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Cats and Sushi Apr 2014
Poetry is my blank paged bible, my desolate scripture, my calligraphic beckon, my feather-inked-tip to empower the thoughts that run.

The pressure, this monster that builds inside me only fades to release.
I can't let this bad wolf grow, the beast needs to be sown, into the fibers of these pages, advice spoken from the wisest of the sages.

This literature, this free world, rids me from my worries and silences the flurry, that spins and rages inside of my heart and soul. Silences the whispering foes. I only wonder why I let it go.

Hello Poetry, I need you.
Cats and Sushi Oct 2013
Last minute has come

I am thinking here again

Why do I do this?
Cats and Sushi Oct 2013
This sheet is so light,
Yet it feels so heavy.

Life calls,
but this sheet lets it ring and ring.
and wring and wring.

It chokes me with comfort and warmth,
and fills my head with excuses.

Why leave something so secure and wander in that jungle we call life?

This sheet is so light ,
but its the devil on my shoulder.
and truly is as heavy as a boulder.
Cats and Sushi Oct 2013
I see nothing but your blank stare, so I try to touch the glass that divides  us,

My fingers fall short.

I let out a yelp and hope you can hear me.

Not even a motion.

Not even emotion.

Its helplessness at its finest hour, I feel the heavy weight on my chest, and my throat closing up.

What is glass but melted sand?

This hourglass is all glass, the sand has become its captor.

Time stays frozen. While I stay helpless.
Cats and Sushi Sep 2013
The peephole was across from the study lounge,
As I stayed awake, the silhouette of light from your pacing body was bouncing back and fourth like a pair of anxious eyes under my door.

Back and forth, Back and forth.
I was hypnotized, the beam was tunneling your thoughts into my mind.


I was asking are you okay? You said. "I'm just thinking".

"I'm just thinking", meant I was just thinking.

I was crazy, no you were crazy.

No, we were both crazy.

Busy minds, busy thoughts, pacing back and forth,
Busy minds, busy thoughts, a friendship had came forth.
Cats and Sushi Sep 2013
You tell me raise my hands and arms,
Praise the lord, for he can save me.

But; Limply they hang , wrists cocked down.
I cannot lift my arms for I am sore from the past.

You say, warmth is in sky!
but gravity pulls the warm blood to my dormant fingers. The comfort is far more familiar.
As the blood gathers in the tips that once held yours, I realize I will never move them.

You told me; God doesn't approve of our love, you told me, God said I'm not the one.

You expect me to raise my arms up to the so called God that took my circulation, my heart, and, soul?

Drop me in water, examine if my arms move.




Will you continue watch me drown to cover the truth you've use'd your religion, you used OUR God, as an excuse to no longer love me?
Cats and Sushi Sep 2013
Galileo saw darkness when he looked up, you saw darkness too.

Galileo saw a shine in the darkened out sky, you saw it too.

you asked Galileo, what is that shine?, Galileo said, its you.

Don't ever forget that where darkness comes, you can always be the light, for that is what life is and that is why it always feels like a fight.
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