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forestfaith Jul 2018
A deadly drop!
A ghastly death!
Oh gosh! How can I survive this death!?
Anxiety crashes in.
Sweat pearls welled up.
Ahhhhh......oh...hold on...
(Walk a little closer)
(Holds on to the nearest Boulder)
Oh...a staircase leading down.
Well...those are for nothing...
Haha, sometimes we just get anxious of silly things when God is already in control!
Shilpi Nov 2015
A dark cloud follows me, its chillness touching my bones.
Why am I sad?- I ask myself.
Wasn't it for today that I sacrificed my happiness yesterday?
and I continue to live it the same way.
We all worry about tomorrow, unknowingly depriving ourselves of the present. Gradually this becomes a habit and one day we realise we never lived our life.
Sing a song for me
Yeah, that's me!!

The one who always smiles
Keeps other's worries away for miles
The one who cries and tries
To keep my sorrows within myself
Sing a son for me
Yeah, that's me!!

Sleepless are my nights
Worthless are my mights
Endless are my fights
Limitless are my sights
Sing a song for me
Yeah, thats me!!

Get my heart solace
Get my mind peace
Get myself fresh breeze
And please
Sing a song for me,
Hell yeah,
That's me!!

— The End —