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Ghazal  Jul 2017
The Coolie
Ghazal Jul 2017
I thought I had enough weight on my shoulders,
Till I saw him
Neatly pile up all our suitcases,
Tie them with knots tight and sure,
Then place the burden that was his livelihood
Onto his curving back, bending it more,
And turn with a swiftness that defied
The grey of his hair and the lines on his face
The coolie walked fast and proud,
While we, empty-handed, struggled to stay apace.
therapturousoul Dec 2014
These 4 years drove your memories away,
but i never knew you'll make me write someday.
"Love at first sight" exists,i knew then,
I reminisce,12th April at dehradun railway station.
I hopped down the train,
whining children,seperating lovers
loving families,pleading beggars i saw,
Searching for coolie,my eyes glued
on a boy,leaning on a pole,
An absolute treat to eyes
casted a spell on heart of metal.
shapely body,white skinned,
curly hair,lips like petal.
Yellow t-shirt on the skin of gold,
dimple-dipped chuckles,widened his charm fourfold.
unsure,if it's just my eyes or it was him
who resembled the Greek Gods.
Talking over the phone,he burst into laughter
His playful,lively voice
husky deep baritone,
bringing my dead senses alive.
Mindlessly,I pictured us,together
laughing profusely on a riverside.
He raised his hands for adjusting his hair.
I felt his fingers brushing
a strand of my hair behind my ear.
The morbid roar of trains ,
turned into the symphony of my heart.
breaking my spell called a girl from behind,
long haired,beautiful,leapt at him,
no sooner he grabbed her tight in his embrace.
Mad Lovers,my heart soliloquised.
and here came all my wishful thinking to an end.
I turned and walked away a little heartbroken
before i could win him,he was taken .
You gave me nothing but trust me
for those minutes i wanted to be your everything
I scrumpulously stole those seconds from your life
which still make me skip a beat.
I'll think about you again after a  few days,
for now,enough of nostalgia.
and which ***** said,
Love at first sight saves time?
One of my early works!
NY Hip Hop
Gold Express
Bling Shop
Afro Brothers

buyin and sellin
filthy lucre
of down hard
Gat packin
on the down low
throwin down
fallin hook
line and stinker

just a bunch
of lil fishies
wigglin at the end
of golden chains

its all about
the bling baby
all about the bling

"I pity the fool"
saith Mr. T
the potentate of
soul and gold
who ain't
down with
the cool jewels
of righteous
B Teamers
arrested by
the silk rope
of glitzy discos
bribing bouncers
with an
earnest Jackson
to *** rush
the vanity faire
of bumping
A Listers

Or was it
Def Jam
coin on

and ghost
face killas
slugging cases
of Kristol
fat spliff
up the *** of
Phat Farm
kids in
the hood
bullets at
the man
takin baths
in tubs
of fifties
lighting up
with crisp
C Notes
in black
its silver
twisting fast
being cool
went blind
Coolie High
still tip
a sip
for the
who ain't

its all about
the raised fist
of power to
the P Diddy
the power
of the people
as leggy
for the
of a
a cool
for a
New Years

Its all about
the bling

All about
the bling
baby, all
about the

NY Hip Hop
Gold Express
Best Prices in
Trenton Since

You Tube Video:
Gil Scott Heron
Ain't No Such Thing As Superman

Geno Cattouse Feb 2013
Sprang forth with no branches or leaves. Small roots.
Bore mangoes, papayas,guava and bananas. Hybrid, mid limb grafting.
The trunk is a figment but it stands non less. You see
my family tree never was and always will be.
A roadside shade with low hanging fruit.

Was never planted.It was a deposit from the bowels of an exotic bird
of the jungles that sampled at leisure the offerings of the rain forests.
The Hardtack and marmalade came on ships with the kings business
Mixed with the Nigerian Fu-Fu  ,the Aztec maize the Mayan legumes.
and all points of the compass.

Old Joe Denegri, The Blancaneaux , The Cattouse, The Melado, The Pinks
The Flowers,The Orozco and more. And boundless from the ***** of opportunity.
Piecemeal and untethered. But it is the tree that I must cling to.
However rough the bark.

The sap runs heavy and slow in the humid Belizean heat.To meet the earth.
Cool breezes blow a haunting disharmony. A sweet unity in chaos.
The soil is rich,pungent and forgiving.  Soon, A bell tolls  in the distance.
The Sea mists my dreams.

A stairway of coconut fronds to azure skies.
Nighttime smells like creation.
The still slackened pace.
The small rat race.
Tempest in a teapot.

Coolie gal.
Creole boy.
New Chinese.
Old African.
Ubiquitous Espania.
Garinagu. Mosquito coast.
Children of Mennon.
Old Basque faces.
Things we call races left with small traces
of what?

