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 Jun 2015 Alexis
She lives for the mornings
when all is beginnings
She lives for the evenings
when all is endings

She slogs through her
no words rhyme
no lover comes,
her morning songs are sung
in baptismal
daily showers,
her dreams are
strewn in patterns
on curtains
in warm night winds blowing,
she sings again when the

Her mornings are
Her nights are
Her games are
played at noon.

If she looks you straight in the
you'll know too soon,
She knows everything about you.

Her words will
come when they are ready,
Her beginnings are short
Her endings are long
like the night

Lady of the morning
Lady of the night
I will be beside you
when you finally decide
to take flight.

Light and darkness
while in her day
she pretends
she moves along
her own way.
There once was a mime
Who committed a crime
He spoke just one time

But people out for a walk
They heard him talk
Down by the corn stalk

Then the mayor said
We will make him dead
Off with his head

He ran as fast as he could
The mime knew he would
Be killed if he should

He came across a fairy
Her name was Little Mary
She smelt of strawberry

Silently, he started to cry
The fairy wondered why
People wanted him to die

She took his hand
But he could understand
It was time for another land

The mime was never found
For he lives under the ground
Where he never makes a sound
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
 Oct 2014 Alexis
Sad Girl
Mess of me
 Oct 2014 Alexis
Sad Girl
I always give in. I can express one thing to him and then act on another just because I don't want him to hurt or feel unwanted. I don't know what to do, I am constantly at war with myself. He is too sweet, I can be quite sour. Public displays of affection make me feel uncomfortable. I am just so weird and he is way too normal, he wants to call me baby. The moments become soiled and I start to recoil.  He treats me like his girlfriend and I just want to be his friend. He wants to settle down, I want to ***** around. He wants to hold my hand and I want him to hold my throat. I try to tell him that we are not right, but I look at his face and see his pain and loneliness- my heart breaks for him every time. He tries to hold me tight and I am often out of fight. What ever am I going to do? I've let love make a mess of me.
 Feb 2013 Alexis
Diamond Dahl
(This is the second installment of a two part piece. Please read first Cut Apart.)*
He takes up a needle
Threaded with a glimmering strand of surety
Pierces my pink flesh, tender,
already thrumming with awareness
Following my self-otomy,
I would not have thought
to feel any more pain
But there it is
Slight, though
And a relief each time
he pulls the wounds closed
I observe the first sutures,
calmed by his confidence
He hands me the needle
I can't expect someone else to do all the healing
I pull the thread taut
We alternate for a while,
him piercing, me nipping
And then, before I pinch another hurt closed,
I reach in to extract the dead bits of my soul,
blackened with disuse
Refuse now,
no need to carry these within me
I am now devoted to my task
Bruises fading already
Some gashes will forever remain a softer pink testament
to true traumas
But no more concern if I will heal properly,
no thought of chronic infection
I have been forced to analyze my frayed heartstrings
Some scars I bear, but as I am stitched up
I become my own inoculation
My soul's surgeon
10 Feb 2013
See first: Cut Apart
 Feb 2013 Alexis
Miss Misery
Trying to make myself disappear
through the sweat and pain,
so there's less of me to hate.
 Mar 2011 Alexis
I swear it was moonlit
When I felt like ****

I did something wrong,
Yet I tried to stay strong

It was under the stars,
That I bore these scars

I felt it started out nice,
But who knew that I'd be left in the cold ice?

A voice from flickering air,
It simply left me bare.

I said: "I like you,
I want to know you"

I waited. And finally the message came.
Immediately, I felt more pathetic than lame

Bullet-like words struck my heart
wonderfully like a brilliant piece of art.

So my life, it just stopped then.
It'd be a failure to count to ten.
So yet again, I'll just pick up my pen:
"I know I'll never see you again"
Xilhouette © 2011 . A continuation of "I Wish..."

— The End —