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Salpicar o teu rosto com farinha, enquanto preparassemos juntos o teu bolo favorito

Dar-te os beijos que me apetecesse, com os olhos, sempre que estivesses distraido a apreciar o "flowering tea", que te desse a escolher

Sentar-me no teu colo e ver-te desenhar

Fazer de ti a manta que me aconchega, entrelaçar os meus dedos nos teus e ver um filme até adormecer

Levar-te o pequeno almoço à cama e acordar-te com um beijo de bom dia.

a única a conseguir te arrancar aquele sorriso nos piores momentos...
a bateria desenfreada a bater dentro do teu peito...
a tua melhor amiga...
quem faz valer cada acordar teu.

Que fosses a excepção que acreditei que eras, o porto seguro por quem vale a pena esperar para partilhar a vida.

Por ti... por nós... mudei, ignorei medos e arrisquei...
Não deste valor... desacreditei.
To make a war of white flour with you while we prepare your favourite cake

To kiss you secretly, with my eyes, whenever you would be distracted enjoying the flowering tea of your choice

Sit on your lap and see you drawing

Make you the blanket that cuddles me, entwine my fingers in yours and watch a movie until we fall asleep

To wake you up with a good morning kiss and have breakfast in bed with you

To be the one, to be the only one that makes you smile in the harsh moments, to be the cause of a unrestrained drums that beat inside your chest, to be your best friend, to be the one who makes it worth for you to wake up every day.

I wanted, I believed that you were the exception, the safe harbour for whom it is worth waiting for to share a life.

For you ... for us ... I changed, I ignored my fears and risked it all...
Liliana Farinha Jun 2013
4 AM and here I am
Still awake
Looking for nowhere
My walls are empty
But my mind are fully
Thinkin in what
I don't give a ****.
They are thoughts
And they are enough.
Tonight is cold
And the stars are gold
It makes no sense
What is in my conscience
Body is warm
The clock tic tac
Now it's four and thirty
And I'm thirsty
Not for a drink
But for a dream.
And it still make no sense
What is in my conscience
Or wait,
Maybe I'm not awake.
Now make any sense
This talk with my inconscience.

*by Liliana Farinha
Liliana Farinha Jul 2013
At nightfall, with headphones and head down. I don’t care what others say, why they smile. I don’t care. Let me go hand in hand with my loneliness (which, perhaps, is as big as theirs), so I am as her we are not interested in the slightest air of happiness that  pass we by. Maybe all these joy is even apparent, but until today tiredness prevents me from playing and pretending which I haven’t as they have. There are days when the best we can do is stay in home. And yet there is always something that bothers us…

*by Liliana Farinha
Peeka Jul 2014
I found a part of myself on the banks of a distant river
This girl that will stand up for something
Hope for more
Look beyond the murky waters to an endless sky
Float along the banks
With a purpose in life
We trudged along, sailing past lives
Put on our boots and discovered another side
In between the lines
These people, they changed my perspective in a week
Thank you to the people that ponder and read
One hundred books a year
Whose purpose and future is clear
Those who have been in the eighth grade for years
Once were part of the swat team - so I hear
Who tell jokes that remain untranslated
Found hope away from home and built dreams, settled down far away with their family
Braid like no one's watching (Thank you for your braiding talent - honestly)
Wear fedoras confidently
Break out the world record book
And bring people together under one cause
To travel away to the Amazon
Trying to help those on another continent
Water filters, guarana,
Guitars, and farinha
A caiman aboard
I found a part of myself in this land, untamed
Because of the people, the songs, and the rain
No goodbyes, friends for life
Setting our hopes high
There's this boat out on the river
That honks to call you in
This blue majestic gift that holds our memories within.
Recollections of a humanitarian trip to the Amazon River.
Liliana Farinha Jun 2013
Sometimes I think my body doesn't have a soul anymore.
She is somewhere outside. She left him to be free.
And my body still staying here, getting older on the time watch him passing by.
Sometimes I think my body doesn't have a mind too.
She is somewhere like a soul. But to keep alive the dreams which I already thought, they're gone.
Maybe the problem here is my body. Him is not good enough for them, so they leave him, like people do when they are tired.
Maybe my soul and my mind are tired too, to be there or maybe they are so wild with the need to be free for keeping them alive and healthy.

*by Liliana Farinha

— The End —