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Ashwin Kumar Feb 2019
I have placed my trust in you
Not once, not twice
But for years and years
Every time you fail to deliver
I tell myself to be patient
I say, "give it some time"
As I wait and wait
You begin to take me for granted
Your service becomes poorer and poorer
While my wallet grows thinner and thinner
I tell myself to be patient
But my face grows redder and redder
My eyes begin to blaze
My teeth grow sharper and sharper
My mouth begins to foam
My fists begin to clench
My finger and toe nails grow sharper and sharper
Still, I tell myself to be patient
But then you fail spectacularly
When it matters the most
This is the last straw
With an almighty roar
I pounce on you
Heedless of your frantic cries for mercy
And tear you to pieces
While I drink your blood
I pause for a moment
To savour the just retribution
For all these years of injustice
For all these years of betrayal
I was patient, for a long time
But patience too, has its limits
Poem meant for Vodafone India senior management. Statutory Warning: Contains violence and bloodlust.
Ashwin Kumar Jun 2018
There is a time
When nothing goes right
Anything that you touch
Turns into stone
At work, candidates ignore you
All the relationships built
Through days of hard work
Evaporate on that day
The world seems to turn against you
Leaving you frustrated and helpless
And left with no alternative
But to take the blame
Squarely on your own shoulders
Wishing you could be anywhere
But in your own body

As time passes by
Slower than a snail
You greatest desire
Is that the day should end
And you are put out of your misery
However, Fate has other plans
While you are determined
To escape from the rush
In the famous Mumbai locals
Vodafone decides to come to the party
The network falls apart
Leaving you watching helplessly
As Uber and Ola fail to load
And Fate wears a gloating smile
As you are forced
To board the dreaded train
And simply adjust
Amongst a sea of commuters
Your greatest desire
Is that the day should end
Poem written by me yesterday while waiting for the local train and reflecting on a frustrating day on the whole

— The End —