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 Aug 2020 Ithaca
Lost in my Head
Grow wild
Grow free
Mowed down again
Controlled by what tears you down
Try to fertilize
Cannot stop the blades
I just worry about some folks
 Jun 2020 Ithaca
Lost in my Head
Ghosts of prior friends in waiting
Haunting, shrieking as I pass
Serving as a stark reminder
That I built my house from glass

Under watchful eyes I whisper
Only loud enough for you
Speaking unconditionally
Hoping it reflects My truth

Even with your reassurance
I can’t help but second guess
Do I actually belong here
Is this why my heart confessed

Slowly jealousy controlling
Feeble mind is wearing thin
Cast out from the iron table
Waiting to be let back in
Not gonna lie this went a lot of different directions while writing it but I dig it
 Jan 2020 Ithaca
 Jan 2020 Ithaca
My clouded mind could never love itself the way you love your perceived hope.
I wish you could make me, shove me, kick me, spit in my face until I just do it.
But this weight is mine and mine alone.
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