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am i ee Sep 2015
i'm so glad you like the frosted flakers...
my dear, my sweet lass,
i'm a doin my best to clean up my ***** moouth...' 

i gotta evicted in have to move to the poor house,
cuz i had to spend all of my money
on soap bars and it it broke me...
gotta clean up my little ***** mouth!!!

i can't come back until i make another fortune...
don't cry my sweet love,
i havn't fergottin' you

and i never, never will....

i'll be back..
as soon as i can ... lickety quick!

good night my sweet love,
my moon i gaze at each night
high in the stary heavens above!

p.s.  i like that manly plumber that stopped by to help you out.
we'll all have some fun when i *** back... he lookin' like he'd make
a good mate, but for now... i'm a happy that he is yer date...
good night my sweet mate date
i see that this brilliant write which is beginning to rival..that thar Shakes pear neet be put in pome lickety quick! : )) <3
am i ee Jan 2016
i see you
chasing off
that other
furry you

there REALY
is enough for

mother nature
in her divine
makes sure
of that

fighting &
your antics
too close to
the dark hour
the wee hours
of just before

small aches
proof of the
it did happen

what a
wild &

isn't it time to start
pondering again
the end?
636 · Oct 2015
cowgirls & stars
am i ee Oct 2015
riding like the wind
over desert so ancient
full moon above
three eyes on you

stallions Arabian
strong & powerful
thundering along
away from everyone

chatter & lights
receeding into the dark night
never looking back
leaving everyone

wandering in circles
laughing & leaping
eons of being
lapping at thee

night so long
don't let it ever end....
627 · Oct 2015
3:11 am here
am i ee Oct 2015
time to
go outside
to sit in
the dark
to sit
in the silence....

you ride for me.
the yang
the sun...

here i sit for you
in stillness
the yin
the moon.....

we make
the ONE....
to honor my twin... across the sea...
620 · Apr 2016
spring early morning
am i ee Apr 2016
peaceful, dark,
rainy morning
with puppy & tea
am i ee Sep 2015
the manly cowboy
settled in for the night,
after a long day of
pure athletic delight.

delivered the mail
did they,
deliciously slow
as any snail
on the go.

he opened
and read,
that a young brave was
a looking for his head.

so he got to thinking,
i'd better still wander,
way over yonder,
way over here,
so 'n he can a ponder,
ifn'  he is still awantin'
to be,
scalpin' me?

never one to hurry,
why ever  scurry?
the brave young lad,
or young lad brave,
couldn't possibly be that bad!

i'll give him some time,
and not start to whine.
(and most certainly not in rhyme)
we can find,
i  am sure,
just the right cure.
thought the manly cowboy,
think did he.

many a mate,
but never as a date,
he did spend
with many a good friend.

not that he minded,
nor cared, where love was a finded.
nor with who,
nor whom,
that's entirely up to you,
before you are laid to rest in your tomb.

out in the wild,
did he spend,
many a night and day
and not a one,
did go astray.

always polite.
nary a fight.
i'll give this good brave guy
a little time to go by,
just a little to fly.

he will be a findin'
i don't be a mindin'
differences in thoughts
differences in gots.

i might be having a few
but i shall say to you,
'Hey buddy
what do you say?
think we can be friends
one day?'

with that optimistic thought
in mind
he turned to his bed roll,
rolling out in a straight line,
lookin' to find,
a peaceful night's sleep
never hearing a peep.

and a brand new day,
coming up his way.
always curious to see,
ever unfolding,
however they been molded,
life's great mysteries.

with that,
he tipped his hat
over his eyes,
so very gentlemanly.
if you have a hankerin' to read from the beginning... see the Collections,  The Manly Cowboy & Chronicles of a Big Fat Yellow Bootay
am i ee Sep 2015
dear kind reader,

humor is a very personal,
a very individual thing,
i beg your pardon,
i never promised you a rose garden,

if the parlance of the street,
offends your nature so sweet,

i beg your pardon,
i never promised you a rose garden.

but this much i will confess,
funny i find much of this mess.

