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 Sep 2017 matthew
Zero Nine
I'm sending
This message
On the floor
On folded knee
Eyes closed, mouth
Open, head back

Hoping you
Will posess my
Soul with your
Same answer

Here I pray
In debt, a *******,
To the altar stone
Old and alone
Here I pray
Again and again

Hoping you
Will posess my
Soul with your
Same answer
Hi there. Nice to meet you. I love kittens.
 Apr 2017 matthew
Poetic Artiste
These boundaries,
wouldn't seem so blurred,
if I dated a him not a her.
Maybe women aren't right for me. Femme women at least are starting to feel all too wrong.
 Mar 2017 matthew
Kendra Corner
My hands shaking,

My breath heavy,

I seal the envelope shut.

My mind swimming with thoughts,

Sweat trickles down my neck.

My mind pondering,

"Do I send the letter?"

My heart beats like crazy,

Seeming like a million beats per second.

The main question of the day,

"Do I send the letter?"

Looking at the stark white envelope,

My mind explodes.

I'm anxious,

I can tell.

Fidgeting with my fingers,

I think of you and,

I now want to send it.

My mind clears,

The main question,

"Do I send the letter,"

Seems to be vanishing from my mind.

Cause all I can think is,

I want you to know that,

My life is horrible without you in it.

— The End —