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Sandy Macacua Mar 2016
Staring at the sea,
saw you riding with the waves
Washed away my tears

Walking near the cliff,
saw you leaping with the bouys
Dived away my fears

Sitting on the street,
saw you tricking with the flips
Kicked away my pains

Waiting for the day,
thaw adventure thoughts of you
I tried to move away

Wishing that some day,
flaws of ours will be clear
So we can start wandering
Rich Hues Apr 2019
She wasn't like Ariel
Didn't want to end up having legs,
Wasn't interested in babies
Prefered the idea of laying eggs.

So she swam the Sargasso sea
Where the water's warm and dark,
And had a romantic fling
With a hammer-headed shark.

He was tough his skin was rough
He never meant her any harm
But in his throes of passion
He bit off her left arm.

The relationship was short
Ending in painful failure,
He had post ****** depression
And was harpooned by a whaler.

She bought a fishtank for their young
And got a job on land,
Pulling off one-legged sailors
With her one remaining hand.

The End.
This is a morality tale for our time and I shall delete the poem as soon as i have sobered up.
Princess Dawn Jan 2013
You came like aurora
appearing with the mist
of a cloudy horizon
carrying the boundless
admiration of your oceanic eyes.
You waited over bridges
we’re about to cross.
In calmness
and life bouys
directing my heart
in a field where dragonflies
are coupled with yellow grass
along the revealing peak
of a mountain and smoke
coming from last night’s bonfire.
All I feel for you now
is love.
March 10, 2011
Lauren Feb 2013
There are phrases spoken that sound a bit like "I no longer need you,"
but through the whistle of the words it comes out like an apology or,
depending on the direction the wind is blowing, a rhetorical question.
There are moments spent walking through snow drifts at noon with
heavy feet and a crackling at the bottom of my throat thinking
this is not your season for me. Your voice was never cold and damp
it was clear even when it broke, calming and clean. There are dreams
that you don't occupy anymore and when the great flood came
and the world was like a giant Roman pool in which the entire population bathed,
you were missing from the scenario. I swam from the steps of my dorm building
all the way to the ocean and when I realized I hadn't found you on the journey,
I turned back around to search. There are nights when bouys look more appealing
than constant breast back butterfly strokes through the sweat and salt
but then there are mornings that remind me
this will make me stronger. This will make me see.
Sometimes the most simplistic poems are beautiful.

I eat apples because i'm sad, and I like coke too much;

My gums hurt when I bite into the skin of it.
Reminding me that sometimes, the Pleasures of the things that are simple,
are sublimely painful.
like apples, coke in mouthfuls.
It hurts because my gums bleed from chemical burns of stimulates that are lacking opalescence experiances
Jacking my sails  that left me high and dry.
in all odible sensible seriousness,
I'm ready to cry,
hopeing by the end
that I beg
like the children forced to manufacture it,
Hopeing to die.

But I beckon for that pain
Not out of self destructive gain.
But out of recognition for what i've lost.
The identity of the man drowning in Desolate porcelein desserts and tossed into oceans named after the many emotions i'm swayed by.
Sadness leaves me floating,
Anxiety leaves me floundering, Depression has me drowning.
Not a matter of difference but for the sake of juxtaposition.
When Thoughtfulness is chosen.
Happiness lets me see my position.
Then Confidence puts my gears in motion.
Because i've seen bouys floating,
men in yahts gloating,
Survivers floating,
Kids in rags
Not clothing
But like a light house
Your smile

I can't think right now because my teeth hurt. From eating apples and likeing coke too much.
But at least I feel alive
Waverly Apr 2012
Without you,
I am alone again,
and each moment
feels like a dry fever.

I go to sleep
in fits of time,
a few hours
scattered like bouys.

When I feel happy
its because I'm in the desert
that's the kind of happy
you feel.
MsTruth Jul 2020
At 9:00 assemble the beach watchers on deck
At 10:00 hums an approaching blue ship
At 11:00 a red and a green guide bouys dancing
At 12:00 a pair of morning joggers running
At 13:00 a cormorant drying its wings
At 14:00 a father looking through a lens
At 14:30 his two sons digging for shrimps
At 15:00 a restaurant called „de Zeebries“.

A whole lot of sand...
Blue water in front...

— The End —