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Let me tell you a secret
Try not to blush
I don't want people to notice
That you are my crush

Let me tell you a secret
Of dreams of the moonlight
Me in your arms
And your lips at my sight

Let me tell you a secret
Of long walks on the beach
Of kissing in the rain
Or at least trying to teach

Let me tell you a secret
And tell me if its ok
That I dream of kissing you

Let me tell you a secret
Of a physique carved with precision
A heart filled with passion
And a mind filled with determination

Let tell you a secret
And don't be alarmed
The desire I have for you
Is as if I am charmed

Let me tell you a secret
And please be discrete
For secrets of feeling
Are ones to keep

Let me tell you a secret
One you might have guessed
Feelings for you
And wishes for the best

Let me tell you a secret
Try not to blush
I don't want people to notice
That you are my crush
she will never see it, too bad
Will I ever smile
Will I ever be happy for a while
Will I ever be glad
Will I ever feel anything other than sad

Will I ever be cherished
Will my heart be treasured
Will I ever be given what am promised
Will I ever be loved

Will my tears ever dry
Will I ever not wonder why
Why no one will ever try
So I dont cry

I ask myself
The thots I hold dear
The truth which I fear
Because truth is

I will never be cherished
My heart will never be treasured
I will never be given what am promised
And I will never be loved

Because truth is
Tears like mine
Aren't meant to dry
They burn bright
With passion
Filled such intense light
Caused by a fire
Known as desire

They stare cold
Evil in their eyes so old
The despise so bold
Caused by hate
Known as ice

The world shall plummet
Fall to its knees
It shall know pain
And hurt if it please
The world shall perish

From what is the question
Will it be from burning desire
Fuelled in fire
Or the cold embrace
Of desolate ice

Both are capable of such deminish
Both can fulfil a deed so devilish
But what shall cause the demise
Fire or ice?
I have been through a lot
Been through pain I wish I forgot
Done things I wish I had not
But through the scars I smile

I have cried

I have been laughed at
Stared at
Called this and that
By people I called friends

They say sticks and stones may break my bones
But your words can't hurt me
But words have broken me

The pain I have been through
No one truly knows
For my truth is hidden
Through the pain I allow my heart to show

I reminisce on my past
The pains and scars that will last
But a smile comes across my face at last
For am stronger because of my past
I am an orchid in a garden of roses A chess piece in a checkers set I open the doors everybody closes I smile at things everybody frowns at

I am alone,unique and different What I see vital no one else sees as important I stray from the beaten path And for this I face the majority's wrath

Being different is a lonely affair When you need a hand,no one is there For everyone else fears what they don't understand And thus won't lend a helping hand

I am alone Just me against the world But I wish I had someone of my own A lover,friend or companion

For I am an orchid in a garden of roses A chess piece in a checkers set I open the doors everybody closes I smile at things everybody frowns at

Loneliness is my fate For the world has come to a state What they hate Is what I am, an Outlander
they say the greatest love
is love lost
but what if the greatest love
is the one with the greatest cost

they say its better to have loved and lost
than never to have loved at all
i guess they don't know what it feels like
to fall for someone you gave your all
and have to walk away

i fell in love with words she uttered
not seeing her face barely mattered
not hearing her voice
didn't affect my choice

i love her
i thought she was the one
we truly had fun
but sadly it was done
before we found each other

we lost a love so strong
a love i thought would last long
a love i thought would build a family
a love i thought would last for eternity

a true love lost
yet never found
two hearts at cost
as they shattered to the ground

they say the greatest love
is love lost
but what if the greatest love
is the one with the greatest cost

— The End —