and i'd rather go to my grave,
with hearty laughter,
milk spilling laughter,
screaming ' yer killin' me!"
than any other way!
606 · Jan 2016
wee hours of the morning
am i ee Jan 2016
the delicious silence
forms tucked away
in beds
dreaming sleeping dreams

the town silent
only the night
shift toils away

and even they

the sky hidden
by a blanket of clouds
rain paused

a peaceful heart
breathes in

thoughts abated
warm messages

an army of wonderful
reaching out to
one another

bringing love and joy
into a little corner of another
part of this little

she spins
out in space
green and blue and white

dear dear Mother Earth
so small when seen from above
so huge when seen from below

peals of laughter ring across her
sobs of sorrow water her

ever there
ever here

we are all one
here on this little
spinning rock

wake up and
be the love
be the light
be the compassion

simply be
in peace
in stillness
in silence
in solitude

606 · Sep 2015
Cute Toot!
am i ee Sep 2015
the little blonde-mop
headed of a lad.
so very proudly,
rather quite loudly,

Said with such glee
3-year-old eyes,
open so wide,
and sparkling,
and open,
so wise.

Hmmm, Is that so?
with a growing,

This did
completely change
my mentality.

Such a cute,

One real cuuuute toooot!
for a darling little fellow in my life for too brief a span.
597 · Sep 2015
594 · Sep 2015
Tales of a Manly Cowboy
am i ee Sep 2015
The strapping young lad & the manly cowboy
went out for a brew.
"i'd like to go camping with you."

"this ain't no brokeback mountian,
if that's on which yew were a countin'."

"no worries mate,
really, i wasn't looking for a date!"
if you have a hankerin' to read from the beginning... see the Collections,  The Manly Cowboy & Chronicles of a Big Fat Yellow Bootay
594 · Sep 2015
My Cowboy Left me a Hurtin'
am i ee Sep 2015
my cowboy left me,
and i'm a hurtin'.

i'm a hurtin in a
real bad way,
in a hurtin' way.'

my neck is a aching,
i've got a case of
tunnel carpel,
and my new eyes
still have yet to
arrive in the mail.

i'm a hurtin real bad
and i'm a sad.

my cowboy left me
and i'm a hurtin,

i'm a hurtin' in
a real bad way.
Part of The Manly Cowboy Collection
593 · Sep 2015
Exactly as You Are
am i ee Sep 2015
"i guess i will just have to accept you
exactly as you are."

once it was said,

they both
set free.
579 · Sep 2015
the moon kept on calling me
am i ee Sep 2015
the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

i miss you my sweet love,
my dear sweet friend
and our long soft moonlight chats

the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

why have you forsaken me?
where fore did thou go?

the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

i kept her waiting,
waiting through many a night
so long, so lonely for she

just one more moment
then i will be out, be out to join you
my dear sweet and loyal moon, my moon light friend

the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

patiently as ever, for eons and more
she kept whispering to me
but i wasn’t answering......

as she slid quietly away
the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering…...

would i ever answer her,
ever again?
written on this magical & deliciously cool night of September,
after this kind Pope has now departed & the crickets keep singing...
i shall return soon, for i miss them too.

kind readers, any education you can give on how to use the languge attempted in the 4th pair of lines, would be graciously accepted with utmost thanks.

and i would have formatted the entire poem in italics, but i don't know how to do that in one swell swift move or two clicks, so i leave her this way... for i am too lazy to go in line by line... dear sweet Elliot, perhaps you will send an angel to whisper to me how to do this in my ear?

as a writer, i would like to be able to do this and just now i thought of trying to move it out, then back from another program, but i am not sure if that will work here and i'd rather keep on writing than get into a fight between software.
am i ee Oct 2015
cool rain falls,
Randall and the
manly cowboy

frolick about
in the rain
am i ee Sep 2015
the big fat bus,
with the big fat yellow bootay
was racing along
the country,
shore to shore,
sea to shining sea,
gulping in every sight.

as she flew through the west,
she caught sight
of a handsome young brave
sitting not far off the
side of the
sharpening the blade of
one mother,
of one huge mother,
of a huge mother ******' knife.

and she thought she caught sight of
another huge shiny blade.

silhouetted against the backdrop
the light blue cotton sheets
gently swaying in the warm wind
on this sunny day,
filling them with fresh sweet
scent of fresh
sun dried air.

