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Fairfax, whose name in armes through Europe rings
Filling each mouth with envy, or with praise,
And all her jealous monarchs with amaze,
And rumors loud, that daunt remotest kings,
Thy firm unshak’n vertue ever brings
Victory home, though new rebellions raise
Their Hydra heads, & the fals North displaies
Her brok’n league, to impe their serpent wings,
O yet a nobler task awaites thy hand;
Yet what can Warr, but endless warr still breed,                    
Till Truth, & Right from Violence be freed,
And Public Faith cleard from the shamefull brand
Of Public Fraud.  In vain doth Valour bleed
While Avarice, & Rapine share the land.
love spells Jul 2016
God gifted lost Lover Spells Caster to reunite you with your ex in 18 hours namibia.TRADITIONAL HEALER AND .Spell caster, Call, +27780130306 specializing in lost Love Spells, Marriage Spells, Protection Spells, Spiritual Healing, Fortune Teller
Many people still question whether love spells work or not, permanent or effective? This can be based from past experiences where they tried some spell casters but
not fully satisfied with their results or the love spells worked for just a short period and sometimes even never saw any results. To avoid such situations you
have to be careful with spell casters you approach, some are limited with certain Spiritual powers to cast good love spells to help people in their relationships
Customized Love Spells
This love spell is customized and suitable for bringing the one you love to you. If you are not with the one you love for any reason, we can cast this love spell to shock and manipulate the one you love into coming to you. This spell unites lovers, which includes reuniting lovers.
Lost Love Spells
Imagine a love spell that could bring back your Ex, return a lost lover, or fix a broken relationship. The love spells were created to restore the romance and strength of deep love while erasing the heartache and pain of the past. By restoring these emotions with a clean foundation, my witchcraft rituals offer hope to those who fear resentment and deep anger from a lost partner.
Personalized Love Spell Dagger
These spells will not take NO for an answer, they never lose, they do not know the meaning of the word 'failure.' If you have a stubborn ex or the one your have loved since the day you first saw them appears disinterested in you, you need to alter that - and you can, with these threatening love spells. They ensure the one you love, loves you back, and it will be true love, as already stated black magic shocks a situation and turns it on its head - the one you love will look at you in a new light, the light you are looking at them, their feelings for you will be overwhelming, they will be well and truly under your spell.
We customized and personalized 4 spells each spells adds more power's your loved one will be swept off their feet and feel lighted headed and weak at the knees each time they think about you.

Stop A Cheating Partner
Are you afraid your partner might cheat? Or perhaps you would simply like the security of knowing that he or she will never cheat. These spells will eradicate any possibility of adultery or cheating by dissipating any feelings of attraction or lust your partner may feel towards another person. For more info or email us: in Spain, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA,
Venezuela KwaDinabukubo KwaMashu Mayville Morningside Ntuzuma Newlands Overport Phoenix Puntans Hill Australia capital territory New south wales Northern territory Queensland Tasmania Victoria Western australia Botswana Manchester/Liverpool Nottingham-Derby Oxford Lesotho Peterborough Cambridge Sheffield York Gloucester-Cheltenham Blackburn-Burnley Telford Blackburn-
Burnley Grimsby Hastings Thanet Blackburn-Burnley Burton-upon-Trent Colchester Eastbourne Exeter Gloucester-Cheltenham Torbay Lincoln Sheffield Basingstoke Bedford Worcester Canada
Tryst Mar 2015
A ewe once wandered freely to the slaughter
And feared no evil in the farmer's glare,
The wolves that pounced upon her noble daughters
Were sated not by chastity laid bare

Her fleece succumbed to ravaged fingers clawing,
Her eyes were drowning in her childrens' fear,
Her heart became a stone, her knees were sprawling
Through blood and mud, her gaze was held austere

She raised herself and looked up to the night sky
And shouted to the gods to hear her name,
With vengeance in her heart she raised herself high
And vowed revenge on those who brought her shame

