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Francie Lynch Jun 2021
It's not your business,
But you asked;
There are bigger concerns,
The phone lines are open.
Attend a town hall;
Write an editorial.
Churches have eager ears
That listen in the dark
Behind oak lattice.
You could walk away
With three Hail Marys,
And a slew of Glory Be's.
But I have a question for you,
What's your business?
Chalsey Wilder Jan 2017
I'm a hypocrite,
But not as bad as one as you
You brought yourself as low as the people you talk about
Does the taste of their lowlyness taste good to you?
Let me rephrase,
Does the taste of their lowlyness feel good in your heart?
I didn't think so
But you say it like you do
Who are you?
You are whom?
**The people you talk about, *boo
Inspiration from ugly online arguments.
And I love it when people say "Mind your business" when they weren't minding theirs in the first place. ❤❤❤

— The End —