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Leilani Dec 2016
Tonight I talked with God
It had been quite some time

I really wasn't sure why
Then I realized the talks ended
When I began imagining my own end
Because why acknowledge the creator
If I thought his work was ****
I refused to commit  

I refused to talk to a God
That might hear my prayer
Something shallow
While souls are extinguished
Wars are waged on innocents
And their prayers sure as hell
Weren't heard

But Tonight I talked with God
I'd given up on waiting
On place-holder euphemisms
"God isn't surprised"
"This happened for a reason"
"You just need to pray more"
"God shuts a door...
"He'll open a window"
**** your window
The only reason that window exists
Is so people like me can jump
Right out of your life

Tonight I talked with God
I yelled
I screamed
I cried
And asked for reasons why
I said it was okay to be alone
If he would just get off his throne
Every once in a while
And meet me in this ******* pile
Of suffering that I find myself in
JDK Nov 2015
If we ever make it close enough to close the distance on these stars,
we'd surely implode on impact.

If I told you we are but constructs of a most complicated art,
would you stab me in the back?

If we held each other in our arms,
would we realize how full of **** they are?
An attempt to insult us both at the same time .

— The End —