he intently focused
on the blade,
holding it up to the sky and
very slowly,
drawing his thumb over
the edge
over and over,
'gettin' there'
'gettin' there'
he must be thinkin'
she was a thinkin'.

speeding along,
she glanced quick right,
and thanked the good lord
she was born without a head.

nor any tufts of fine locks on
her big fat yellow bootay.

for she had no hankering’
to be gittin’ no scalpin’.

better leave those up
to those oh so annoying
two-legged humans.

note to self,
she did make,
one to herself,
that if ever she passed this way
she would give this
fellow one wide berth.
as he’s a lookin’
like a fellow
she didn’t want,
with to be,

thought she.....

meanwhile, way over yonder
the manly cowboy
felt a chill grow,
shivers crept up his spine,
just as he felt a cool breeze
caress his scalp.

'hmmm that brave lad
can’t still be a ponderin’
if’n he’s awantin’ to be scalpin’ me?
he can’t!
can he?'

thought the manly cowboy,
pulling his wide-brimmed hat
ever so firmly down on his head.
if you have a hankerin' to read from the beginning... see the Collections,  The Manly Cowboy & Chronicles of a Big Fat Yellow Bootay
am i ee Sep 2015
The manly cowboy put back his hat,
closed the door,
and so manly,
walked away.

Down the path he trod,
avoiding all the rolling rod.

Upon he came
to three little young lasses,

crouching over
looking silently intent,
little sticks in their hands.

There lay a little
grey mole*
dead to the world.

Stiff as tree
eyes no longer to see.

“Good day ladies”
said he,
the manly cowboy,
tipping his hat
so very gentlemanly.

“what’s  that i see you a pokin’?”

‘Only a dead mouse.”
said the three.

“Why don’t you move
the little guy,
over a little there,
over a little that way.

"slowly with your sticks.
gentle as tongs.

"cover him sweetly
with a blanket
of wild flowers.

"and leave him
lying there so lovingly."

i give you this advice
be nice to the mice,

instead of poking death
death in the head
so innocently
so disrespectfully.”

Then tipping his hat,
he was gone.
*or vole?

if you have a hankerin' to read from the beginning... see the Collections,  The Manly Cowboy & Chronicles of a Big Fat Yellow Bootay
567 · Sep 2015
Big Fat Yellow Bootay Haiku
am i ee Sep 2015
The big fat bus,
with the big fat yellow bootay,
say, today, i think i shall simply drive.
the Big Fat Bus doesn't truck much with poetry, doesn't have a clue about haiku, so don't be too ******* her... she might just go look it up.
562 · Dec 2022
Three Months
am i ee Dec 2022
got myself a new boyfriend
turned out to be my twin


never laughed so hard
cried so much

danced so long

moaned in ecstasy so many times
well there goes that vow of celibacy

re-entering this manifested existence
a little quiz from the absolute

7 years of silence and stillness and solitude
turned on its head

Oh the joy
the delicious pain of

isn't it a hoot?

and now he is gone

where will this roller coaster end
this time?

will he ever reappear again?
552 · Sep 2015
am i ee Jan 2016
isn't that ******* over there just me in another dress?


yin & yang
the Tao

if everything is

then isn't that
******* just me
looking different?

polar opposites
eternally at play

love hate
weak strong
tall short
female male
soft hard

soft caresses hard knocks
humility huge egos

this field
the 10,000 forms

do we get any
choice in them?
in it?
holding all in a space of love and forgivess...
what are these oppressors doing?
what is it meant for?
simply a function of lila?
of the play?

dawn breaks, the sun rises high in the sky,
creatures stir, the insanity of night and moon
529 · Feb 2016
dante's circles of hell
am i ee Feb 2016
now which circle was i in?
going round & round.

hours, days, weeks, months,
& how did i get out?

