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Alyssa Aug 2015
Said you'd always be white blood
Be there for me when things got tough
But things got tough and you ran
Ran farther away than the sun

And now I'm left caged in my mind
Wondering if you'll ever come back
Seeing your car pulling away
In my mind I replay

I need you right here with me
But you don't think you can handle that
If you can't, then go
Stay where you are

I can't do this alone
But it looks like I have to
This is about me, just came to mind randomly
Alyssa Aug 2015
feeling like I'm at the bottom of the ocean floor
Sitting in sand and waves roll above me
Listening to crashing and clanging of water
Thinking that I am not where I should be

The present is a very strange place to be
You cannot look back or forward
Without overthinking or worrying
Why do we all struggle with this?

I wish I could breathe easier
And think more clearly
But one day I know it will happen
And all of the pain will be worth it
Alyssa Apr 2015
Change is in the air
Unfamiliar faces
Fear sinks in
And whispers quietly

"You cannot do this"
"You shall not succeed"
Nothing is the way it was
You want it all back

Change is frightening
And overwhelming
But it shall not be feared
It can bring amazing things

Things never imagined
The world's unseen
Alyssa Apr 2015
Drinking the last glass
Sipping on our love affair
I swear it's like you
Are from another world

Bubbles floating up
I wish fate would save me
And love wasn't hard
Faith is all we really have

But shadows follow
Creeping up on me
Haunting my thoughts
Breaking my heart

I try to let them go
Shake them off
They are strong
But, I am stronger
#strength #thoughts #poems #heart
Alyssa Apr 2015
Dawn is breaking
The sun is engulfing the sky
Oh, I feel alive today
I hope this is forever

Forever is a funny word
Really there is no way
We say we will be there
But, we find a way to break that

Im thinking about our kiss
The tenderness and purity
Your laugh melts me
And your spirit takes my breath away

Today can be a good day.
#poems #thoughts #forever
Alyssa Apr 2015
The ring on her finger
Means she is not available
But, really she is
Cuz he's not here anymore

War is the cause of
Her heart is shattered
and her body aches

How is it fair to lose my love?
He was so young
He was so capable
This doesn't make sense

Oh, darling
Love never makes any sense
#poem #sad
Alyssa Apr 2015
It's true
I crave you
Your words
Your walk

Head to toe
Your soul's enticing
I am not afraid
of the unknown

Come or go
Leave or stay
No matter what
Your presence is a masterpiece.
#poems #poetry
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