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Emily Kaminski Nov 2014
I'm glad Free Bubble Tea Day happened and you let me got you one~
I keep telling myself that 'I hope it'd be mostly you in that apartment'.
So it was, also your sister. It's fine~
I was so happy to see you smile!
That smile that melt away my heart from when we were together~
When I was giving your drink and heated up the leftover pork bun for you, you kept saying
"Why are you being so strange?"
"Because I want to~"
"Yeah, but it's still strange.."
"And that strangeness use to rock your world one time~"
You smiled more~
After giving your heated pork bun I asked for a hug, because I missed your embrasses.
And that you did~ With no complain. Willing, even.
I felt warm again. My heart went from ice cold,
to melting warm~
We talked abit more, and you smiled more as soon as I mentioned getting a new phone soon.
Your smiles grew bigger~ Because I know how much you wanted me to get one, because you hated my old one.
But that smile, that smile kept melting my heart.
I'm glad it was just us for the moment.
I had a little piece of the 'You' whom I knew.
No influences around.
Just you~
I wanted to stay more, but I couldn't.

Until this very day.....
It felt like your smiles were just for me~ ;u;
I know you have a girlfriend now.  But it's nice and warming to spend time alone with you~ ;u;
You may have hurt me countless of times, to the point I couldn't feel.
But you still left me with more good memories than bad~
-T^T-  -;u;-
Emily Kaminski Oct 2014
I'd rather drown in the sweet, warm memories of you.
Feeling alive again.
In no need of hiding the true me.
Just let me drown,
let me drown,
let me drown,

into the comfort of your loving embrasses.
Instead of being a walking dead.
With the ball chain of psychological pain at my feet.
wearing a clowns mask.
Receiving the pecking orders from many,
for being cold-hearted.
This is the feeling I had from my previous poem "I have fallen".
Emily Kaminski Oct 2014
As I thought I was doing just fine. Carrying on my life. Finally been able to forget and move on from you.
I tripped and have fallen backwards into the memories of YOU, as soon as my beloved friend asked me when we were on Mount Royal together for the first time; "Did HE ever brought you here?"
"No. I don't think we ever been here together." I replied.
At that moment, I had flashbacks of the other places we've been together. Which was a handful. But surprisingly, not on that mountain. As I fallen into the banks of memory lane, I poured out how much I missed YOU to my beloved friend. (In tears)
YOUR caresses, kisses, cares, jokes, kindness....
but most of all YOUR  embrasses that made me fall in LOVE with YOU and made me adore hugs and hugging people! Also brought life to my heart! Now I can barely do proper hugs and get **** for not doing it right; and my heart is dead-cold.
Looking back on it brings me happy tears.
And yet, heartaches.
Just recently, the other morning(out of the blue). I have fallen backwards again.
With a little sweet, lovely, warm, comfortable dream of you.
After playing games with friends while sitting on the mattress on the floor; I turned around and saw YOU.
YOU were lying down-let's say on the couch- and YOU were smiling at me. It was the smile and look that you still loved me. The welcoming smile that I adored. It was the old  YOU. The one before the stupid, ugly tattoos and you hair was abit long. It felt like as if we picked-up were we left of from our lovely part of the relationship.
So crawled up to YOU, had my face close to yours, that our noses were touching.  I grabbed you hand, kissed it and placed it on my right cheek. I missed YOUR  touch. Then we shared kisses like we use too.
Then that dream took off a little bit to the offside.
We left to meet up with someone to buy a new apartment place. Turns out it was my group who were finding themselves and I a place to stay in. Before I carried on with the search of the building, YOU slowly walked away and gave me a look "Are you going to join me or stay here?"
I looked away and gave off a "Staying". I haven't seen you since then. In that dream, it felt like I just had to stay....Sorry dream you
In the end turns out my group and I were runaways from a crime. Then the following few days, them and I had plane tickets to leave the country.

But I wondered if THAT crime was to be with YOU again?
If so, it'd still be worth it.

