' mix,
Aisles too many and very wide,
Large Poster girl and Poster boy,
Especially for you then Troy,
That pop song ringing up the tills of records you can pick, sleeve and buy,
Those were the good old days running through the park to watch cricket and play pitch right up until dark!
Where statue of legends who once lived here
In Grace of its land and song for its country to which I pay homage and home.

Ghost Town shops boarded up and disarray,
Its wonky streets chimes of life abandoned on a precinct flattened now and gone away,
No calm of seagulls screech speech lifts its sodden place sky,
Is there no welcome here?
Kind of arms mystifying its chair,
For no more market shouts as the bubble has burst its very domain,
Its gone only with a silent pointy prayer.

louis rams Sep 2013
Although he did not know it
It was the rise and fall of this poet.
Words are a universal language all by itself
It could take you to heaven, or bring you down to hell.

Words are like rivers, streams and oceans
Moving freely with emotion.
The slightest ripple is a creation
Of love, joy, sadness and devastation.

Everyone is different from each other
Opening poets mind- making him wonder.

Now his mind has become like a glazier
Frozen at a complete stand still
Or moving so slowly without direction
Not knowing love, not knowing affection.

Will it melt and become like the flowing
Waters once again?
Or will this be the final end?
She sat and stared from the window ledge,
She sat and stared at the sea,
Was sitting all through my childhood there
Since Eighteen fifty-three,
They said that she’d only stand upright
When a sail came into the bay,
When a ship came back from the Indies, or
Returned from Mandalay.

Nobody knew what she did in there,
She knitted, or she sewed,
Perhaps she was sat embroidering
As she watched the old sailroad,
They say she looked for a purple sail
Run up at the mizzen mast,
A sign that a certain Captain Hale
Had sailed on home at last.

She had a gentle and kindly face
I remembered from my youth,
But time went on and her face had shone
With tears, to tell the truth,
Her beauty gradually faded as
The years, they took their toll,
And sadness leached from her pale blue eyes
Before the house was sold.

A ship sailed into the harbour on
A warm spring afternoon,
A tattered sail at the mizzen that
Had lost its purple bloom,
The Captain wandered along the shore
From out where the sea was calm,
And stopped to gaze at a window,
But with a brunette on his arm.

He shook his head for a moment
As at a distant memory,
One of a thousand left behind
In the years that he’d spent at sea,
His eyes were held for a moment by
The eyes at the window pane,
But then he turned to the young brunette,
And went on his way again.

I bought the house when the sign went up
Though the agent said, ‘You’re sick!
I wouldn’t be touching that tumbledown,
It’s just a pile of brick.
Nobody’s been in there for years,
The thing needs pulling down,
You’ll get the place for a song, of course,
But there’s better in the town.’

I went and I picked the key up and
I stood out on the grass,
And stared on up at the window that
Was crazed, with broken glass,
The house was dark as a midden, all
Was shrouded in a gloom,
I felt my way up the passageway
And ventured in that room.

She sat quite still with her back to me
And stared out as before,
The window, it was crazed and cracked
And that was the most she saw,
I walked up slowly behind her, though
I didn’t know what to say,
She looked as if she’d been porcelain,
But now she was only clay.

I had the glazier fix the pane
And I locked that room up tight,
I wouldn’t let anyone go in there,
It didn’t seem to be right.
I put on a Captain’s hat, and stand
Between the house and the sea,
And swear that I see a gentle smile,
But now, she’s looking at me!

David Lewis Paget
Katie Lo May 2014
"Inhale, breathe, and hold."
Her eyes and smile brighter than the sun spotlighting her.
I did as she told to reach a feeling I've never experienced before.
Surrounded by fresh air and THC filling my lungs.
I look at her, eyes glazier than ever, smile wider than the horizon.
Her laughter and smile cause a fluttering sensation in my veins.
An hour or so later we're alone.
The giggles and feeling still striking.
The room feels as if it's spinning, and I swear the music sounds better.
...if like you should sink down beneath
I stopped hearing the song and soon felt your touch on my body.
"Stop." I say softly, though we both know I don't want you to.
And you don't.
...I liked it at first but the more you laugh the crazier I came
All I remember is your lips on mine now.
All I remember is you crawling your cute self on top of me.
The moment was surreal.
But you had to stop me because it was wrong.
He couldn't find out, I couldn't play along.
But we did it again and again, a bit further each time.
I don't regret it at all, in fact I yearned it.
Your giggling and long hair mesmerized me for a minute.