My tree, her tree, histree.
I am you and you are me.
I see me in your face and you see me.
We are  and will continue to be.
a hybrid. An orchid wild.
JESUS emptied the devils of one man into forty hogs and the hogs took the edge of a high rock and dropped off and down into the sea: a mob.

The sheep on the hills of Australia, blundering fourfooted in the sunset mist to the dark, they go one way, they hunt one sleep, they find one pocket of grass for all.

Karnak? Pyramids? Sphinx paws tall as a coolie? Tombs kept for kings and sacred cows? A mob.

Young roast pigs and naked dancing girls of Belshazzar, the room where a thousand sat guzzling when a hand wrote: Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin? A mob.

The honeycomb of green that won the sun as the Hanging Gardens of Nineveh, flew to its shape at the hands of a mob that followed the fingers of Nebuchadnezzar: a mob of one hand and one plan.

Stones of a circle of hills at Athens, staircases of a mountain in Peru, scattered clans of marble dragons in China: each a mob on the rim of a sunrise: hammers and wagons have them now.

Locks and gates of Panama? The Union Pacific crossing deserts and tunneling mountains? The Woolworth on land and the Titanic at sea? Lighthouses blinking a coast line from Labrador to Key West? Pigiron bars piled on a barge whistling in a fog off Sheboygan? A mob: hammers and wagons have them to-morrow.

The mob? A typhoon tearing loose an island from thousand-year moorings and bastions, shooting a volcanic ash with a fire tongue that licks up cities and peoples. Layers of worms eating rocks and forming loam and valley floors for potatoes, wheat, watermelons.

The mob? A jag of lightning, a geyser, a gravel mass loosening...

The mob ... kills or builds ... the mob is Attila or Ghengis Khan, the mob is Napoleon, Lincoln.

I am born in the mob-I die in the mob-the same goes for you-I don't care who you are.

I cross the sheets of fire in No Man's land for you, my brother-I slip a steel tooth into your throat, you my brother-I die for you and I **** you-It is a twisted and gnarled thing, a crimson wool:
                One more arch of stars,
                In the night of our mist,
                In the night of our tears.
spysgrandson Dec 2015
his ancestor a coolie
laid the rails many long years  
but returned to Peking
to fight white devils  

this, the tale
passed through the generations
with the jade necklace which
never left his mother's neck

first born son
spawn of two doctors, expectations
were high he would practice
honorable healing arts

early in his years
he fueled their fears, and ire
coming through their sterile door
with bloodied knuckles
black eyes, fat lips

they tried various exorcisms:
confinement in the temple, lashings
and hushed cabals with head healers,
but none could shrink his will

much to their dismay
Stanford rejected him; he landed
at a community college, where he spent
an indolent year, before vanishing

a thousand tears and fears later
the PI revealed what a hundred
billable hours had reaped

the son was so far west
he was east, in a village on the Yangtze
stooped over paddies, his feet firm
in the mire the generations
had yearned to escape
*The Boxer Rebellion began in China in 1899. It was an anti-imperialist uprising
HEY YO! Buck this Point and Coolie-Toned Swag
Despite the Jew's Hands were you born and raised
That Point be proofed where Rage indeed a Fad
As any Male Sapling begs to be Praised
Which is fine, common, and much into Tune
That in you split-cells for a Difference
Still - shoulder-up - cool Blessings into Boon
That Loving Charm - SPEAK! Your Verse in Essense
Yet, donned and bound by this Measuring Tape
Etched in Base Values which marked your Define
Was a Seedling to Grow; Then check your nape
To relieve most Life's Agues by your consign.
Such was you then. Now Best in Fashion's wear
Speak the word SUAVE. From Innocence you tear.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Geno Cattouse  Sep 2014
Geno Cattouse Sep 2014
Man, I been admayrin that thing from small.
Before I even know what it called.
All island man an west indian love it so.
All the while was a kama sutra thing.
Originate from da Coolie man.

Puni mek man sell him soul
Give up money and comfort
Lose silver an gold.
Now dont get defensive nor play you card close.
Is a natural beauty a gift send from heaven.
Ladies you got the best seat in da house.
Cause a good dose a puni mek man outa mouse.
Mek man beat up him chest.Roar like wild lion.
All praises due an nuff respec.
To the flower with power
Love ya ta death.
Sameer Denzi  Jun 2016
Sameer Denzi Jun 2016
I have a guru who comes to me from time to time
To teach me things I tend to forget.
Once he appeared as a wrinkled old coolie
Who carried my bag into a crowded train.
I gave him a generous fee which he did not count
And left, as I sat there feeling quite self-righteous.
Moments later, he returned jostling through the crowd
Teary eyed and hands joined to inquire in silence -
If I had made a mistake
Or if there was something else he could do?
For I had paid him far more than what was due.
In an instant I shrunk to the size of an ant
In front of this giant of a nobleman.
Brent Kincaid Mar 2016
I’m the Caucasian black guy
Crying out for equal rights.
I’m the white faced coolie
You murdered in the night
So you didn’t have to pay
His salary on the railroad.
I’m the unrelated relative
Of Faulkner’s Tom Joad.