& was it really hell?
or just a bit of entertainment?

a mad dip into the insanity
of the insane?

a foray into the land
of the asleep?

mother nature,
staring into the void

deep, dark. black

a smile begins to appear
the joke is on who?
528 · Sep 2015
stumbling on coincidences
am i ee Sep 2015
did i just stumble on a bunch of coincidences
or is something more at play

is it dark or is it light
i'm so lost here in the odd digital world

the moon kept calling me
but i kept answering you

my heart beating faster
becoming more scared by every minute

these black words come streaming out
through my eyes and into my heart

what is it doing to my soul?
after one very odd and wackily intriguing night
am i ee Sep 2015
the big fat bus
with the big fat yellow bootay
began to see
steam billowing
from under her
big fat yellow hood.

so trembling,
and idling rough
she pulled into the first stop,
a rough-looking roadhouse
to set a while and cool off.

sidling up next to
a brand new big shiny
new tour bus,
rather pleased,
for he,
was a
sweet lookin',
and kinda handsome lookin',
kinda thing,
till he opened his mouth.

reminded immediately
of an old song,
her enamor
did not last long.

"when i need something to help me unwind
i find a six foot baby with a one track mind.
smart guys are nowhere
they make demands
just give me a *****
with talented hands.
i go bar hopping
and they say last call.
i start shopping for a
i like em big and stupid
i like em big and real dumb.”

ah that Julie Brown…
there’s a girl who knows how to belt ‘em out!

she cast a furtive glance
at Mr. Oh SO Brand New Bus  
the big galoop,
waiting for his load,
when out of that rough
roadhouse spilled,
THE drunkest,
MOST obnoxious,
herd of redneck cowboys,
she had ever seen
or would care to ever
see again.

hootin' and hollerin'
shootin' off their guns,
just narrowly missing
her big fat yellow face.

a shovin' and a punchin'
blood flying here and there,
sounds of a cracking
bone or two.

shaking her bumper gently
from side to side,
quietly eased she,
her way
back on to the throughway.
and off she shot!
into the night!

pedal to the metal!
like a bat out of hell!

romantic fantasy disaster
if you have a hankerin' to read from the beginning... see the Collections,  The Manly Cowboy & Chronicles of a Big Fat Yellow Bootay
518 · Aug 2015
more modern suburban hell
am i ee Aug 2015
over the creek and through the woods,
a mower roars to life

shattering sweet morning silence with
sounds of this manmade hell.

little homeowner
lazy little **** or *****,

is your little patch
of manicured green
so important a sign
to ruin this sweet morn?

keeping up with the neighbors
buying into this artificial life.

never are you seen out
sitting about
in your little-manicured world
of green.

pesticides and trimmers
blowers and mowers
how i turn my eye with disgusted scorn

at the destruction
your convoluted idea
of beauty
has brought.

earplugs firmly inserted
windows and doors tightly shut

still i can’t help
but to cry out,
"why can’t you just
shut the **** up?!"
516 · Jul 2015
Summer Morning & the Tao
am i ee Jul 2015
heron taking flight
alighting atop
a log
still, lean,
long, slender

bunny hopping
across the tire's path
near miss

cardinal, red
flying low
and near
impromptu surprise

two deer
in front of
riding me
velvet covered horns

across the street
and lazily
no rush

no where to go
no where to be
living the Tao
~ a Summer Morning  17 June 2015
515 · Oct 2015
am i ee Oct 2015
silence calling me i shall answer
6 words
514 · Oct 2015
cold rain
am i ee Oct 2015
cold dark rain softens mother Earth
6 words
507 · Sep 2015
Green Squatter
am i ee Sep 2015
Beautiful green fern,
you took up residence
in the empty planter
out back.

Coming up each spring,
Growing bigger each summer.

Don’t go yet...
Don’t die for the winter!

i am enjoying your lush green
company every day,
too much to be told.

Soothing balm to my eye,
Soothing balm to my soul.
504 · Jan 2016
lost & wandering
am i ee Jan 2016
sorrow nibbles at the edges of my heart
deep love transformed again
sharp shards of unbearable pain
pop up here and there
all goes on as always
death changes one
each and every loss
polishing edges...

who will i be when this
grieving wanes?
am i ee Sep 2015
i have a sweet gal,
but we don't

i  still luv her
but i can't call
to tell her,
so suddenly,
so silent.

i didn't go
anywhere lil darlin',
the reason you
never hear
from me anymore

'cause we talked
so long
all night
every night
the telephone,

i don't have
no more
minutes left.

my sweet
lil' gal
used up all my

and now i'm a
missing my gal,
every night
when i'm out a
drinkin' with
my pals

trying to drown
out that sorrow,

of not being able
to reach out to
her tomorrow,
to my sweet  
little gal.

that lil gal
she used up all
*of my minutes.
Part of the Manly Cowboy Collection
481 · Sep 2015
missiles & cowboys
am i ee Sep 2015
her ******* shorted out.
so she flung it across
the room
like a
shoulder launched
cruise missile.

there was a knock
at the door.

hastily pulled she,
her jeans up her legs  
about her *****,
wrapping long cardigan
about her for warm
as she went to the door.

opening it wide,
there stood
the most,
gorgeous hunk,
of a manly cowboy
her eyes were ever to see,
ever to set upon,
ever again.

