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May 2015 · 571
All Hearts Attack
Sethnicity May 2015
I am the hunted
A ******* of Love
One day I'm Vivid
the next I'm livid w/ Fog

Wind Blows Me like ringing or tapping the Window
Spreading my scent as I went for the Doe
Unfurling on decent a Swirling my ear
Blood Curling Heart Whirling at Demons eye Stare...

No guessing No blessing these Vixens prepare
All Beasting fore Feasting I'm Preying four Hast
Come quickly Come gently Come Clawing with Grace
One Tempting One limping metallic's the taste.

Their appetite is Lusting awaiting my space
They’re shady, I'm hasty, WHY make me thyne date?
You know me You owe me the Pleasure to wait.

They'll **** me Quite harshly if I acquiesce, so
No Screeching Now Reaching My Blood Trail they trust

I shiver I quiver my Heart Breaks to run
F'in Hate or in Love I'm turning the Gun

I'm burning the forest the trail goes untracked
when hearts stop I'm unlocked there's no turning  back

Universally   Speaking
" a woodland waltz composed of meter and passion best enjoyed with Red Hot Chili peppers and Elliot Smith at evening round Seven... "
Sethnicity May 2015
I retry
Backside Pen Slide
Lyrics spirits quips glide
Elbows Shins Blood Blot Dried
When Wind Blows Wicked Words Rise
Idioms Soul Grind Infinite rails Applied
Thoughts Ollie Pop Manual quill Pipe bomb
Ultra Stick Ink Drips 360 Plot Shov-it Twist
Push Kick I Pedal Prose Skate Tricks, Morphemes Stick.
Perpetual Pendulums Prop People to Place Peckers in Potato Grits

Times Up!
this is how I land A "10 Set" Bomb.
Experimenting with new structures.
Kick-Flip to Fakie Lyrical 180.
May 2015 · 709
Utt, oh it's magic.
Sethnicity May 2015
What's uut man?

My snake tipped legs and iceberg froze fade languish in the shade. Tell a mother how her bush should bloom, Gathered all the rose peddles and released them to the desert air, when I rise Pillsbury dew drops tip tap clatter back. I already know what love is. Hearts tide to a string. You can call me Duncan. They call me South of no North. My gift of gab was extrapolated from Teddy Ruxpin's jugular and drug through a Chinese sweatshop. I hung my cords out on the line. They hardened into a sharp blade used for doe hunting. Try ice skating uphill while not breaking a sweat. Pull the plug from the speaker steal the mic and jet. Will mount Olympus faction my fold? Nevermore, well maybe once but I'm so straight and narrow their knees are like maze portals to me. Take a swig from the medication station. Don't stay to long or you may like what you have become too me. No worries; Uutt, oh it's magic.
Uut (n.): an infectious strain of contemporary American surrealism; a practitioner of Uut poetics; a cloven-hoofed quadruped with nautical antlers

Super metaphoric symbolism pulled from the monotony of our absentminded society.
May 2015 · 846
Tall glass of Wine
Sethnicity May 2015
The long and tempered draped in threads black and red.
I heard your song before I could hear you sing
So many souls in one voice so many tones of toil
How many nights did they string out your glory cured on black oil?
So Slip the jab when lights flicker fast
you beat them down to the streets
they tried to beat you with the side-speak
It's okay, we got records and you got tender
when the tables turned you dished out what we blendered
Your record was played louder than the rest
our money was your mind ******
Bitter in jest like mothers media mess
cinderElla your dress dismantle moments
That were meant for no one but Frank

I take another listen while my love does crank
A slow grind, it goes well with what I drank  
That autumn wine house is the sugar in my Bowl, Tank!
No substitute for Contralto diction, a heart shank
So I come crawling back to you like pulp fiction
We love our ***** drugs *** and musical afflictions  
I'm sure you were watching when MJ took it all the way,
thinkin' Who cares if I burn out or fade away
Can't be leave you beat me to the punch
27 was my aim but got distracted by the day to day
guess you never got that time
but now you'll get plenty out of mind

Take your time you tall glass of wine
fly away at 33 revolutions per meters per Second
Those Seconds Squared as over time come paired
rest your vibrato on the drums of my ear
and lay your diaphragm on the beat of my heart
I'll give them the finger for questioning your part!
I'll give them a humdinger for the hell of your art!
you beat me to the punch you goddess of clubs
So I live to carry your tune and fade away sweetly to the tomb
We'll never say goodbye with words
***'s your vibrations synchronize my palpitations
Invisible meanings shared between nouns and verbs
We say love is blind... Could it really be that absurd?
This ones for you Amy.
May 2015 · 1.1k
Boom a Rang
Sethnicity May 2015
Off guard on duty the snowflake knew time to waste
Its unknowing decent cataract rapid acidic proletariat
Less than perspicacious a red hand to the case,
No longer judicious a domino race