She led her flock to trample through Colchester,
She led them on to trample London town,
The wolves arrived in battle to ****** her,
They won the day and put her vengeance down
Cupid loosed a love potion
     laced arrow alas and alack
thy nineteen year young daughter
     Shana Aubrey, smitten
     with glassy eyed
     and feverish amorousness

     toward a English lad named Zak,
     she feels sad, cuz
     she iz to return back
to the United States
     less than a month
     (with my youngest sister Shari Todd,
     and her other family members
     of the Dunning claque

this papa, whose youth
     and ungathered rosebuds inter alia
     elapsed scores of years ago
n'er did find himself
     as the fetching beau
asper any pretty young thang,

     nar did I own
     a handy dandy blues clue
how to appease biological call viz,
     sowing wild oats
     as pubescent time came due

shortchanging natural predilection
     to gather rose buds at primal age
but took refuge within
     a hermetically sealed cage
which complex emotional
     edifice accessible equipage

then (and now) solely
     in my possession,
     yet needle, sans measuring gauge
now registers very low
     ****** excitation on face dial image.

Though mine pre
     pubescent young life bereft
shot thru being gun shy,
     hence threadbare warp and weft
and as an emotionally troubled teen,
     never livingsocial, left
a gaping figurative hole,
     aye n'er didst

     fabricate essential heft
tee warp and woof, upon
     which adult inter
     personal linkedin knit wit
     get solidly stitched
     instead an irreparable threadbare cleft

where tapestry remains unwoven
     though more deft
nothing but cold embers left
nor apropos for this lix spit tilled
     aged rooster, who can barely cluck
to romp in accordance
     as a young buck
or squawk like a trumpeting

     drake hula hooping duck
thus, twas glad and
     breathed sigh of relief when,
     thee punim summoned
     verve and pluck

to chap up affinity to discover
     visa vis unbridled passion
unlike this old man
     with youthful romance,
     he never didst truck!
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2020
chem. soup brain... or Brian...
no song of no more new to come,
no new song of all that's to come,
no bride of either westminster
or wandsworth or walthamstow...
not within the confines
of the ****- burnings of the dolphin
skins of the yorkie-pies
of the ol' shire... coal-mined veins
from no, to no lesser Silesia...
among the Picts... dear widow
of London that's the current spirit
of lemon-suckling brine?!
oh my dear, what no aloof...
shying from the haggis, from the neeps!
the tatties!
and the myth of the deep frier
the fidget of the fudge explorers
of the Rhine of Yer **** Messieurs!
come to think of it...
i came to england as a fleabag of
eastern europe with a nietzschean moustashe
i borrowed and burrowed from and into
my father dear...
but when in SCOTland...
i arrived as a Dane...
this beyond past comparison arrival
willing to... **** a lass beside her senses
and her geography...
and in that... all was made sane...
because i see no reason to believe
these metropolitan daughters and sons
of fairies...
should they still exalt the ghost
of shakespeare...
and his art a mode of transcendence...
when all his works require!
the gob and goblet with my tongue
pickled in it like
the body of frederick barbarossa
arriving at Jerusalem...
London: the Salem of my Trials...
will ever and forver old Burns make
a speech: to later sigh...
because the English girls from Leicester
and Norwich arriving in Loon'don
will make it plain and far...
we from the foreign lands:
from the countrtyside will but and but
and but some more!
dear starlings pure... please! recite me some
of your love of Shakespeare:
as long as it rhymes... it's poetics;
ticks... those lesser tapeworms off...
here's a better terminology concerning
a cow-bell... roy orbison will never be allowed
to reign over the status of a black sabbath riff...
he has the rest... nazareth and...
flea of the dog...
royal scots dragoons: this unison of
a non-continental aspect of land...
these isles...
and the english swans these english girls
will have to return,
cite their sonnets and never lend themselves
to "anecdotes" from the plays...
what did i say?
it is worth as much a misnomer
as it is worth a metaphor...
because for all of Shakespeare's worth...
he too would gladly rest,
his final sentiment via Bach's rolling technique...
should it be, when it is already well known...
no one recites a sonnet by a Shakespeare
when old Hogmanay is over...
when St. Sylvester's is celebrated...
and never this, very english... cold-ce
firecracker fore-warning the:
part and parcle of Guy Fawkes' night
of toy-terror...

what words and what words aren't...
and then those words better sung?
of never have,
of never heave...
of never baron over: of never "steve"
(stephen's claim and rite)...

so much for Shakespeare's sonnets...
when come new year's eve
and all that resounds...
is auld lang syne...
and all sing to embrace...
and none sign to what's...
nonetheless later sung...

was man ever to fathom being
so disillusioned to early...
to early as to catch a prosper from
the scent of thyme?
i can't stomach the recitations
of Shakespeare...
they sound to me like a clogged toilet...
i do not require a new recitation...
i require the proper reincarnation
plumber for this gobshite blockage
of what doesn't require to be ******* out:
re- again re- again re- again
and once more until another ted hughes
calls it: an "event at Wimbledon"...

