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trf Nov 2017
months are getting shorter than
                prescription bottle dates
                                  say they would
         the holes on the strap of his belt
                     are putting for triple bogey
               shedding the wrong weight and
                    feeling kinda nervous to say so
                                                              ­             shine a light on anything(-)
                                 and watch it misbehave
                                                it always will.
                                    where we are going
                                        is never the way
                                          we used to be
                                     Is That Exciting
  ­                                          Relieving
             ­                                   or D.
                                       All of the above
**** Powerful ******* Fallacies
mark john junor Jan 2016
her single shot pistol is smoking as you walk in
her blushing bride smile is a dead give away
that something is amiss
he left a ballroom waltz
worth of footprints all over her smile

she persuades you to rent a buick '
and take the pursuit on the road
so the three of us head south on the us-1
to some strange beachside town
where all the girls are bubble gum machines
and the boys are paint by number boxing fans
but we finally catch the thin fatman
sitting on a beach-chair
sipping tea
and lookie-louing yachts from nantucket

she kisses and makes up with him
and you know that your romantic days are over
and she gives no reason but she got a soft spot
for his three piece suit lifestyle
brooks brothers got nothing on him
he gets his threads form the five and dime
pockets full of pickles
bread in his thinning hair
On row DH30A102
Buddha is seated,
Underneath him
in dust covered boxes
a dozen more
radiate enlightenment,
waiting to be shipped out and sold
for 29.99 at your local store.

'Surely the fatman
will give our house
a unique Zen feel to it.'
2015, May
We've got our backs against the wall as someone knocks it down, and we are being bulldozered right out of London Town.
Keep your freedom,information act
and act as if you give a ****
but too a man
you aren't any men if you would kick a man when all that man is trying to do,is muddle through and pull his weight
what a god ****** awful state and if it is then where the hell is he?
Supping tea with Cameron no doubt and wondering what the fuss is all about.

He'll get no prayers from me,
not while drinking Indian tea from China cups with saucers full of biscuit crumbs,while bums are begging on the street and Mother's can't make two ends meet.
what a god ****** awful state it beats me why we soldier on
we're as good as dead when all hope's gone
we ought to take a tip from those who've seen it all before and smash down the doors of greed and hyperbole,set the dogs to war and then we'll all be free.

the only way
break the day apart
reassemble what we've got and let's get shot of the lazy lot who stifle our ambitions,
Take positions
let them have it,
**** will rise, and look into their fatman eyes they know,it's long past time for them to go.
Just blow them all away
sweep them into yesterday and start afresh,anew
the only thing that we can do is fight,
set light to parliament and the mandarins,make effigies and stick them full of poison pins
and tear them limb from lying limb,

Time to begin?
You tell me.
Is it time yet to be free?
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
This just in:

I'm afraid that Christmas will have to be
canceled this year as the fatman, his sleigh,
and reindeer were all shot down this
evening by an atomic ballistic missile
while flying a test run over north korea
for the big night.  kim jung-un had this
to say "Rot in hell you fat *******, you
no love the Christ.  SONGUN!
Bill MacEachern Dec 2018
I’m not sure if I ever believed
I do recall kneeling
At the side of my bed
Back then I also put
Teeth under my pillow
Next day there was a quarter
Proof, the Tooth Fairy was
Then of coarse there was the Bunny and The Fatman
Both leaving evidence
Of their existence...
In fact, I’m pretty sure there’s a connection here...
What? There’s no Tooth Fairy? No Bunny?
I was told that guy knew when I was sleeping
Even knew how I was behaving
Could perform miraculous
If all that and all them were
made up
What of the other guy?
What of his powers?
Did he REALLY know
If I took his name in vain?
Did he even care?
Could he REALLY know everything, everywhere and all times?
In fact, he had a beard too, didn’t he?
I’m not sure if I ever believed
If I did
I didn’t anymore
Even while being forced to church
I hardly went
If I went
I wasn’t there
Believers believe I need to believe something I don’t
I can’t
It’s not in me
And never was
I’m not a fake it till I make it kind of guy
I respect those who do believe
I never question them why
I hope for the same in my disbelief
I’m just not a Godly guy
To believe or not to believe
Anais Vionet Mar 2023
Here’s a playlist, Mr. Ex President:

'I Fought the Law' by The Clash
'Chain Gang' by The Pretenders
'Locked Up' by Akon
'My Own Prison' by Creed
'Prisoner' by The Weeknd
'Famous-in-A-Small-Town' by Miranda Lambert
'FatMan on the Run' by Paul McCartney & Wings
'Jailhouse Rock' by Elvis Presley
'Prison Grove' by Warren Zevon
‘Who’s Sorry Now’ by Connie Francis
‘If I Could Turn Back Time’ by Cher

If convicted, Trump should claim to identify as a woman

— The End —