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M May 2013
Pack up your things,
Pack up your dreams,
Pack up your courage,
We're ready to leave.

We are ready to leave the comfort
Of our homes and routines;
We are ready to leave behind
All that steals our time, fleeing the feinds.

We are ready to explore
And walk out on our own
Into the great world,
To places unknown.

We are ready to only leave
Our foot prints where we walked,
We are ready to only carry memories
Of those with whom we have talked.

New places, new experiences;
That's all we crave
New voices, new faces;
To leave behind the familiar ones mean you have to be brave.

Pack up your bags,
Leave behind your doubts.
Embrace the unknown with open arms,
Walk with confidence and curiosity down your new route.

Pack up your life.
Store it under your bed, leave it behind,
Because once you get out in the world,
You'll realize there is so much more to find.
I see too many pictures of beautiful places and rather than looking at them, I want to take those photos. I want to be thrown out of my element and learn about the world, see what I haven't seen, and explore. It seems like the most fabulous thing to do, pack up and explore the world on my own.
Owen C Swenson Apr 2017
The law feinds for meat like blood thirsty animals.
Shaking down the streets to find their fix.
Their game is to hunt and their name is predator.
Theyll clean your pockets like an empty cash register.
Three hots and a cott pays off the boys in blue.
Until its time for another victim.
It never ends and its truth is never known.
They hide behind a gold badge and a royal throne.
We are tricked into a forceful thought that we need laws and protection.
Their good will service is always given even if it means to ****.
They shout, "We are protectors of the bill".
Sadly Kida Feb 2018
i felt uneasy
in the arms
of a heart consisting of
candle wax
and brittle
where *** hungry
feinds break their

loving someone so
was like a
glass house
who threw stones for protection
always and forever
on gaurd
i'd tiptoe through
the halls
as if the floors
were ice
and i had no choice
but to cross
i couldn't leave
because then
how could i relive
memories in a
different home?
Maddie Mar 2018
Don't got time for dumb ****
**** all of that love ****
I'm hurting everyday
But I know one day he'll pay
Karma will rein
Revenge for my pain
My stomach aches
From the joy he takes
Every morning I wake
Reminded of my errors
Every night i sleep
Visited by these night terrors
He's cursed my dreams
My mind full of feinds
The past three years
Haunted by fear
And I can't even look at a mirror
Because I'm disgusted by what I see
An empty shell whispering a silent plea
Violated and used
My ego is bruised
He betrayed my trust
My heart crumbling to dust
This poem is about the boy who ***** me when I was 15. For a long time I thought it was my fault, we were dating and I never told anyone. Please if this happens to you tell someone. You are not alone ❤

— The End —