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Confetti and streamers
The music played by the universe
Oh so free
Never heard, deeply felt
Slow on the breeze in a second to freeze
Distant temple sounds of conches
Sacred Chants
Little bells jingle mid air
No strings simply free
Of mossy trails
Snow stilled lakes
Vast expanse
Not one soul to dance
Free untouched
No trails to follow
Nor to leave
Magically written
And erased on the glassy slate
Never seen yet closely known
The trees of ancient world
The bark thick and strong
A house to dream
Ten storied tall, lasts long
A place so cool, full of warmth
Of the cashmere shawl
Paisley embroidered wrap around
In colours of the valley flowers
Shikara dreams
Written 10th of August,
2:45 am
Unedited thoughts

— The End —