And that minute felt like forever.
Ursula Wolf Apr 2020
I could hear as the rigid solitude knocked on my window,
I stand up with my trembling legs and look out through the glazier blot.

Dark towers of the night looming, mantle the Moon's light
Of which fairies were buried by fiend  of the shadow.

The beast huddled,
And with that, solitude also forsakaned me.

Emptiness, that I became,
Like a void spirit,
Who is silently striked by the devistating fist of scarcity.

Since the Moon was locked up in a faraway cage...
Shoreless the dark night, which burns between us,
And racking me for an endless time.

I am a bird, which pursuing its warmth,
And flying trough the stiffed mainlands.

I am a sunflower, which lives for the Sun
And nervously golden colour of it
feared from others.

I am an asterisk, which devouted to the Moon
And relishing its dim beams.

But I would rather be a shooting star once,
Than a callow craven.

I would rather wait among Time's grains of sand that snaring backwards,
Than becoming a desolate corner of life.

I wish the solid smoke of darkness would just fade away,
So my blinking eyes would know where to reach for you.

Frigid the scrapering, destitute nothingness.

Only you could smelt me, like the sunny sky a bird.

Deprivation of yours is devouring me,
Like affection my sanity.

Please bring back the Moon,
Because the night is perishing my Sun.
Norway, a glazier
Trapped inside a glass orb
Shake it and it snows
a limning rush of sinister
     fiery angry flames bent avast
analogous copse,
     where every limb bough, bore full

     roaring furnace hot blast
spewing weighty incendiary volcanic
     magmatic eruption out classed

Krakatoa, no longer the benchmark,
     sans most powerful trajectory arc
this latest supernatural phenomena poetic
     pre sent dent trumpeting not don
     shearing, slamming,

     and stripping off tree bark
(most definitely paging the innocuous Clark
Kent, where like loess lain
     during Pleistocene Epoch
     rendered, manifested dark

kenning shroud likened
    to world wide webbing em brace
where lava floes easily did
     (like a poetic souped up Chevy)
     out to chase innocent prey
smoothing over (akin to mason,

     or gigantic glazier) clearly shining deface
of planet Earth with a smooth glassy like face
though starkly barren, bereft, bilked
     every last trace of civilization
     nonetheless exhibiting amazing grace

which global catastrophic event poo tin brake
fast upon ONE haughty, egoistic
     arrogant **** Sapiens chief drake
particularly ***** king machine "FAKE"

superman usurping free reign crowning himself
     totalitarian American tyrant,
     bare ring his right arms
emulating gesticulation sans dictatorship

     of the Proletariat make
pact with credo of Karl, Harpo,
     Groucho, and Chico Marx,
     where mortals DID NOT quake
especially empowered youths
     asper grassroots action they did take.
(revised August 30th, 2018)

Courtesy of one or more tradesmen,
       the first Monday
     in September set aside
especially honoring employees
     dedication, gratification, honing
     job duties till
     second nature inculcation...
     evidenced by being

     able, eager, ready
     and willing to acquire money
     maybe marry a groom or bride,
climb corporate ladder, or
     become an artisan,
     entrepreneur, laborer, technician
     (to side step ascending
     stair weigh heavily

     rung out, drafted
     like an oxen plow,
     commandeered and chide
did by management as insubordinate
     nonetheless ironically feted
     receiving glazier plaques
     acknowledging career employee
     deserved retirement, whence joining

     kiln fields once died)
from over exertion, yet nonetheless
     sweat of brow efforts praise,
     aye worthily corroborated, espied
searching me noggin
     and Google, sans a brief history
     re: aforesaid day,
     where barbecues fried
dispersed aromas recognizing efforts