I’m the underappreciated
The **** of many quips.
I’ve known the well of bitterness
And have taken countless sips.
The names they’ve called me
Seldom amounted to praise.
I’m the one they passed over
When giving out a raise.

I was told to not expect
To advance in any job.
I was told to just agree
And to let my silent head bob.
I knew all the best was there
For a man who had a wife.
Otherwise I must do without
The rewards in everyday life.

But we must sleep and eat
And have a roof over our heads.
So we cut up and act the fool
And eat the cheapest breads.
We act like the jokes don’t hurt
While we bleed inside our souls.
We make the best of what we have
And compromise our own goals.

Yes, we’re the modern house slaves
Regardless of the color of our skin.
We’re expected to be satisfied because
They think God has made us from sin.
It’s one of those shameful moments
That blot the history of our planet.
We’re dealt with as if we were ****
And told we simply must stand it.
On t'a baptisée Nyssia alors que tu étais Aura
Fée exhibée aux quatre vents
Tu aurais pu naître verte plutôt que note bleue.
Je ne suis ni Candaule ni Gygès et tu n 'es pas Nyssia...

Je suis vert de honte,
Moi, le ****** dépravé,
Gravissant à genoux les marches de corail
Qui plongent vers tes abysses.
Je viens ici, non pour payer une quelconque promesse,
Mais pour confesser mon péché capital.

Ton parfum volcanique et charnel infuse en mes flancs
Des laves lubriques :
Sept fois je suis tombé dans les ornières
Mais je me suis redressé Juste,
Revêtu de la ceinture de vérité
Par toi ma DIABLESSE
Vénielle et mortelle.

C'est ainsi que je m'éveille, fier oiseau d'onyx,
Baignant mon bec de rubis, saphir et émeraude
Dans le sans-fin obscur de tes eaux
Salubres d'arrogance, avarice,
Envie, colère, luxure, gourmandise et paresse
Où je me délecte de ces ardences cachées
Muettes derrière la barrière de plastique.

Enchanté !
Me suis-je seulement présenté ?
Sais-tu même qui je suis ?
Sais-tu que même moi je l'ignore ?
On m'a baptisé ZEPHYR
Bien avant que je ne sois pensée
Destiné à satisfaire ton esprit
Baise-fleurs, abeille de myosotis orchidée.

Je poursuis, ma CREATURE,
De cette langue élancée
Cette rivière d'OR
Qui dévale impétueux de la haute montagne
Et qui charrie scandaleusement
Ton nectar de Styx interdit.
Même si je sais que je n'ai pas,
Et que je n'aurai jamais,
Accès mort ou vif à ces délices,
Je cours après le sillage
De ce joyau limpide
Dans une collecte solitaire
Sans peur d'être réduit à néant

Je vais, je vais, je viens
Tel un colibri qui volète entre sépales et pétales
Au-dessus de ton labelle
De chair pourpre qui se dresse et exige
Que je te butine
De cette faim désespérée de la Grâce
Tandis que je bataille pour que le fer de ma hache
Surnage comme une voile dans le vent de tes eaux.

Je suis ZEPHYR qui guide les abeilles natives sans dard
Qui affleurent
Vers le filon de ta mine
Afin qu'il ne s'épuise ni s'assèche
A défaut d'être exploré et joui
Sans cesse.
e're since dawn of civilization
being borne aloft in aerospace did excite
hence, Icarus myth popularized notion
to take winged flight
against principle of Physics

soared limitless height
away from temporal light
witnessed awesome might
into infinite night
realization to soar right

heavenly vault in spectacular sight
brainchild of genius minds left legacy
obeisance acknowledged
this hundred plus-year anniversary
aero planes success got off the ground

pardon comment appearing trite
Century21 elapsed since machines
attempt to remain aloft, where man made invention
glittered silvery white
beauty, grace and poetry in motion

excise Luddite trace despite
countless fatal crashes tragedy of loved ones
in fiery plight,
where corporeal ethereal, and groundswell right
lee invisible essences dwell and hover some place

maybe occupying a netherworld
with fellow at last count (seven) nymphs up
and at least one bubbly sprite
returning to Earth delivering
whipped miracles coolie and

Help ping prevent futures fiery disasters
many skeptic (like me)
ascribe phenomena to angelic intervention despite
such mirage, postage sized visage
Impossible to dispute quite

cuz soundcloud shields spectral savior air tight,
whence as mortal dusky Eve
twill firmly reveals if adherence valid
sans, via after death thar iz an in vite.

— The End —