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Alexander Anilao May 2014
I am a UFO, An Undeniably Fallen Object.

I'd crash land into your back yard,
And if this ruckus fails to wake you up,

I'd already be armed, with an arm
ready to toss pebbles at your window
and a finger ready to press play on the boom box.
but it's all too cliché, to be throwing rocks,

at your glass panes,
so I'll create a master piece that wouldn't fit within any kind of art frame,
You'll read out your name,
On the moon once the dots are connected,

because anything seems easy, even punching in craters on a giant space rock, if the purpose behind the action outweighs any and all consequence,

And honestly, I'd do anything to put a smile on your face, ever since,
Ever since I first seen it.

It took my breath away, and it felt like I was falling head over heels,
And what I feel is that you're a gift from over head, and even to this day I still try to look for your halo.

But someday, I'd like to move that golden ring above your head into one that I can actually see on your left hand.

and it's too bright here in the City of Sin to ever catch a glimpse of a shooting star,
But by far,

You are my wish come true.
Good afternoon.

— The End —