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Thomas Steyer Jul 2021
I wonder what it is that gets me up in the morning
Thoughts enter my head of this and of that
Suddenly I'm standing - there was no sign of warning
And my mind knows nothing or where it's at.
Thomas Steyer Jul 2021
Painting abstract and expressive
often on formats quite impressive
when my use of red is too excessive
I get agitated and feel a bit aggressive
might as well do my taxes, so depressive
then I start tidying or other things obsessive
eventually a cup of tea can feel decompressive
Thomas Steyer Jul 2021
From soon all beady my dove and romance
plop buys me a radius of monthly advance
and gives abstract expressionism a chance

we tremble to book so softly their witness
the tiny push bras like nobody's business
collarbone funnybone and studio fitness

how can a lag dinge for a slow digestion
just dreaming low their next suggestion
to be or not so beat, that is the question

walkabout it doesn't make much sense
my verbal byronea about to commence
as two bold eggs sit on a cake and fence

three olding hens sit on the fent and knit
five juvenile retenders rolling out their kit
artly and hostanously thart spliffing in a lit

zuckering freudily Alsberta around the bend
onder mist blontentious wick willet harksend
and befending our liblyhord to the bittery end
no drugs involved, just some craziness
Thomas Steyer Jul 2021
what makes me love you so much
what makes me love you at all
you are my such and such
I'm having such a ball
Thomas Steyer Jul 2021
I looked out the window, goodness me
torrential rainfall in Germany

on the TV a reporter said
people are missing, many are dead

aerial views of the devastation
leave no room for the imagination

they show the extend of the flood
which left the area covered in mud

horrendous stories and detailed accounts
explain what happened and no one doubts

this is a direct result of the climate change
experts say, it's neither surprising nor very strange
Thomas Steyer Jul 2021
Love can strike at any time.
I'm afraid it might.
What do I do if I'm already in love?
It must be quite a plight.

Pull yourself together
and think of what you've got.
Lightning never strikes twice, my man,
or have you lost the plot?
A dialogue I had with myself a long time ago.
Thomas Steyer Jul 2021
When we see what some people are dishing out,
we know what Bertrand Russell was talking about:
"The stupid are cocksure, the intelligent full of doubt."

When you meet someone who thinks he's clever,
but seems much too confident in his endeavour,
and talks to you non stop and forever and ever.

When he acts like a prophet defying convention,
never admitting a lack of comprehension,
promptly has a cure for everything you mention.

When he hands out his advice on a silver platter
convincing you that his opinions matter,
you can be certain, he's as mad as a hatter.
There are people trying to convince you that the world is flat.
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