**** it... yes... it was Primrose Hill...
unlucky for me... the Prussians never made it
into the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth...
nor was there a deluge to recount
on the canvas of a Bayeux Tapestry....
but sure as Sherlock ******* Holmes knows
his Watson...
cite and recite all the Shakespeare pedagogy
all you want...
the man would prefer rotten cabbages
to be thrown at the stage than having to endure
the immortality of a Bach...
esp. when... the words of a scotman are
sung come the eve of a new year's day...

by abide the Roud Folk Song Index...
this poo'em will too, not disappear as frequently
as the next to "new" viral video...

if only i wandered as far among
the Welsh... perhaps...
among the Richards of Little Ireland
and all the clever deargfriochta!

what's there to compensate with?
Southend... Colchester... Clapham Junction...
Prince Irvine of Clemence & Chelmsford...
epilogue of Epping -
as glutton Loon'don and...
fair well... bride Bethlem...

a song to not having parted...
a song to not heaved a last farewell...
a song for yesterday...
a song for: everyday!
a song for the domesticated dog...
and never the abides of a lost
leash that also calls itself a dog in horse-ridden
a song to bypass Leicester,
Doncaster, Newcastle, Carisle and...
the lesser domains of Hadrian's scare...
those BIG in domine dominos of history...

my putrid lot to have to remind...
it's not Shakespeare that's sung...
come the advent of anewed...
bubonic Edinburgh...
or how the first skyscrapers were born...
how the first bridges were raised
over no river or any manner
of a body of water...
how i came across my first
scottish "witch" and even if she was
the 2nd or 3rd Fiona...
i didn't fall in love with her...

old clinginess of a mythological Kiev...
somewhere between
Warsaw and Moscow...
yet again... it would have been
better that i return to the squalor of...
forget me to remember:
London 20th century 90s and 80s.
Nope!, this aint a
     (non) commercial
     Christmas plug for ye,
nonetheless, a greeting
     of joie de
     vivre buttressed with
     (wreath) in this ole
     foreign nicked saint wannabe

awash with spiritual
     awakening unexpectedly
     alighting boosting, and catapulting,
     the mood of this
     dog gone intro
     spective atheistic he
then for merely "actively listening,"
     sans texting to me,

(thine youngest daughter) hook
     confided a circumstance,
     that found her teary
eyed, whereat papa (meself)
     galvanizing enervating,
     and bold facing
     (italicized optional),
     a decades long glee

(son) doting dada, (me)
hood did earlier today
      underwent spiritual reawakening
     experience, where poignant see
movie ling ushered
     emotional concessions prithee
lee transcending, and super see
ding ordinary **-hum

     (oh so yesterday...)
psychologically (or psychically)
     escalating euphoria juiced being
     a humble papa
     yes sir re:
vicariously afflicted when,
     Shana Aubrey (said
     nineteen year old pro genie),

(who lives under
     auspices of mine
     kid sister in
     Bend, Oregon – Voluntarily)
painfully shared her recent
     (first) beaming, blooming,
     and budding romance
     rendered null and void

primarily duet who wah
     bajillion geographical miles
from Colchester, Great
     Britain, where she
(mine offspring) under
     parental care of thee

guardian (angels) Shari Todd,
and George Andrew Dunning
     supreme qual lit tee
aunt and uncle respective lee)
spent propitious year,
     whence har mo' knee
me lass struck up,
     and young lad o' a louver she

discovered without visa vis,
where, the young chap Zak)
     broke off (figuratively smote) long
     distance elle la gee.

Gnome hatter at my helpless state
hive hilt that being privy at any rate
which parental aye deed eek quate
with darling daughter as a mature primate.

— The End —