     of workers with
     quality control as guide
grievances against rod need
     danger field challenged      
     sense and sensibility and/or      
     against excessive pride and prejudice
     stalwart did not hide
the shenanigans took place inside

     warranted unprintable colorful prose
     smoky boardrooms linkedin
     tandem fouled nose
     just common every
     day highs and lows    
trading Jane's and/or Joe’s
who weathered extreme temperatures,
     whereby bodies froze,

but thanks to those,
     who battled elements
     at large and snatched a doze
birth of brute efforts eventually
     earned reserved renowned
borne a couple shy
     of the nineteenth century,
     whence the sound

of industrial silence replaced
     with parades, where
     hoof beats did Ezra pound
the burgeoning, and
     bustling city streets
     echoed along the hardened ground
where fealty to country soldered
     with faith, federation union freedom,

     and job security
     did thence abound
which holiday under
     went transformations
     as bustle and hustle
paved the land of milk and honey –
     from straining of muscle
whereby life, liberty and pursuit

     of happiness less
     of a physical tussle
set (via masons), the
     cornerstone to an invisible
     complex edifice originally
     from New York
     those forgotten builders,
     farmers, machinists, unskilled labor

     et cetera whose dis shoveled
     spades laid groundwork
wrought by destruction
     from the Civil War
     bean counters largesse and pork
loosed from the bottle
     in Antebellum South,
     when off flew the cork

freeing a genie,
     which became supreme
     in the court
     such as (the no longer
     remembered) Robert Bork!
jordan Dec 2019
flaming darkened glazier
occult window screening
words congeal behind
soupy lettuce being

fish are always swimming
against the drizzle current
of my mindstream eddy
never rested never fluent

the cousin of the e-boy
is a flower antlered deer
he is holding smelly signs for
realistic road construction

but it all was smooshed
by the banana bus split
as it sounded around the corner
of the long lost underwater

parking garage in the bay
last level and i do mean last
very lost i tend to get lost
in there so there and there

is a bat swimming in
miracle whipped sin
at the parcel post nearby
chubby beagles munching

but bugles can't be eaten
unless you try to bite and
to see the empty
but it isn't really there

is it

wait what why
Donall Dempsey May 2020

A Christmas
with the Thames

almost freezing, then
thawing & then again

the London of 1598

under a quietness
of snow

that hides the world
from itself

as some Elizabetheans
go to steal

a theatre
silent now for a brace of years

frozen by bitter

The playhouse dismantled
bit by bit

so that when it rises
it will become in time

The Globe
this wooden O.

Will turns his face
up to the stars

at this theatre theft

snowflakes settling
upon his eyelids

remembering when
he was all of 7

and the Christian tales
told in stained glass

are shattered
for their sins

now only white light
is to be

let in

picking up a shard
of the ****** Mary

here a fragment of
St. George.

He sticks out his tongue
tastes the snow

knows that
all things change to

begin again.

He laughs.

The ****** Mary's smile
still clasped in his hand.



The 'theft" of their former theatre,The Theatre, which dismantled would become the famous wooden O. And Will watching( possibly ) when all of seven. . .the stained glass windows of his 'right goodly chapel" been smashed by a glazier who was paid 23 shillings and 8 pence for his smashing. These two images are what burned on in my mind.

I have often stood in that chapel and seen what remains of the whitewashed paintings now brought back to life. His dad had to order this whitewashing months before Will was born but by 7 Will could have been witness to the death of the coloured glass and all that was to be beheld there.

So this Midsummer's Day madness of 1571 really stated with me and forced the poem upon me.

"Popery may creep in at a glass window as well as at a door" as one William Prynne put it. The English Reformation going about its daily task to the dismay of the common folk who had to put up with the religion changing hands and changing hands yet again all in the little time of just over a quarter of a century.

Being a great lover of stained glass and its beauty this was what got me the most!

The title is from Will's Sonnet no. 5:

Those Hours that with gentle work did frame

"Beauty o'er --snowed, and bareness everywhere.
Then were not summer's distillation left
A liquid prisoner pent in walls of glass, "


The 'theft" of their former theatre,The Theatre, which dismantled would become the famous wooden O. And Will watching( possibly ) when all of seven. . .the stained glass windows of his 'right goodly chapel" been smashed by a glazier who was paid 23 shillings and 8 pence for his smashing. These two images are what burned on in my mind.

