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Nickolas Lawson May 2010
Passing moments between unmet strangers are like shadows in the dark. One cannot see them but they are still there. A knowing glance passed between them is all that is shared,
but the cobblestones glean more.
Genduk May 2020
Another Tinder match
supposed we hike to bromo mountain
If not to suffer me

neighbor country guy
Where jaded is the least people be
lives in a bunkbed dorm room
For months and months
Certified to put judgement
on strangers

He studies everyone
But locals
Talks in languages
but local's

He's interested in story of stragers
But not my story
Too local maybe

One lunch in a local's
I lend him lunch money
He never thinks he owes me
A thing

He sits there on the corner
Reading people's story
Those whose land made
By foreign spices, coal, and sweats
Like me
United States Of America...the Land Of The Free, Home Of The Slave & Where The One's in Power keep enstablishing 1. Terror & Fear. 2. Corruption. 3. The New Babylonia. 4. Where the Political,Economical & Judicial Systems are curropted to an extent of allowing Pride,Sabotage,Savagery and for those who have build their Palace in an empty spiritual derivative for they in their mortal hearts full of secrecy and envious minds plot and scheme EVIL against this young man who has plainly come to share with Friends...Enemies...and even Stragers or ANY ONE willing to listen to the Truth about their Wicked Curropted Plans to allow them to misguide, confuse and even tamper with the TRUE SAINTS who are doing EVERYTHING in their power to buy a little more time for the sake of those STERN & Heart Of Stone people that are so difficut to enlighten them spiritually for their spirits are so saturated with corruption & evil ...always seeking a way to gratify their flesh and for AS Long as they graduated from their Police Acadamy have found ways to make more money by using the power of Law enforcement to enforce their own secret agenda.

Adonai, on the Servant who writes this please all I ask is 3 things...If I were to pay with my LIFE at least let me have a crown and robe in that Heavenly Kingdom. 1. My name in The Book Of Life. 2 Allow me to administer my LOVE towards my Family. Friends and acequainces...let my transgressions be paid in full due to my Saviour "Jesus Christ The Only Begotten Son" who made himself a Man to atone all MANKIND'S sin. I hear they footsteps at the collossal heavenly door...If anyone hear me...anyone let him come in the name of Jesus. Amen!!
Armaggedon &Final call!!!
underthesheets  Mar 2021
underthesheets Mar 2021
But you have to live life!
Sometimes I am overwhelmed of how much life we can live
How many laughters and smiles we can share
How much joy we can bring
This world, no matter how unfortunate, will always have something good
In the little things, the way we wake up, make our coffee, share a ride with stragers in the bus, the way we know we are much closer to home at dusk, the city lights, how we struggle with our keys in anticipation of rest, and how we close our eyes for a well deserved break
All innately good, aways on the verge of great
And how magical that its all within us to make it so

— The End —