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Jennifer Weiss Sep 2015
There's a reason your love stories are broken.
And the one you long for will not return.
There is a reason you ache within your heart,
that there's something for which your soul yearns.
There is a reason you won't expect it,
it is bigger than we can understand.
There is a reason you are in the state you're in
even if it was not part of God's great plan.
The pain you feel within is Eternal,
because you've been where you shouldn't have been.
It doesn't mean your life is over,
it just means you need to move your feet out of what
you are currently standing in.
There is a plan for all your heartbreak, your loss,
and even your sin.
Believe me, or don't. But if you're curious, I'll tell you
about where I was once,
before I let God in.
He has the best plan for your life. Trust Him.
Hannah Anderson Mar 2015
Nothing I ever wondered

— The End —