In the end, I still manage to get up and move forward. Here and there. I  still think of YOU.
In reality, YOU'RE the one who's FALLEN HARD! Deep into the rivers of false pleasures and desires.
.................................YOU Idiot. -.-'
I teared when I typed this up~ -T^T-
Terry Howe Jun 2017
To live the life that we want is God's way of being cruel for we must earn that way of life. It is said that to love the one we care for the most we must be able to make sacrifices. We are suppose to be created in his image but we alter it constantly. In order to love we must as well love ourselves first. How can we love someone who is taken? How can you love yourself in the first place? How can we accept the fact that they won't love you or say "sorry but you're not my type." Or even "I'm not gay." Humanity is constantly being the same way that we've been for hundreds of years. We try to venture out from the norm but it keeps trying to pull us back in. Society tries to change but it pulled back by those that want it to stay the way it is. We can't learn to love ourselves so we try and have others do it for us. We rely of the concept that there is your soulmate somewhere on this little blue planet in this vast galaxy. We say that they were hmm orn in the wrong time period and that they're not alive anymore or that they haven't been born yet. What if you're destin to be by your own side forever in time until you find you're soulmate in the next life. But what if you're alone yet again with no one to love you for who you are? You find that you're in a depressive state that you can't seem to get out of. You've told yourself that you've loved before and you'll find love again. But you then realize how fast that love was taken away from you. How the person that you care about loves someone else. You don't care about *** at all. You just want to come up behind that person, wrap your arms around them and relax you body while saying that you love them and you just want to be held by them. You want your hair played with and you want the occasional kiss or two on the lips. Soft and warm. You smile at this thought over and over until you realize that it'll never happen or come true. You're eyes swell up and you can feel and see the tears forming. Falling to your knees you cry your eyes out and scream at the top of your lungs when all of a sudden you feel a hand on your shoulder. You look around and find someone there who's having the same problems as you are. He/she stands you up and embrasses you in a warm and loving hug. You calm down and lay your head on that person's shoulders then all of a sudden you find yourself in darkness. You hear the sound of a fan going and also blowing on you. You look around and find that you are in your bedroom. You failed to realize that last moment was only a dream. A dream that you've drempt before but still affected by it. You silently cry as you stand from your bed and turn on the lights. You're not ready for the new day that's come to play but you must because you have to live your life over and over and them the days are merging together and you find yourself stuck in an infanent loop. The same day and thing over and over again. You can't do anything though because it's the norm that you're doing. You've failed to venture out from it and now you're doomed to repeat it forever and always no matter what you do because now you are like the others. Because you've failed to venture so now you must survive the best you can do before you die.
km Feb 2019
j’ai rêvé tu et moi nous sommes embrasses
c’était merveilleux et surréaliste
j’ai réveillée et j’ai trouvé c’est faux
et maintenant, je suis…perdue


i dreamt you and i kissed
it was marvelous and surreal
i woke up and i found it's false
and now, i am... lost
This is rough because I'm only in my second semester of French, but I hope the meaning is still there
Homme libre, toujours tu chériras la mer !
La mer est ton miroir ; tu contemples ton âme
Dans le déroulement infini de sa lame,
Et ton esprit n'est pas un gouffre moins amer.

Tu te plais à plonger au sein de ton image ;
Tu l'embrasses des yeux et des bras, et ton coeur
Se distrait quelquefois de sa propre rumeur
Au bruit de cette plainte indomptable et sauvage.

Vous êtes tous les deux ténébreux et discrets :
Homme, nul n'a sondé le fond de tes abîmes ;
Ô mer, nul ne connaît tes richesses intimes,
Tant vous êtes jaloux de garder vos secrets !

Et cependant voilà des siècles innombrables
Que vous vous combattez sans pitié ni remord,
Tellement vous aimez le carnage et la mort,
Ô lutteurs éternels, ô frères implacables !
Je tremble
Je tressaille
Quand je lis tes délires
Comme si j 'allais à un premier rendez-vous
Et je savoure ce frémissement qui m'embrouille
Est-ce état d'alarme, de joie, d'amour ou de peur.
Tu me dis
"Va mon petit cheval, va "
Tu m'encourages, tu me rassures
Tu me dis des mots de miel
Tu me mets en confiance
Je suis figée. il faut que je galope
Que je hennisse pour m'apaiser
Ta voix devient ma voix
Je ne comprends pas
Tu dis encore quand tu embrasses mon petit museau rose :
"N 'aie pas peur, je ne te veux que du bien "
Est-ce le dragon d'eau qui parle
Ou le Dragon de feu ?

— The End —