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  Mar 2016 Deenah
Hi It's Haliyah
My fingertips are frayed
like my favorite pair of jeans.
My hair is grey
like the faded pencil marks
in my old diary, my book of dying dreams.
My back is bent
like the crook in my couch
where I used to read a stack of books.

My mind
is missing like the word in an
  Mar 2016 Deenah
The scars on my body,
Dont represent my pain,
Or my suffering,
Beneath each one is a story,
Of how it took me to get here.
  Jan 2016 Deenah
The lines are starting to blur know,
I feel like there always could be something more,
All I want to do is find out,
But I doubt I ever will.
  Jan 2016 Deenah
You said you needed someone,
So I was there again,
To try and pick up the pieces,
To try and rekindle our flame,
Of a love that was once broken,
Can be reborn again,
Because I loved you I let you go,
But know its time to hold you in my arms again,
As my love for you never went,
And now I hope you feel the same.
Deenah Jan 2016
You said face your fears,
So I watched as you posted pictures of you and her, day in day out

You said face your fears,
So I watched as you commented hearts next to each other's names

You said face your fears,
So I watched as you called her the nicknames you once called me

You said face your fears,
So I watched as the memory of me began to fade from your eyes

You said face your fears,
And now there is nothing left of me,
*But It.
I haven't had much inspiration in a while, but today this came to me- and I thought I'd like to share it. Please let me know how it was :)
Deenah May 2015
I scribbled some words on the back of my hand,
Reminders to smile for today.
Even if the world chose to engulf my happiness
The ink of my blood it could not erase.

So bent on trying to sort out my life,
Calm the tide of emotions within.
Leaving the small flame that was burning still,
Not knowing it was fading.

Too often I've slipped,
And grazed my heart.
Too often I've exposed my myself,
Now it's time to reclaim my soul...
It's time I played my part.
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