I have often stood in that chapel and seen what remains of the whitewashed paintings now brought back to life. His dad had to order this whitewashing months before Will was born but by 7 Will could have been witness to the death of the coloured glass and all that was to be beheld there.

So this Midsummer's Day madness of 1571 really stated with me and forced the poem upon me.

"Popery may creep in at a glass window as well as at a door" as one William Prynne put it. The English Reformation going about its daily task to the dismay of the common folk who had to put up with the religion changing hands and changing hands yet again all in the little time of just over a quarter of a century.

Being a great lover of stained glass and its beauty this was what got me the most!

The title is from Will's Sonnet no. 5:

Those Hours that with gentle work did frame

"Beauty o'er --snowed, and bareness everywhere.
Then were not summer's distillation left
A liquid prisoner pent in walls of glass, "
Ephraim Feb 2021
Saw a man crying on the metro today.
Tried to ignore him but couldn't pretend.

Seated next to a window
his image distorted in the glass
as if the glazier installed
a house of mirrors
in some clownish effort
to relieve commuter boredom.

Drops rolled
down a face stretched and pulled
like salt water taffy
disappearing at unnatural angles
erected to support the death mask
peering out of the mirror.

Walk over and ask him if he's okay,
then realize I’m talking to myself again.
Pseudobulbar affect
I have a red telephone box
Placed within my room
It's in the same tradition
As the red Victorian style post box
At the top of my road
The post box is functional
My telephone box is not
The immediate obvious problem
Is that it has no phone
The second problem
It has no windows
Which wouldn't matter in nice weather
But not so good in a winter storm
And besides, without the windows
There'd be no privacy
The third, and perhaps, the biggest issue
It's only about the twentieth of the size
And is in fact
A red metal novelty thingy
But would be suitable for
That's assuming, that Pixies
Would have any use for a telephone box
As unlike myself
I imagine that most fairy folk
Now have smart phones
So ive cancelled my request
For a telephone engineer
And glazier
And will now, perhaps
Plant some phoney Peonies within it
Or use it as a bird feeder....
by Jemia

A Christmas
with the Thames

almost freezing, then
thawing & then again

the London of 1598

under a quietness
of snow

that hides the world
from itself

as some Elizabetheans
go to steal

a theatre
silent now for a brace of years

frozen by bitter

The playhouse dismantled
bit by bit

so that when it rises
it will become in time

The Globe
this wooden O.

Will turns his face
up to the stars

at this theatre theft

snowflakes settling
upon his eyelids

remembering when
he was all of 7

and the Christian tales
told in stained glass

are shattered
for their sins

now only white light
is to be

let in

picking up a shard
of the ****** Mary

here a fragment of
St. George.

He sticks out his tongue
tastes the snow

knows that
all things change to

begin again.

He laughs.

The ****** Mary's smile
still clasped in his hand.



The 'theft" of their former theatre,The Theatre, which dismantled would become the famous wooden O. And Will watching( possibly ) when all of seven. . .the stained glass windows of his 'right goodly chapel" been smashed by a glazier who was paid 23 shillings and 8 pence for his smashing. These two images are what burned on in my mind.

I have often stood in that chapel and seen what remains of the whitewashed paintings now brought back to life. His dad had to order this whitewashing months before Will was born but by 7 Will could have been witness to the death of the coloured glass and all that was to be beheld there.

So this Midsummer's Day madness of 1571 really stated with me and forced the poem upon me.

"Popery may creep in at a glass window as well as at a door" as one William Prynne put it. The English Reformation going about its daily task to the dismay of the common folk who had to put up with the religion changing hands and changing hands yet again all in the little time of just over a quarter of a century.

Being a great lover of stained glass and its beauty this was what got me the most!

The title is from Will's Sonnet no. 5:

Those Hours that with gentle work did frame

"Beauty o'er --snowed, and bareness everywhere.
Then were not summer's distillation left
A liquid prisoner pent in walls of glass, "

— The End —