"havin' a bit a trouble ma'am?"
"anything i can do to assist?"
asked he,
tipping his wide brimmed hat
so very

"why yes i am."
"and yes you may."
replied she.
"would you like to come in
and take a cup of tea
with me?"
The Very Beginning of The Manly Cowboy
480 · Feb 2016
morning... snowing
am i ee Feb 2016
waking to white falling
cold flakes
white & each unique

weariness plucks at my
another day?

another way?

serene beauty
balm to a restless

what are we here for?
is there ever an answer
that will stay?

shifting & changing
answers too.

motion & stillness
happy & sad
love & hate

only mother nature
feeds the soul
these days.

drawing back
drawing away
from the illusory play.

deep winter
don't leave me yet...
it has been too short.

i need such deep rest.

lingering in her dark

mother nature,
don't hurry
the sunlight.

plants asleep under
the ground
i sleep with you.

alone and still

so many wish
for spring

i'll stay here
in winter
again & again....
477 · Sep 2015
Big Fat Yellow Bootay
am i ee Sep 2015
you big fat bus!
with your big fat!
yellow bootay!
i say!
go on
get outta my way!
i say!
get outta my way!
school is starting soon....

The Very Beginning of the Big Fat Yellow Bootay
462 · Jan 2016
nocturnal fox
am i ee Jan 2016
was it you who visited
the yard the other day?

out in bright sunlight?

tonight you sit off
the side of the road

catching sight of you
my heart soars with

wild creature
you bring
nature and
all her healing
into my life

lost for many moons
and all the other
critters kept watch
over me


until i
would return
to all of you
the mad tectonic shifts seem to have abated...
life settles into new patterns
where will it go next?
am i ee Jan 2016
She said she liked my art
Except the paintings she didn’t understand
The abstracts
Except the ****** paintings
Except the paintings of women touching themselves
With glassy eyes, with fierce eyes
But she liked the rest.

Art, a spiritual pursuit
That takes energy, gives energy
Sometimes a trip into the unknown
Sometimes, but not always.

The grinding of light and dark
Male and female
Of love and anger
(And indifference, sadly)
The unreconciled, the out-of-balance.
The enlightened, the flashes of wisdom
That disappear over the horizon
Like a flock of ravens. Misanthropes all.
New work, new words, new insights
Bubble up from deep down in imaginary worlds.

Don’t mind the chaos
Creativity is chaos.
Nature isn’t what we want it to be
Nature lives by its own rules
The endless search
To claim little bits of sun energy
And the cycles of water
In search of the ocean
Yet again.

The creative force of nature
Chaotic, full of competition.
And destruction.
Of those things
Beautiful things are sometimes made.

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful,
We must carry it with us or we find it not.
    - Ralph Waldo Emerson
read this just now... loved it....
462 · Aug 2015
Little Neighbors
am i ee Aug 2015
Little cardinal builds her nest
     amidst the bush next
          to the house.

Eggs laid.

Two babies hatch.
          eyes closed tightly.

Day by day they grow,
     Cheeping to be fed.

Between one afternoon and the
     next morning, one

What happened to you
     little baby bird?

