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468 · Oct 2023
am i not good enough
fox Oct 2023
i may have you chained in my orbit
and i'll never let you go
but i know you'll still miss the sun
485,000,000 miles away
inverse cube law reducing
the light to nothing
yet still warmer than anything
you'll find here on europa.
and who knows if there's life
or it's just ice
all the way down
for kilometers
and she's so cruel
but still so kind; in comparison
negentropy, a spark of light
better than anything you'll find
in this frozen wasteland of my mind
better than minus 210 degrees fahrenheit
desolate ocean, planet's end
and i know you'd rather feel the warmth
of a distant sun; always better
than anything
you'd find
on europa
377 · Oct 2023
for my nocturne
fox Oct 2023
i am looking at you for the sake of looking,
because we are playing hide and seek with tired eyes
and your beauty is that which i want to savour;
until you are gone again, elusive nocturne evaporating
through the gaps of my interlocked hands,
gone before i can take another breath.
268 · Apr 7
poplar st
fox Apr 7
there is teeth, that i have, and there is marrow, which i do not,
because when we slaughter this year's chickens in preparation for a feast we will eat all of it,
just like you have taken my bones and emptied them,
you do not have teeth, resigned to suckle ,
i wish i was free of taint, there is teeth, that i have, and i wished i had ,had the nerve to bite back,
because there is only the remnants of a proboscis eating my marrow,
i was groomed as a child
208 · Oct 2023
fox Oct 2023
she says e7. a pawn opens the door for her queenliness.
over by the counter, a tower sighs into the wind
her order of starbucks coffee. he says a3
she playfully tilts her spoon of sunlit konjac jelly
to his lips. over by the bishops they are discussing
a door to hell. one says to put up a blockade
and a pawn glares in their general direction
she shakes her head and says d4. he accepts
and asks about distant, far removed things
like parental approval and the efficacy of
work home commute. she says she doesn’t mind.
enough to still offer an open door to the rest of her life.
he holds open the door. she gives him a kiss
with a fresh coat of lipstick twenty paces down
the street in return. she hits her shoulder on the
elevator door when they leave for the night and she
will touch that bruise in three days time in the shower
in the morning she gives him a key and an
address; square a5. it’s an invitation that he
doesn’t take, a doorway he doesn’t go through
again. but he’s always the first to look at her
instagram stories after that. she finds herself
waiting on the sofa that faces the door on
alcohol-lulled nights but to no avail.
169 · Oct 2023
how do robots fuck lmao
fox Oct 2023
(sexting) i thought of holding your hand for hours today
164 · Oct 2023
another untitled poem
fox Oct 2023
and i would lay down the world at your feet
but there is nothing that is worth anything
close to you. lay down with me on rain soaked
concrete, let us dream of distant sunrises
press your tongue to the pavement and let
the world dissolve like an oversized pill
as though it would cure the ache of matters
relating to the heart.
i heard a song that sounded like it was through
an old record player. and it said that it was
worth giving your whole heart away
than to keep it forever cold and sheltered
i thought of you then, how precarious your grip,
blood soaked hands clutching at an ending not
meant for us.
arteries that dilate as pupils do
due to proximity, due to epidermal ridges
pressed against each other so tightly,
together in lockstep, forever and ever
as though you would fall if i let you go.
149 · Oct 2023
untitled love poem
fox Oct 2023
and you are
steel neon lights
cold city nights
dizzying in your magnetism
and you are something
not quite from
this reality
the world is a little too bright
when you're around
and i think about you too late at night
and too early in the morning
nails sinking in flesh
and scratching bone
i want you too close
and i need you to say
you're mine
just in case
i am mistaken
because the world is a little too bright
a little too saturated for safety
and i'm dragged along in your wake
and i'm afraid i'll love a little softer when you're gone
heart forever missing a piece
fox May 24
god are you there? please talk to me


i might be schizophrenic but i can hear the powerlines hum all night
they are the innards of angels strung out a thousand miles long

— The End —