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Feb 2017
To all the artist in the world- good and bad.

What do you draw? Anime? Manga? Cartoon? Animation? Animals? Humans?

This is a letter to those of you who consider yourself as a terrible artist.
Not the ones who know computer designing with drawing tablets and copy paste art. Not the ones who are actually good.

To the ones who have been depressed by their art. The ones who thinks their art is terrifying.
The ones who have no hope for their art.

Listen up.

Those days.... when you peeked across the table to your friend's drawings and mumbled, "That's really good. I wish I could draw like that too." And depressed for you thought you were the worst drawer within your friends. When you moaned, "Will I ever draw like that? Could I possibly?" And while staring into the arts of others. Depressing and filled with jealousy, feeling like your art is getting worser and worser.


Those were lies of yourself.
Those thoughts that pulled you deeper into misery.
Those were all FAKE.

You think others are better than you.

But to be honest. (This is the important part, read carefully)

There is no good or bad in art. Better than or worse than.

There are no good and bad, but there is different styles and types of art.

"Good." "Bad." They were the words that tricked you. They were illusions.

There is only varieties of drawings in art.

Everybody is different. So is their art.

When people see the other styles of art, they mistake is as "Good."

You think that person's art is "better" than yours.


It's just- different from yours.

So don't say your drawings are "bad." Don't.

Everyone's art is special. It might seem "bad" to others, but it's actually wonderful.

Because it's yours.

Yours only.

The one and only you.

Your style of art.
was that long? yes that was long. reeeeaally long. longest i ever wrote, probably! haha!! well sorry to people who dont draw, sorry if this was boring heehee
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