Where did you go?
     ebb and flow…
          life and death?…
456 · Feb 2016
cold cold night
am i ee Feb 2016
cold cold  night

how i love you

nothing more

but that
i said
456 · Feb 2016
who am i?
am i ee Feb 2016
i forget

deep at night
no one
no thing

deep bliss

i wake
in lila

who am i?
what am i?

i lose everything

they are me

are they afraid?

so violent?

i am ready to
give this
false life
for the
knowledge of
the ONE


please don't
crucify me

if you do
it matters not

the way of
the manifestation

who are YOU?

who am I???

or i  ???
no ego... i sure hope not.....
453 · Aug 2015
hooting at dusk...
am i ee Aug 2015
owl hoots
one lone hoot

owl hoots
four times
pausing long

a lost soul
comes back
time passes swiftly... 11
453 · Feb 2016
straying from The Way
am i ee Feb 2016
straying from The Way
disharmony ensues,
confusion arises.

caught in the forms,
spinning ever outward,
deep peace lost.

moving with the forms,
ever distracting.

following deer trails,
far from the roads and paths,
alone, in Silence....

The Way arises again.

it was never lost,
only obscured.

Returning to The Way...
heart settles...
mind stills...
peace prevails.
449 · Feb 2016
you me the poet
am i ee Feb 2016
the poet

we are

each other

your words
strike my heart

i never knew
the words
you share

i love you
in all your
all your

what a curious time
we spend on this plane

odd &&&&

well odd

we are one

times lost
times forgoten

my family....
i love you so

i miss you so

hard words
my heart is soft

i love you SO

the little furry

they are me
they are you

please don't hide
please don't
be so scared

please don't
so boxed

open up
to the ALL

and you
who might be
the familiy


for we are ALL


embrace ALL

for we are the ONE

blah  blah blah
will it ever end?
449 · Jan 2016
i love the winter night
am i ee Jan 2016
a few hours tucked under
Egyptian cotton white sheets
fluffy duvet
and fur coats
doubling as blankets

waking on a cold, cold
winter night
hot tea for warmth
legs tucked under

crossed in prepaation for
silent reflection
for silence

clouds obscuring the
bright stars and
moon's radiant light
of earlier

always a struggle
stay up with the night?
go to bed with the
stuffed animals?

these night's feel
desperately empty
without the soft breath
the soft snores
the soft padding of
little puppyhead

imbibed waaaaay
too much red vino
the other evening
watching Downton Abbey

drowning sorrow?
or simply quaffing
great red wine at the
pace of a thirsty being,
lapping and gulping
quickly and greedily

my guess is the latter
a bulk of drinking issues
stem from the pace of consumption

later that night,
startled awake by
uncomfortable tummy

crawled onto the deck
and hurled with
great gusto
wine and food

sweet memories flooding
this mind..
reminded of many a night
the sweet puppyheads
did the same

Ah... the sweet freedom
a good throw up brings

the goddesses and gods
taking pity upon
this suffering sad soul
reprised the moment
again later that night

crawling out onto cold
frozen wood
magnificent stars
the vast heaven above
looking down
smiling and laughing
stars twinkling with delight

hurling away
laughing at it so
in the midst,
feeling so close to
my sweet puppyheads
as i did

the little things
the quirky things
that make us laugh
that bring great
peace to our soul

what a blessing from
heaven to find myself
out in the yard
on all fours
on a gorgeous winter night
feeling so close to those
i miss so

don't ever stop laughing....
and crying....

you'll short your system out
and then you WILL have real
trouble on your hands.....
later the next day... a fox wandered up to the deck and took to eating the *****... my my what hilarious juxtapositions the divine provides... and that was one skinny little mangy fox that came calling.... i did put out some good left over meat later, not partially predigested this time....
even now peals of laughter ring out... still missing my puppyheads but now it is time to wander off wander out into the night.......
am i ee Sep 2015
Hey you!



i say,
somebody out there
likes my Big Fat Yellow Bootay!

and here
is what

"Oh, the big fat bus
with big fat yellow bootay
always makes my day."


i say!

have yourself,

big bootay!
one fine day!
hey, hey, hey....

...The Big Fat Yellow Bootay gives a wave of thanks
and gits going on her way....
i say!  the wave of thanks goes out to Joseph Red Hawk for sending me my very first fan mail!  ~ yours truly, The Big Fat Yellow Bootay

and if you have a hankerin' to read from the beginning... see the Collections,  The Manly Cowboy & Chronicles of a Big Fat Yellow Bootay
am i ee Sep 2015
hey you!
yeah you!

i say,

i want to create
a collection
called '******* gems'
because of this poem.

i LOVE that phrase!

so i say,
or said to me,

i shall ask your advice.
kind reader,
will that offend?

