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 Oct 2014 Lizzy
 Oct 2014 Lizzy
I think somewhere, on the highways of my mind,
there was a car crash, little thoughts colliding,
soft shrapnel exploding. And on the way to fixing things,
a police-car flipped
and sank, taking all my thought-power
and devoting it to the futility
of thinking of you. The sirens underwater
are blaring and drowning out everything else
through sheer power, strength of only
mind over all that really maters, and thoughts about
you are the siren, alluring in lies, only
sirens underwater, loud but blurred, giving off glints of light
as bright as the air I need clear of your
sweetness that is entirely out of place in
the labrynthine twists of my head.
June 9, 2014
2:26 PM

     edited June 9, 2014

Inspired in part by
 May 2014 Lizzy
 May 2014 Lizzy
I told you I'm here for you, and i am
I just
Don't want you wishing for me when its
4: 44 am and you've been
Pulling out your hair all night and
I'll ask you why you don't have eyelashes tomorrow and
Your mother will ask why theres little blonde hairs on your pillowcase and why
Your eyes are bloodshot maybe
Its because of me and maybe its the disease but
I told you I'm here for you,
I just
Don't want you wishing for me at 4: 44 a.m
 Apr 2014 Lizzy
bereft (10w)
 Apr 2014 Lizzy
I hate sleeping without your body,
                       let alone your words.
don't go to bed without a goodnight.
 Apr 2014 Lizzy
Ashleigh Black
 Apr 2014 Lizzy
Ashleigh Black
My heart is shattered and splintered
it is bruised and battered
it is lacking the one thing that
any human needs most --
a love so strong and pure
that the stars couldn't match
the light that shined from inside us.
I've been pretty lonely lately.
 Apr 2014 Lizzy
 Apr 2014 Lizzy
i won't let your
beautiful words and
pretentious thoughts paint pretty pictures
on the insides on my eyelids like your
tabs and bars do for you
even if the colors are warm and bright and new and
it feels soft and numb like
i want to stay here forever
i wont
 Mar 2014 Lizzy
 Mar 2014 Lizzy
Who could ever love me
With my accidental bloodstains
And my constant reget?
Who could ever love a girl
Who's cheeks are always wet
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