My words are **** ashes fertilizing the world wide wind
More of us make less of them
but they bombastic at the power within
We all possess the power to sin

Tell me something true as I lament the news.
Billie war Holidays sing song me the blues
Hands shoot in the air guns clap on the beat
Future sigh in despair old vote with their feet
Factors of fear multiplied without receipt
So you can't exchange the Unknown for something concrete.
Afraid for our lives while we wither away humanity
circumventing diaspora in the name of the low and no holds bar

The cross exam I mag I nation
no accountability when
Severing and Projecting
The streets.

Is all pomp and circumstance  
Ignorance in defeat?
because American apathy is a golden gutter
lining the highways of hope and justice.

The great black hope
driven to equivocal ends
The magisterial mountain way
Waved inundation of political bends

There are no u turns OK
home of the straight and narrow
Wed with the freedom ring
Blistered by the oil we use to butter bread

what can we say we
learned from the best
it's intoxicated
intercontinental intelligence

One man's pain is another man's pleasure.
By what other means can we rationalize and measure?
I didn't make the rules We did
Don't just vote cut throat

Over calculated the complexity of human habit
by underestimating the simplicity of evol u tion.
Chopped and ******* time over and over waited
ya head hangs low Soci ally Osc illated

So heavy   it's a wonder
these words  don't    black hole
through   gravity  and bull licks
baby daddy bell tolls

He would bend Time
taking mother place
to place
paycheck to paycheck

Hindu prayer cloths

Hailing  uncle Sam  and  the oil man
2 lend a hand,     job,     or a plan
**** only getting noticed

by the
under educated yet
over- privileged
college dropout

offering tea and sympathy
cause limping ain't easy,
and    systemic negligence
is   public enemy   # 1...

The only explosion
to fear is the sun.
We are **** dust
in the lung

When all is said and dung,
All lives matter
like helium
and radon

Exp  lo ding  in Uni son
Sys tem Ic  Ra ce Ism
Eyes hyper-focused on the finger
and the wind cried boom a rung
I write because I read, I read to get it right, Reed into everything my friend.
Consider the cascading of events that brings us back around again and again...
Mad at the piper but the cause is forgotten in the effects.
May 2015 · 3.6k
Cream Nicotine
Sethnicity May 2015
She is My cream nicotine
Surging through our blues
The fluidity of divinity
Whoever said love was easy…

Yeah 'Ol Chap, they Sure had it right,
Because no man or lady can ever Subtract
Once their hue has mixed it can never go back.
2 Whipped Cream and Other Delights.

And why would you?
The dregs are bitter,
The milk too sweet.
If you water it down then
All flavor retreats

Life is just better off Bitter-Sweet,
Cream never asks coffee
On how it should mix
Why do we attempt these liquid alchemy tricks?

The intrusion is dilution of the Makers choice
Through imperfection comes the lesson
Learned perception with each sip

The air red dried truth
Words stuck to the lips
Tasters Digest the last drink drips
Yet I question why I am so subject
to infusion
Her meaningful quips
Why we attempt these liquid alchemy tricks?

Still I question why I am so subject
to the infusion of Her
Sometimes I call it Love
Sometimes I call it Quits
For You My Dear

Let's Cheers Another Grip
Seared Buds and Belly Aches
Lactose Licorice
Pour Another! while the Argument still in Air
While Dilutions of gratification Grind into Frothy Despair
Final Stanza redacted for more of a cream and grit flavor: "While
My **** and Meatballs Crow in the Cupboard."
May 2015 · 919
Time is a Healer
Sethnicity May 2015
They say time heals all wounds and quite often I agree/ yet some can tanker ous uneven eternity/ The buffer of shock waves they ebb and rise unceasingly/ The sun rays wind rain earthquakes weather is me, uneasily.

Yay my legs have sea come custom to storm after storm/ I for one have grown weary of water tho running comes easily/
So I retracted an iron heart East seeking warm understanding.

Time is a healer but in a water world all wounds bleed into the ocean/ silence will keep salt off the tongue but will not spare the flesh/ Even with an iron heart held high and to the side we hobble and wobble none the less.

What is truly needed is a seamed shore line/ to rest towards the west, digest the sunsetty passing/ to release my cast iron heart into soft earth/ so that I remember from where I came and observe how much we have changed.

I have feared the setting sun long enough/I will build a bridge from sea solitude to land understanding. We have come a long way through a space time ether. All things are better together and time is a healer.

— The End —