... i'm thinking it will,
... so i best not.  
what do YOU think kind reader?
should i?
should i not?  

i guess the requirement
to join the club would be
that the piece must contain
at least
one time,
my favorite
******* word.

so i say!
what do

OH and just thought
it must be nice
or funny
or nice & funny!

oh and

no icky works
will be accepted.

read the gem
from which
the collection wishes
to spring.

eagerly awaiting your
your friend,
i hope,
the big fat bus
with the Big Fat Yellow Bootay.

(oooo... should i edit that to read
with my favorite word in between
Fat & Yellow?)

i bid you adieu,
sweet quiet morning to you,
kind reader...

...have adventures ahead
between now
and next time we meet.

that puppyhead needs her a walkin...
and you are seeing what treasures those net
each morning.

someone somewhere must
brush teeth,
scrape tongue

... ah ****,* i best make this a morning piece
and you kin read it thar,
so here it is.

* and NO, that was not written to mean
and poo!
as part of the morning constitutional.
it was an exclamation...
explaining is exhausting...
from the whole gang MC, BFB with the BFYB, PH, LAN

and seriously,  it is a serious question... do not delay taking pen to paper, i shall read each and every reply!  thank 'e much!
am i ee Jan 2016
little creatures
i hear you
moving around
behind the wall

are you warm?
are you well fed?
do you have little friends
to play with
to party with?

your little scratching
little paws padding
here and there
keeping me company
these long dark nights

may i ask one small favor please?
please don't chew on the wires
it costs me money for repairs

and it might just cost you your life!

be safe little mouse... don't chew up this house!
439 · Sep 2015
here's looking at you kid
am i ee Sep 2015
i never drank to get drunk
but at times
i got drunk as i drank.

wondering why i drank...
i recall
a friend who never saw 44 at all.

Ft Lauderdale spring break
so pretty and sweet and petite
who could have ever seen
what a few
would eventually do
to you.

at least 3 rehabs
Betty Ford counting among them
you recounted how many
spoke of all the chardonnay
that finally got 'em.

at times i envied your easy life
or so it seemed.
new home,
new sheets and towels
bright white carpet and all.

successful husband
diamond jewelry
art on the wall
mercedes benz
and money too.

no worries about bills
to pay
jobs to get
love to find.

but i liked your VW beetle much better
and your painter's pants on you,
so chic and popular at the time.
your so sweet a nature
honest and true
generous and all.

blonde and adorable
the years took their toll.

i never knew the pain
you were going through,
you never told.

what an education
you did give,
when finally you
where you had gone,
where you had been.

tales of hidden bottles,
drinking on the sly,
hiding and covering
all of the lies.

the cops couldn't believe,
you could still be alive,
with a blood alcohol level
of 4 point 0.

how we grow strong,
build up the tolerances,
until they amaze and astound
each and even every one of us.

the years and the glasses,
caught up with you,
the first place you begin to bleed,
or so i learned,
when your liver goes  
and starts to harden
and your blood can't flow,
is through your neck and throat.

blood transfusions,
helped for awhile,
then one night.........

well one night...
that was all.

a cautionary tale...
for all you college bound...
you never know which one of you will be the one...
who never sees your next sun
the next sun's light.
inspired by Derek Devereaux Smith's 2015 Wine Party.  Derek's piece scratched at an old memory... his is sweet and moving and fraught with possibilities and hope.. and somehow it pulled me into thinking of someone i knew and loved.  in memory of my sweet and beautiful and talented suffering college friend.  you are always remembered & i shall see you ... hmm perhaps fairly soon.
am i ee Sep 2015
dark cool morning,
just now, just this Fall,
early gentle rain falls.

stepping onto wooden deck,
the souls of these feet are,
thirst quenched,
by you
oh, beautiful,
gentle rain!
435 · Jan 2022
am i ee Jan 2022
93, 94, 95

watching the obituaries
when will it come?

for the one I love?

the one who gave
birth to me?

years flow by

ups and downs
so many forgotten.

tears and fears
washed away by time.

silently we sit,

and perhaps
for all of time.
435 · Aug 2015
tiny toad
am i ee Aug 2015
little toad
no larger than
a fingernail.

perfectly camouflaged,
until you jump!
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